what the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects

listen to the pronunciation of what the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects
English - German
Was dem Film an Handlung fehlt, gleicht er durch Spezialeffekte wieder aus
what the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects


    what the film lacks in plot it makes up for in spe·cial ef·fects

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌt dhi fîlm läks în plät ît meyks ʌp fôr în speşıl îfeks


    /ˈhwət ᴛʜē ˈfəlm ˈlaks ən ˈplät ət ˈmāks ˈəp ˈfôr ən ˈspesʜəl əˈfeks/ /ˈhwʌt ðiː ˈfɪlm ˈlæks ɪn ˈplɑːt ɪt ˈmeɪks ˈʌp ˈfɔːr ɪn ˈspɛʃəl ɪˈfɛks/