with due respect

listen to the pronunciation of with due respect
English - Turkish
Saygısızlık ile
well done
well done
tam pişmiş
well done
(Gıda) çok pişmiş et
well done
(Gıda) iyi pişmiş biftek
with respect
esas alarak
with respect
with respect
(Havacılık) e göre
with respect
-e göre
well done
iyi yapılmış

İyi yapılmış bir işle ilgili seni tebrik ederim. - I congratulate you on a job well done.

well done
with respect
with respect
ilgili olarak

Mali konularla ilgili olarak, Bay Jones şirketteki başka birinden daha çok bilir. - With respect to financial matters, Mr. Jones knows more than anyone else in the company.

Bu mektuplarla ilgili olarak, sanırım en iyi şey onları yakmaktır. - With respect to these letters, I think the best thing is to burn them.

English - English
well done
with respect
Used as a mild apology for following remark, which could otherwise be taken as disrespectful

With respect, boss, I don't think it is possible to get it done by then, no matter how hard we work.

with due respect


    with due re·spect

    Turkish pronunciation

    wîdh dyu rispekt


    /wəᴛʜ ˈdyo͞o rēˈspekt/ /wɪð ˈdjuː riːˈspɛkt/