
listen to the pronunciation of windows
English - Turkish

Pencereler açık uyuma. - Don't sleep with the windows open.

Şu çocuk sık sık bir top ile pencerelerimizi kırıyor. - That boy often breaks our windows with a ball.

(Bilgisayar) pencere

Pencereler açık uyuma. - Don't sleep with the windows open.

Oturma odamda geniş pencereler var. - My living room has wide windows.


Oturma odamda geniş pencereler var. - My living room has wide windows.

Odada 2 tane pencere var. - The room has two windows.

windows environment
wındows ortamı
windows environment
windows ortamı
windows live
(Bilgisayar) Windows Live, Microsoft'un web platformu olan MSN'nin geliştirilerek yenilenmiş halidir
windows live messenger
pencere eşiği yaşamak haberci
windows registry
(Bilgisayar) Windows işletim sisteminin yapılandırma ayarlarının tutulduğu dahili veritabanı
windows accessories
(Bilgisayar) windows donatıları
windows account
(Bilgisayar) windows hesabı
windows are protected
(Bilgisayar) korumalı pencereler
windows bitmap
(Bilgisayar) windows bit eşlem
windows bitmap
(Bilgisayar) windows bit eşlemi
windows bitmap
(Bilgisayar) windows biteşlem
windows bitmaps
(Bilgisayar) windows bit eşlem
windows black
(Bilgisayar) windows siyah
windows briefcase
(Bilgisayar) windows evrak çantası
windows catalog
(Bilgisayar) windows kataloğu
windows classic
(Bilgisayar) windows klasik
windows clipbook server
(Bilgisayar) windows clipbook sunucusu
windows comm driver
(Bilgisayar) windows comm sürücüsü
windows components
(Bilgisayar) windows bileşenleri
windows control panel
(Bilgisayar) windows denetim masası
windows default
(Bilgisayar) windows varsayılan
windows default
(Bilgisayar) windows varsayılanı
windows default scheme
(Bilgisayar) windows öndeğer düzeni
windows driver library
(Bilgisayar) windows sürücü kitaplığı
windows error
(Bilgisayar) windows hatası
windows folder
(Bilgisayar) windows klasörü
windows font folder
(Bilgisayar) windows yazıtipi klasörü
windows fonts folder
(Bilgisayar) windows yazıtipleri klasörü
windows help
(Bilgisayar) windows yardım
windows help history
(Bilgisayar) windows yardım geçmişi
windows icon
(Bilgisayar) windows simgesi
windows internet name service
(WINS) Windows İnternet İsim Hizmeti
windows internet naning service
(WINS) Windows İnternet Adlandırma Servisi
windows keys
Windows Tuşları
windows locator
(Bilgisayar) windows konumlandırıcısı
windows locator
(Bilgisayar) windows konumlayıcı
windows logo
(Bilgisayar) windows amblemi
windows logoff
(Bilgisayar) windows oturumunu kapat
windows logon
(Bilgisayar) windows oturumu açma
windows logon
(Bilgisayar) windows oturum açma
windows message
(Bilgisayar) windows iletisi
windows metafile
(Bilgisayar) windows meta dosyası
windows metafiles
(Bilgisayar) windows meta dosyaları
windows mode
(Bilgisayar) windows kipi
windows modem properties
(Bilgisayar) windows modem özellikleri
windows mouse support
(Bilgisayar) windows fare desteği
windows networking
(Bilgisayar) windows ağı
windows nt diagnostics
(Bilgisayar) windows nt tanıları
windows nt domain
(Bilgisayar) windows nt etki alanı
windows nt help
(Bilgisayar) windows nt yardım
windows on win32
win32 üzerinde windows
windows on win32
(Wow) Win32 Üzerinde Windows (Wow)
windows paintbrush
(Bilgisayar) windows paintbrush
windows password
(Bilgisayar) windows parolası
windows printing system
(Bilgisayar) windows printing system
windows report
(Bilgisayar) windows raporu
windows reporting tool
Windows Raporlama Aracı
windows screen saver
(Bilgisayar) windows ekran koruyucu
windows screen saver
(Bilgisayar) windows ekran koruyucusu
windows setup
(Bilgisayar) windows kur
windows setup functions
(Bilgisayar) windows kurma işlevleri
windows shell common dll
(Bilgisayar) windows shell genel dll'li
windows shell library
(Bilgisayar) windows shell kitaplığı
windows shortcut keys
(Bilgisayar) windows kısayol tuşları
windows shutdown
(Bilgisayar) windows oturumunu kapat
windows socket error
(Bilgisayar) windows socket hatası
windows socket error
(Bilgisayar) windows yuva hatası
windows sockets bind error
(Bilgisayar) windows sockets bind hatası
windows sound
(Bilgisayar) windows sesi
windows source
(Bilgisayar) windows kaynağı
windows standard
(Bilgisayar) windows standardı
windows startup
(Bilgisayar) windows başlangıç
windows telephony
(Bilgisayar) windows telefon
windows time
(Bilgisayar) windows saati
windows time service
Windows Zaman Hizmeti
windows tour
(Bilgisayar) windows gezintisi
windows welcome
(Bilgisayar) windows karşılama
windows write
(Bilgisayar) windows write
windows write conversion
(Bilgisayar) windows write dönüşümü
windows xp tour
(Bilgisayar) windows xp turu
{i} cam

