Definition of y-pipe in English English dictionary
- anonymous pipe
- A simplex FIFO communication channel that may be used for one-way interprocess communication
- boatswain's pipe
- a whistle, previously used by boatswain's mates to pipe orders throughout a ship; now used for the ceremonial piping onboard of visiting dignitaries
- churchwarden pipe
- a tobacco pipe with a long, curved stem
- crack pipe
- Any pipe used for smoking crack cocaine
- crack-pipe
- An object (usually made of glass) used for smoking crack cocaine, a cheap type of cocaine, usually in rock form
- drainage pipe
- conduit for the removal of water or waste water
- dutchman's pipe
- night blooming cereus, Epiphyllum oxypetalum
- dutchman's pipe
- yellow bird's-nest or pinesap, Monotropa hypopitys
- dutchman's pipe
- Plants of the genus Aristolochia
- exhaust pipe
- For internal combustion engines, the pipe that vents waste gases from the engine
- food pipe
- The esophagus/oesophagus
- half-pipe
- A structure used to perform tricks, approximately semicircular in cross-section, resembling the bottom half of a cylinder laying down
- lay the pipe
- To have penetrative sex with a woman
- lead-pipe cinch
- A cinch; something very easy
- named pipe
- An extension to the anonymous pipe concept on Unix and Unix-like systems, used for interprocess communication
- organ pipe
- An organ pipe cactus
- organ pipe
- A tuned metal or wooden tube connected mechanically or electrically to an organ console
- organ pipe cacti
- plural form of organ pipe cactus
- organ pipe cactus
- A cactus (family Cactaceae), Stenocereus thurberi, widespread in Mexico, but in the United States, found only at , so named because of its resemblance to organ pipes
- organ pipe cactuses
- plural form of organ pipe cactus
- peace pipe
- a pipe smoked in certain Native American cultures that symbolizes peace among those who smoke it, and among whom it is passed around from person to person
- pipe
- A rigid tube that transports water, steam, or other fluid, as used in plumbing and numerous other applications
- pipe
- To install or configure with pipes
- pipe
- A hollow tube used to produce sound, such as an organ pipe
- pipe
- To decorate (a cake) using a pastry bag, a flexible bag from which icing is forced through a small nozzle to make various designs
This means a quantity of runouts can be made in advance, allowing more time to flat ice and pipe the cake.
- pipe
- An English measure of capacity for liquids, containing 126 wine gallons; half a tun
- pipe
- To dab away moisture from
Our chimney was a square hole in the roof: it was but a little part of the smoke that found its way out, and the rest eddied about the house, and kept us coughing and piping the eye.
- pipe
- Decorative edging stitched to the hems or seams of an object made of fabric (clothing, hats, pillows, curtains, etc.); often a contrasting color
- pipe
- A mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another by sending its output to the other as input
- pipe
- To decorate with piping
- pipe
- To signal or order by a note pattern on a bosun's pipe
- pipe
- A vertical conduit through the Earth's crust below a volcano, through which magma has passed; often filled with volcanic breccia
- pipe
- A hollow stem with bowl at one end used for smoking, especially a tobacco pipe but also including various other forms such as a water pipe
- pipe
- An anonymous satire or essay, insulting and frequently libelous, written on a piece of paper and left somewhere public where it could be found and thus spread, to embarrass the author's enemies
1818: yet, it is much to be hoped, that from his example pipe-making will in future be reposed solely in the hands of Mr. William Cluer of the Brickfield Hill. — Sydney Gazette, 26 September 1818, on William Bland convicted of libelling Governor Macquarie in a pipe (William Cluer was an earthenware pipe manufacturer). Quoted in More Pig Bites Baby! Stories from Australia's First Newspaper, volume 2, ed. Micahel Connor, Duffy and Snellgrove, 2004, ISBN 1-876631-91-0.
- pipe
- To play music on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe
- pipe
- A type of pasta, similar to macaroni
- pipe
- A wind instrument making a whistling sound. (see pan pipes, bagpipe, boatswain's pipe)
- pipe
- To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes
- pipe
- To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission
- pipe
- To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program by use of the pipe character
- pipe
- To shout loudly
Ar-cher! Ja-cob! Johnny piped after her, pivoting round on his heel.
- pipe
- One of the goalposts of the goal
- pipe
- A data backbone, or broadband Internet access
A fat pipe is a high-bandwidth connection.
- pipe
- The character |
- pipe bomb
- an improvised explosive device consisting of blasting powder encased in a metal pipe to increase the blast effect
- pipe bombs
- plural form of pipe bomb
- pipe cleaner
- A piece of flexible wire in which tufted fabric is twisted and which is used to clean out the stem of a tobacco pipe or other narrow tube
- pipe cleaners
- plural form of pipe cleaner
- pipe down
- To be quiet; to refrain from being noisy
Pipe down kids, I'm trying to work.
- pipe dream
- A plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility
I think his plan to become a professional athlete is a pipe dream and he should stay in school.
