İki tam sayının kesirleri olarak ifade edilebilen sayılar, rasyonel sayılar olarak adlandırılır. - Numbers that can be expressed as fractions of two whole numbers are called rational numbers.
These include 0, as well as all the positive numbers which are not fractions Some whole numbers are: 5, 8, 0, 984 Some numbers which are not whole numbers are: -5, ¾, 5¼, 2 1
a number that can be represented by one or more digits with no other symbols -- " rounding to the nearest whole number means the same as rounding to the nearest unit " (19)
A whole number is an exact number such as 1, 7, and 24, as opposed to a number with fractions or decimals. = integer. a number such as 0, 1, 2 etc that is not a fraction = integer