Tom pencere camını kırdı. - Tom broke the window pane.

Yangın durumunda, bu camı kır. - In case of fire, break this window.


Yeni kürk mantolar vitrinde sergilendi. - The new fur coats were displayed in the window.

Vitrindeki elbise gözüme takıldı. - The dress in the window caught my eye.

(Tekstil) Pencere, ekran
arrange windows
(Bilgisayar) pencereleri yerleştir
cascade windows
(Bilgisayar) pencereleri basamakla
more windows
(Bilgisayar) daha çok pencere
more windows
(Bilgisayar) tüm pencereler
store windows
(Bilgisayar) windows depolama
tile windows
(Bilgisayar) pencereleri döşe
(Bilgisayar) pencere menüsü
wooden windows
ahşap pencereler
church windows
'Tears of wine', 'wine legs', 'curtains' veya 'church windows', şarap bardağının iç kısmında şarap çalkalandıktan sonra bardağın cidarlarında bıraktığı süzülen şarap izleri
french windows
fransız pencereler
stained glass windows
vitray pencereler
{f} pencerele

Hava güzel olduğu zaman, Tom her zaman pencerelerini açık bıraktı. - When the weather was nice, Tom always left his windows open.

Pencereler açık uyuma. - Don't sleep with the windows open.

French windows
(balkon, teras veya bahçeye açılan) camlı ve çift kanatlı kapının kanatları
arranging windows
Pencereleri Düzenleme / Yerleştirme
beat on the windows
camlara vurmak
browse windows printers
(Bilgisayar) windows yazıcılarına gözat
console windows
(Bilgisayar) işletmen uçbirimi penceresi
console windows
(Bilgisayar) konsol penceresi
coupled windows
(İnşaat) ikiz pencere
exit windows
(Bilgisayar) windows çıkış
exit windows
(Bilgisayar) windows'dan çık
exit windows
(Bilgisayar) windows'dan çıkış
exit windows
(Bilgisayar) windows'tan çık
french windows
balkon kapısı
install for windows
(Bilgisayar) windows için kur
install windows
(Bilgisayar) windows yükle
install windows 95
(Bilgisayar) windows 95'i yükle
installing windows nt
Windows NT Yükleniyor
log on to windows nt
(Bilgisayar) windows nt'ye oturum başlat
managed software installer for windows®
Windows İçin Yönetilen Yazılım Yükleyici
microsoft setup for windows
(Bilgisayar) windows için microsoft kur
microsoft windows 2000 server
microsoft windows 2000 server
microsoft windows 95
microsoft windows 95
microsoft windows 98
microsoft windows 98
microsoft windows ce
microsoft windows ce
microsoft windows help
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows yardım
microsoft windows incorporates
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows şirketleri
microsoft windows nt
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows nt
microsoft windows version
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows sürüm
minimize all windows
(Bilgisayar) tüm pencereleri simgeleştir
multiple windows
(Bilgisayar) birden fazla pencere
multiple windows
(Bilgisayar) çoklu pencereler
multiple windows
Çoklu pencereler / birden fazla
running under windows
(re: applic ations) Windows altında
shut down windows
(Bilgisayar) windows'u kapat
shut down windows
(Bilgisayar) windows oturumunu kapat
shutdown windows
(Bilgisayar) windows'u kapat
tour windows xp
(Bilgisayar) windows xp turu
(Askeri) HAİL LEVHA: Bir radar karşı tedbiri olarak, frekans mesafesi şeritler halinde, genellikle uçaklardan bırakılan veya mermi ya da roketlerden fırlatılan ince madeni levha, tel veya çubuklar. Ayrıca bakınız: "chaff"
pencere,v.pencerele: n.pencere
göz boyama
{i} camekân
{i} radarı şaşırtmak için uçaktan saçılan mermi
English - English
{i} (Computers) operating system that is based on a graphical user interface and supports multitasking (developed by Microsoft)
Microsoft Windows, an operating system with a graphical user interface that dominates the personal computer market
a type of operating system for computers, produced by the Microsoft Corporation, which allows users to run several programs at the same time in separate areas of the computer screen. Windows systems include Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98and Windows XP. Family of software products developed by Microsoft Corp. , mainly for personal computers and workstations, that began as a graphical user interface and developed into an operating system. Version 1.0 (1985) provided a graphical user interface, multitasking, and virtual memory management; it ran on top of MS-DOS and was supported on Intel-based personal computers. Version 3.1 (1992) sold over 3 million copies in its first two months and helped establish Microsoft's dominance of the operating-system market for microcomputers. Windows 95 and Windows 98 (named for the years of their release) continued its success. Windows NT (1993), which can run on RISC-based computers as well as traditional Intel-based systems, is a high-end version of Windows intended for more powerful personal computers, workstations, and servers. Windows CE (1996) is an embedded operating system for palm PCs and other handheld devices. Microsoft continues to release new versions of its operating system: Windows 2000 for corporate-oriented computers, Windows Me (2000) for consumer-oriented computers, and in 2001 a version for both environments, Windows XP. Today Windows runs on more than 90% of all personal computers
Windows is software that typically runs on IBM compatible microcomputers, before the Windows 95 system, it ran "on top of" DOS Since many Internet applications incorporate or use a graphical presentation, people tend to be happier running Internet applications under Windows, rather than just DOS
