
listen to the pronunciation of widerspruchsfreiheit
English - Turkish

Definition of widerspruchsfreiheit in English Turkish dictionary


Ona tutarlılık diyoruz. - That's what we call consistency.

Ben fosforik asitin Hindistan cevizi yağı ile aynı renk ve tutarlılıkta olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think phosphoric acid has the same color and consistency as coconut oil.

(Felsefe) bağlam
yoğunluk (sıvı)
(Kimya) kıvamlılık

Senin şekerli çöreklerinin kauçuk kıvamına sahip olduğunu söylediğim için üzgünüm. - I'm sorry to say that your madeleines have the consistency of rubber.

{i} katılık
(Mukavele) tutarlık, uyum, ahenk
{i} tutarlık, tutarlılık, insicam
(Tıp) Kıvam, herhangi bir maddenin koyuluk veya sertlik derecesi
German - English
the degree of viscosity of something

Mix it until it has the consistency of a thick paste.

Freedom from contradiction; the state of a system of axioms such that none of the propositions deduced from them are mutually contradictory
Consistency refers to the requirement that, given a consistent initial database state, the state of the database after the successful execution of a transaction is also consistent; that is, a transaction transforms the database from a consistent state to another consistent state Database consistency may be defined as a set of rules or constraints If the execution of a transaction causes the consistency constraints to be violated, the transaction is not accepted (and thus aborted) by the system
an important feature of good writing: verb tense (past/present/future, etc ) and pronouns expressing point of view (I, you, he/she/it, etc ) should be kept consistent in order to avoid confusing the reader
A measure of the ability of a particular method to converge on the correct answer as the sample size becomes infinite
correspondence or compatibility
The idea that a transaction transforms a database from one consistent state to another, without necessarily maintaining consistency within the transaction A consistent state means specifically that all integrity constraints are satisfied
a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"
Consistency is much prized in reasoning Ideally, one would like for one's beliefs to fit together without any contradictions Consistency is the intuitive notion that is the basis for the understanding of validity: we expect true premises to lead to a true conclusion When we find that we have true premises and a false conclusion we lack consistency between premises and conclusion and know that the argument form is invalid
In reference to pass-through securities, refers to the historical regularity of prepayments Low consistency means prepayments were infrequent and of relatively large size; high consistency implies more frequent payments of relatively similar size
local coherence
keeping to a style or pattern, for example always spelling 'organise' with an 's' throughout a passage, or always spelling it with a 'z', but not mixing the two Other examples would be not mixing a formal style and an informal one or not mixing tenses (see agreement)
logical coherence and accordance with the facts; "a rambling argument that lacked any consistency"
reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent
(1) implementation of procedures in an identical or near identical manner across individuals or over time (2) obtaining the same or similar results across multiple administrations or scoring of an assessment (3) a type of rater effect in which an assessor or an evaluator tends to rate or to interpret different data and information in a similar way Such a rater tends to assign the same grade or rating to all assessment results and products without regard to their quality or to the scoring rubric See Inconsistency, Rater Effect, Scoring Rubric
The thickness or brushability of a paint
A measure of the condition of lubricating greases It is measured as the unworked and worked penetration and is indicated in accordance with the NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Institute) To simplify designation of the consistency of lubricating greases the consistency range as a whole is divided into nine classes, mea , sured as worked penetration, e g
The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity
Reinforcement needs to be consistent in relation to the desired action This can be a one to one relationship, however it does not need to be always in this pattern Reinforcement can occur with a ratio schedule, a variable ratio schedule, or an interval schedule
Nachweis der Widerspruchsfreiheit
consistency proof