with regard to strategy

listen to the pronunciation of with regard to strategy
English - Turkish

Definition of with regard to strategy in English Turkish dictionary

with regard to
ile ilgili olarak

Bu konu ile ilgili olarak söyleyeceğin bir şey var mı? - Do you have anything to say with regard to this matter?

with regard to
with regard to
e göre
with regard to

Yeni plan hakkında seninle aynı düşüncede değilim. - I can't agree with you with regard to the new plan.

with regard to
with regard to
with regard to

Bu konu ile ilgili olarak söyleyeceğin bir şey var mı? - Do you have anything to say with regard to this matter?

Benim o sorunla ilgili söyleyecek hiçbir şeyim yok. - I have nothing to say with regard to that problem.

with regard to
with regard to
-e dair
with regard to
-e göre
with regard to
-e gelince
with regard to
bir şeye gelince
with regard to
(Hukuk) gelince
English - English

Definition of with regard to strategy in English English dictionary

with regard to
Concerning; about
with regard to
As concerns
With regard to
as for
with regard to
concerning, regarding; which
with regard to strategy


    with re·gard to strat·e·gy

    Turkish pronunciation

    wîdh rıgärd tı strätıci


    /wəᴛʜ rəˈgärd tə ˈstratəʤē/ /wɪð rəˈɡɑːrd tə ˈstrætəʤiː/