The Microsoft Windows Operating system, which runs on DOS-based PCs
A family of personal computer operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation Windows 95 is currently the world's most prevalent system An older version was known as Windows 3 1 Windows NT is a more robust system intended for more demanding users See also: Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT (Webopedia)
A generic reference to all Microsoft Windows operating system products
Generic name for the various operating systems in the Microsoft Windows family Windows allows PC users to employ a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease of use
A popular operating system for the IBM PC which was developed by Bill Gates This operating system paved the way for our modern user interface in which text based commands are kept to a minimum This makes the computing experience more enjoyable for all users
Microsoft's popular 16-bit GUI that runs on top of DOS Windows 95, previously known as Windows 4 0 and code-named Chicago, is a 32-bit OS that integrates DOS and Windows Windows for Workgroups is Microsoft's peer-to-peer network that uses a Windows interface and NetBIOS communications
Operating Environment written by Microsoft It is a Graphical User Interface that runs on top of MS-DOS
plural of window
When spelled with a capital W, Windows is short for Microsoft Windows, which is a family of operating systems for personal computers Windows dominates the personal computer world, running, by some estimates, on 90% of all personal computers The remaining 10% are mostly Macintosh computers
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP are all operating systems produced by Microsoft Corporation for non-Macintosh personal computers Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management, and multitasking
A family of operating systems for personal computers, Windows dominates the personal computer world, running, by some estimates, on 90% of all personal computers Like the Macintosh operating environment, Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management, multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices In addition to Windows 3 x and Windows 95, which run on Intel -based machines, Microsoft also sells Windows NT, a more advanced operating system that runs on a variety of hardware platforms
Microsoft's GUI (Graphical User Interface) that surrounds the DOS operating system Like other GUI interfaces, such as IBM's OS/2, Unix's XWindows, and the Macintosh' System Seven, Windows allows mouse-selectable icons and menus and data-sharing between applications
The Operating System made by Microsoft for Personal Computers
A family of operating systems created by Microsoft, that run on Intel based IBM compatible machines
The operating system for Personal Computers and Networked Computers Constantly 'upgraded' Commonly used version are Windows 95,Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT4, Windows XP (Home and Professional)
A powerful metaphor for how a user interacts with the computer Methaphorically, a way of "looking into" computer files, directory structures, and applications The first "windows" based operating system made widely available was the Macintosh operating system Microsoft later developed its windows-based interface, now called "Microsoft Windows "
Windows is the operating system from Microsoft The Windows source code is proprietary that is, only Microsoft programmers can see it and work on it This makes Windows stable and permanent, but it requires a commitment to Microsoft and the way technology is defined by them
An operating system for desktop computers, workstations, and network servers Windows provides a standard interface based on drop-down menus, windowed regions on the screen, and a pointing device such as a mouse
An operating system for IBM's that offers a graphical user interface
Trademark of Microsoft Corporation, a PC operating environment used with Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system A graphical user interface designed to facilitate multitasking; Windows is similar to Macintosh GUI but uses different application software
Microsoft Corp 's operating system, i e , Windows 97, Windows 2000, Windows NT
A collection of operating systems created by Microsoft Corporation Windows operating systems fall into two categories: those based upon Microsoft's original operating system, "MS-DOS" (including Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME), and those based upon their newer system, Windows NT (including Windows 2000 and Windows XP) The two sets of operating system look the same to the user but are very different behind the scenes
An operating system introduced by Microsoft Corporation in 1983 Windows is a multitasking graphical user interface environment that runs on both MS-DOS-based computers (Windows and Windows for Workgroups) and as a self-contained operating system (Windows 95, Windows NT) Windows provides a standard interface based on drop-down menus, windowed regions on the screen, and a pointing device such as a mouse