- pipe dreams
- plural form of pipe dream
- pipe organ
- The largest of all musical instruments, played from an organ console which produces its sound by sending air through whistles and/or reeds called organ pipes, by direct mechanical action, or modernly, electrically
- pipe organs
- plural form of pipe organ
- pipe tong
- A tool that uses scissors action to exert pressure on a pipe or other cylindrical object in order to lift or handle the object. Normally used with a crane or other power equipment
- pipe tong
- A hand tool consisting of a lever that ends in a toothed surface and an attached chain or strap. In use, the pipe is squeezed between the chain and the teeth, thus gripping the pipe. This version is used more for threading pipe sections together
- pipe tongs
- plural form of pipe tong
- pipe up
- To begin to blow more vigorously
Once, for ten minutes, the sun shone at midday, and ten minutes afterward a new gale was piping up.
- pipe up
- To call, awaken, or summon, as with a musical instrument
Yet beyond turning my blood cold for a moment, it gave me little trouble, for evil tales have hung about the church; and though I did not set much store by the old yarns of Blackbeard piping up his crew, yet I thought strange things might well go on among the graves at night. And so I never budged, nor stirred hand or foot to save a fellow-creature in his agony.
- pipe up
- To speak up, especially in a robust, assertive manner
You seem to have a lot to say, remarked Silver, spitting far into the air. Pipe up and let me hear it, or lay to..
- pipe up
- To being singing or playing musical notes on a pipe or similar wind instrument
But presently the gray dawn stole over the world, the birds piped up, then the sun rose and poured light and comfort all around.
- pipe wrench
- An adjustable wrench (British spanner) with a toothed jaw for gripping pipe, frequently used by a plumber or pipe fitter, to loosen and tighten pipes with threaded connections
- pipe wrenches
- plural form of pipe wrench
- pipe-opener
- A device for putting a hole in a pipe
- pipe-opener
- A device or mechanism for clearing obstructions in a pipe
- pipe-opener
- An example that serves as an introduction
There is just no way to experience these pieces by looking from the outside, or in photos or on video: the initial view of them from the balcony above the Arcelor gallery is impressively dramatic, yet it's the merest pipe-opener to what unfolds close up and at floor level.
- pipe-opener
- A brisk walk or other aerobic exercise; a constitutional
- pipe-opener
- A practice event; a warm-up
I would rather have the horse fit by the week-end preceding the three-day event and then, apart from a good sharp two-furlong pipe-opener after the dressage test before cross-country day, only do slow but interesting work, if necessary for long periods if the horse has an excitable temperament.
- pitch pipe
- A device much like a harmonica, used to supply a sought pitch
- put that in your pipe and smoke it
- Used after stating something surprising or undesired, to emphasize its truth. Also used after refuting an argument. Sometimes an adjective is inserted before pipe
There's plenty of room for improvement in it, I don't deny; but it's my belief, Snap, if you was to try to do some of the improvement, you'd find you'd such a lot to do in your own self that you'd begin to doubt whether you was quite a proper judge about other folk's badness. Put that in your pipe, old boy, and smoke it. Good night, Snap; we'll be going now, sir, if it's convenient..
- quail pipe
- A device used to imitate the sound of quails
- quail-pipe
- A woman's tongue
- quail-pipe
- Of or relating to a quail pipe
- quail-pipe
- Alternative spelling of quail pipe
- quarter-pipe
- A structure used to perform tricks, approximately half the size of a half-pipe
- soil pipe
- A pipe that carries off liquid wastes from a toilet
- stick that in your pipe and smoke it
- Alternative form of put that in your pipe and smoke it
- stopped pipe
- A pipe organ tube with a uniform diameter, one closed end and one open end. A stopped pipe makes the same note as an open pipe of the same length
- tobacco pipe
- A small, hand-held device consisting in its simplest form of a bowl and stem; used for inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco
- twire-pipe
- A pipe through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge; a tuyere
- uilleann pipe
- Singular of uilleann pipes, (normally used in plural)
- waste pipe
- a pipe that carries off liquid waste; a drain or drainpipe
- water pipe
- A device for smoking, such as a hookah or bong, in which the smoke is drawn through a container of water before inhaling
- water pipe
- A pipe that is a conduit for water; an essential element of plumbing
- pipe
- {v} to play on a pipe, play, cry, whine, moan
- pipe
- {n} a tube, musical instrument, a hogshead
- pipe-rack
- (Havacılık) A rack for holding tobacco pipes
- water pipe
- A bong, also commonly known as a water pipe, is a smoking device, generally used to smoke marijuana and tobacco, but also other substances. The construction of a bong and its principle of action is similar to that of the hookah, which is also called "water pipe". Smoking a bong contrasts with smoking a pipe or cigarette in two major ways: bongs cool the smoke before it enters the user’s lungs (making it easier to smoke), and a large amount of smoke is inhaled quickly as opposed to the smaller, more frequent, inhalations of pipe and cigarette smoking