what is the reasoning behind this decision

listen to the pronunciation of what is the reasoning behind this decision
English - German
Welche Überlegungen stecken hinter dieser Entscheidung?
what is the reasoning behind this decision


    what I·s the rea·son·ing be·hind this de·ci·sion

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌt îz dhi rizınîng bîhaynd dhîs dîsîjın


    /ˈhwət əz ᴛʜē ˈrēzənəɴɢ bəˈhīnd ᴛʜəs dəˈsəᴢʜən/ /ˈhwʌt ɪz ðiː ˈriːzənɪŋ bɪˈhaɪnd ðɪs dɪˈsɪʒən/