Originally introduced to provide a windowing system to MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows now exists in many incarnations, most of which have now replaced the MS-DOS subsystem entirely
the most common operating system for personal computers, Microsoft Windows, which has a graphical user interface (GUI) that was conceived or at least inspired based on the Macintosh operating system The Mac OS was mouse-operable from the earliest edition
windows of opportunity
plural form of window of opportunity
windows ce
(Windows Consumer Electronics) Microsoft's version of Windows for handheld devices and embedded systems that use x86, ARM, MIPS and SuperH CPUs. Introduced in 1996, Windows CE was renamed "Windows Embedded CE" as of Version 6.0 in 2006 and then renamed "Windows Embedded Compact" in 2008. Nevertheless, most people refer to "Windows CE" or "WinCE."
windows ce
Microsoft Windows CE is an operating system developed by Microsoft for embedded systems
windows live
(Bilgisayar) Windows Live is the collective brand name for a set of services and software products from Microsoft. A majority of these services are Web applications, accessible from a browser, but there are applications that need installing as well. There are three basic groups of these services: informed, connected and protected experiences
Windows Explorer
{i} (Computers) application which is part of Microsoft Windows operating system that provides a graphical user interface to access the file systems
Windows Live™ Messenger
{i} (Internet) next-generation MSN Messenger, free instant messaging application released by Microsof on January 29th 2007
Windows Metafile Format
graphic file format that can be used for both vector and bitmap images, WMF (Computers)
Windows NT
{i} Windows New Technology, advanced Microsoft operating system that accommodates advanced hardware systems and supports the unicode character set
Windows Vista
{i} (Computers) "next generation" version of Microsoft Windows Operating System used on personal computers
Windows XP
{i} (Computers) WinXP, latest desktop version of the Windows operating system (developed by Microsoft)
Windows application
program which is intended to work only on the Windows operating system
Windows eXPerience
{i} (Computers) Windows XP, WinXP, latest desktop version of the Windows operating system (developed by Microsoft)
Windows software
computer program which runs on the operating system Microsoft Windows
windows xp
An upgraded client version of Windows 2000, Windows XP provides numerous changes to the user interface, including the Start menu, Taskbar and control panels XP adds improved support for gaming, digital photography, instant messaging and wireless networking XP Home Edition is designed for the consumer, and XP Professional is aimed at the office worker with added security and administrative options XP supports the ClearType display technology for improved sharpness on LCD screens Internet enhancements include Internet Explorer 6, improved connection sharing and a built-in firewall A 64-bit version is also provided Originally code named Whistler, Windows XP is NET enabled
windows xp
n A member of the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems Windows XP was released in 2001 in two versions: Windows XP Home Edition for home use and Windows XP Professional for advanced home computing, businesses, and larger organizations Windows XP features a new visual design that simplifies navigation and search capabilities, improved file management, additional media and Web publishing capabilities, an improved system for device discovery and installation, and advanced features for mobile computing
windows xp
Windows XP is the latest version of Microsoft's evolving Windows operating system Released in late 2001
windows xp
The newest Windows operating system that boasts it's ease of use The XP goes with "The smarter work eXPerience"
windows xp
An operating system introduced in 2001 from Microsoft's Windows family of operating systems, the previous version of Windows being Windows Me Microsoft called the release its most important product since Windows 95 Along with a redesigned look and feel to the user interface, the new operating gives the user a more stable and reliable environment than previous versions of Windows Windows XP comes in two version, Home and Professional Where the Professional Edition focuses on reliability and security, the Home Edition includes extensive digital photography, digital music, digital video, home networking and communications features The company has also focused on mobility for both editions, including plug and play features for connecting to wireless networks
windows xp
Windows XP is the new Windows desktop operating system for home and business computing Windows XP will deliver an intelligent, connected, and dependable engine to power NET experiences, based on a proven technical foundation
bay windows
plural form of bay window
bow windows
plural form of bow window
casement windows
plural form of casement window
french windows
plural form of french window
garret windows
plural form of garret window
launch windows
plural form of launch window
palette windows
plural form of palette window
rear windows
plural form of rear window
rose windows
plural form of rose window
storm windows
plural form of storm window
A period of time when something is available

