with respect to syntax

listen to the pronunciation of with respect to syntax
English - Turkish

Definition of with respect to syntax in English Turkish dictionary

with respect to

Bu cümleler zamana göre farklı. - These sentences only differ with respect to tense.

with respect to
-e göre
with respect to

Bu belgeler konusunda, sanırım en iyi şey onları yok etmektir. - With respect to these documents, I think the best thing is to destroy them.

with respect to
with respect to
with respect to
ile ilgili
with respect to
ile ilgli olarak
with respect to
e göre
with respect to
ile ilgili olarak
with respect to
with respect to
-e gelince
with respect to
ilgili olarak
English - English

Definition of with respect to syntax in English English dictionary

with respect to
Regarding; concerning; pertaining to
with respect to
{a} touching
with respect to
concerning, with regards to, regarding
with respect to syntax


    with re·spect to syn·tax

    Turkish pronunciation

    wîdh rispekt tı sîntäks


    /wəᴛʜ rēˈspekt tə ˈsənˌtaks/ /wɪð riːˈspɛkt tə ˈsɪnˌtæks/