written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content

listen to the pronunciation of written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content
English - English

I had already concluded that not one of my writings was publishable, having myself analyzed the faults of my belletristic production.

written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content


    writ·ten or ap·pre·ci·a·ted for aes·thet·ic val·ue rath·er than con·tent

    Turkish pronunciation

    rîtın ır ıprişieytîd fôr esthetîk välyu rädhır dhın kıntent


    /ˈrətən ər əˈprēsʜēˌātəd ˈfôr esˈᴛʜetək ˈvalyo͞o ˈraᴛʜər ᴛʜən kənˈtent/ /ˈrɪtən ɜr əˈpriːʃiːˌeɪtɪd ˈfɔːr ɛsˈθɛtɪk ˈvæljuː ˈræðɜr ðən kənˈtɛnt/