launch window; window of opportunity.

(computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen
a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
{i} opening that is in the wall or roof of a structure and is usually covered with glass letting in light and/or air; windowpane; opening; rectangular frame that appears on-screen and houses data or an application (Computers)
{v} to make or place at windows, to open
A window is a large piece of glass along the front of a shop, behind which some of the goods that the shop sells are displayed. I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window
{n} an opening to give light to a building
church windows
The phenomenon called tears of wine is manifested as a ring of clear liquid, near the top of a glass of wine, from which droplets form and flow back into the wine. It is most readily observed in a wine which has a high alcohol content. It is also referred to as wine legs, curtains, and church windows
Abstract Windows Toolkit
set of Java program interfaces that provides Java applications with a uniform appearance on all platforms, AWT (Computers)
BCWipe Windows
program for erasing computer files in a way that cannot be reversed (place other symbols in disk area being erased)
French windows
a pair of doors made mostly of glass, usually opening onto a garden or balcony
Microsoft Windows
{i} (Computers) operating system that is based on a graphical user interface and supports multitasking developed by Microsoft
X Windows
X Windows System, graphical user interface intended for operating systems based on UNIX
cascading windows
windows which are displayed as overlapping so that it is possible to see the title of all of the windows at once
{i} (Computers) utility program which works on top of DOS and provides a graphical user interface (produced by the Microsoft Corp.)
tiled windows
windows which fill the entire screen but do not cover one another
the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something; "the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves"; "they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded
an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function; "he could see them through a window in the trees"
The window is the largest amount of data that the receiving end can accept at a given point in time
A window is a glass-covered opening above a counter, for example in a bank, post office, railway station, or museum, which the person serving you sits behind. The woman at the ticket window told me that the admission fee was $17.50
An area on the screen that displays information, including user documents as well as communications such as alert boxes and dialog boxes The user can open or close a window; move it around on the desktop; and sometimes change its size, scroll through it, and edit its contents
A rectangular area of the screen where information is displayed Windows may be a particular application, such as a document in a word processor, or a file list
A figure formed of lines crossing each other
A portion of a file shown on a screen, usually appearing as a menu on top of the current page of data
a pane in a window; "the ball shattered the window"
An area on the screen which displays information These can be moved or modified in shape All programs on the Mac and in Windows use windows to work
On a computer screen, a window is one of the work areas that the screen can be divided into
an opening in the wall of a building (usually to admit light and air); "he stuck his head in the window"
An enclosed, rectangular area on a display screen Most modern operating systems and applications have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that let you divide your display into several windows Within each window, you can run a different program or display different data
{f} make or supply with windows
A rectangular portion of the screen which contains a particular document or program display  In current graphical-based computer systems, several windows can be available simultaneously  The user is free to move, resize, hide, or show any window
An area of the screen for displaying part of the GUI of an application
a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back; usually is capable of being opened
A framed area on the desktop that contains an application, document, icon or task
The shutter, casement, sash with its fittings, or other framework, which closes a window opening
A region on a graphical desktop, the user interface for I/O with a child process of the desktop
A window is a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle, which has glass in it so that light can come in and you can see out. He stood at the window, moodily staring out The room felt very hot and she wondered why someone did not open a window my car window
a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material
An opening, usually covered by glass, in a shop which allows people to view the shop and its products from outside
To furnish with windows
Turkish - English
windows altında çalışan
(Bilgisayar) running under windows
windows depolama
(Bilgisayar) store windows
windows gezgini
(Bilgisayar) windows explorer
windows gezgini
(Bilgisayar) explorer
windows imleci
(Bilgisayar) windows cursor
windows internet isim hizmeti
windows internet name service
windows media
(Bilgisayar) windows media
windows media player
(Bilgisayar) wmp
windows nt
(Bilgisayar) windows nt
windows nt sunucusu
(Bilgisayar) windows nt server
windows ortam
(Bilgisayar) windows media
windows sürümü
(Bilgisayar) windows version
windows update
(Bilgisayar) windows update
windows 95 hakkında
(Bilgisayar) about windows 95
windows 95'i yükle
(Bilgisayar) install windows 95
windows amblemi
(Bilgisayar) windows logo
windows ağı
(Bilgisayar) windows networking
windows başlangıç
(Bilgisayar) windows startup
windows bileşenleri
(Bilgisayar) windows components
windows bit eşlem
(Bilgisayar) windows bitmaps
windows bit eşlem
(Bilgisayar) windows bitmap
windows bit eşlemi
(Bilgisayar) windows bitmap
windows biteşlem
(Bilgisayar) windows bitmap
windows clipbook sunucusu
(Bilgisayar) windows clipbook server
windows comm sürücüsü
(Bilgisayar) windows comm driver
windows denetim masası
(Bilgisayar) windows control panel
windows donatıları
(Bilgisayar) windows accessories
windows ekran koruyucu
(Bilgisayar) windows screen saver
windows ekran koruyucusu
(Bilgisayar) windows screen saver
windows evrak çantası
(Bilgisayar) windows briefcase
windows fare desteği
(Bilgisayar) windows mouse support
windows gezintisi
(Bilgisayar) windows tour
windows hatası
(Bilgisayar) windows error
windows hesabı
(Bilgisayar) windows account
windows iletisi
(Bilgisayar) windows message
windows için drivespace
(Bilgisayar) drivespace for windows
windows için kur
(Bilgisayar) install for windows
windows için microsoft kur
(Bilgisayar) microsoft setup for windows
windows için quattro pro
(Bilgisayar) quattro pro for windows
windows için wordstar
(Bilgisayar) wordstar for windows
windows için write
(Bilgisayar) write for windows
windows karşılama
(Bilgisayar) windows welcome
windows kataloğu
(Bilgisayar) windows catalog
windows kaynağı
(Bilgisayar) windows source
windows kipi
(Bilgisayar) windows mode
windows klasik
(Bilgisayar) windows classic
windows klasörü
(Bilgisayar) windows folder
windows konumlandırıcısı
(Bilgisayar) windows locator
windows konumlayıcı
(Bilgisayar) windows locator
windows kur
(Bilgisayar) windows setup
windows kur için ağ yolu
(Bilgisayar) network path for windows setup
windows kurma işlevleri
(Bilgisayar) windows setup functions
windows kısayol tuşları
(Bilgisayar) windows shortcut keys
windows media player eklentisi
(Televizyon) windows media player plug-in
windows meta dosyaları
(Bilgisayar) windows metafiles
windows meta dosyası
(Bilgisayar) windows metafile
windows modem özellikleri
(Bilgisayar) windows modem properties
windows nt etki alanı
(Bilgisayar) windows nt domain
windows nt için
(Bilgisayar) for windows nt
windows nt tanıları
(Bilgisayar) windows nt diagnostics
windows nt yardım
(Bilgisayar) windows nt help
windows nt yükleniyor
installing windows nt
windows nt'ye oturum başlat
(Bilgisayar) log on to windows nt
windows ortamı
(Bilgisayar) windows environment
windows oturum açma
(Bilgisayar) windows logon
windows oturumu açma
(Bilgisayar) windows logon
windows oturumunu kapat
(Bilgisayar) log off windows
windows oturumunu kapat
(Bilgisayar) shut down windows
windows oturumunu kapat
(Bilgisayar) windows shutdown
windows oturumunu kapat
(Bilgisayar) windows logoff
windows paintbrush
(Bilgisayar) windows paintbrush
windows parolası
(Bilgisayar) windows password
windows printing system
(Bilgisayar) windows printing system
windows raporlama aracı
windows reporting tool
windows raporu
(Bilgisayar) windows report
windows saati
(Bilgisayar) windows time
windows sesi
(Bilgisayar) windows sound
windows shell genel dll'li
(Bilgisayar) windows shell common dll
windows shell kitaplığı
(Bilgisayar) windows shell library
windows simgesi
(Bilgisayar) windows icon
windows siyah
(Bilgisayar) windows black
windows socket hatası
(Bilgisayar) windows socket error
windows sockets bind hatası
(Bilgisayar) windows sockets bind error
windows standardı
(Bilgisayar) windows standard
windows sürücü kitaplığı
(Bilgisayar) windows driver library
windows telefon
(Bilgisayar) windows telephony
windows tuşları
windows keys
windows varsayılan
(Bilgisayar) windows default
windows varsayılanı
(Bilgisayar) windows default
windows write
(Bilgisayar) windows write
windows write dönüşümü
(Bilgisayar) windows write conversion
windows xp turu
(Bilgisayar) windows xp tour
windows xp turu
(Bilgisayar) tour windows xp
windows yardım
(Bilgisayar) windows help
windows yardım geçmişi
(Bilgisayar) windows help history
windows yazıcılarına gözat
(Bilgisayar) browse windows printers
windows yazıtipi klasörü
(Bilgisayar) windows font folder
windows yazıtipleri klasörü
(Bilgisayar) windows fonts folder
windows yuva hatası
(Bilgisayar) windows socket error
windows yükle
(Bilgisayar) install windows
windows zaman hizmeti
windows time service
windows çıkış
(Bilgisayar) exit windows
windows öndeğer düzeni
(Bilgisayar) windows default scheme
(Bilgisayar) windows-managed
microsoft windows 2000 server
microsoft windows 2000 server
microsoft windows 95
microsoft windows 95
microsoft windows 98
microsoft windows 98
microsoft windows ce
microsoft windows ce
microsoft windows nt
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows nt
microsoft windows sürüm
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows version
microsoft windows yardım
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows help
microsoft windows şirketleri
(Bilgisayar) microsoft windows incorporates
video for windows
(Bilgisayar) video for windows

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈwəndōz/ /ˈwɪndoʊz/

    Common Collocations

    windows 98


    ... two so let me show you how it works. This is music manager, a program for Windows ...
    ... folders, but if you pick your iTunes or Windows Media Player library, all of your play lists, ...