what are you driving at

listen to the pronunciation of what are you driving at
English - Lehçe
co ty jazdy
English - Greek
τι η οδήγηση (ti i odigsi)
English - Spanish
lo que se quiere llegar
English - Finnish
Mitä sinä ajaminen
English - Dutch
wat ben je aan het rijden in het
English - Russian
что вы клоните
English - Italian
Dove vuoi arrivare a
English - Swedish
vad är du kör på
English - Danish
hvad er du kører på
English - French
Que faites-vous conduire à
English - Portuguese
O que você está dirigindo em
English - German
Worauf willst du hinaus?
Worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
what are you driving at


    what are you dri·ving at

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌt ır yu drayvîng ät


    /ˈhwət ər ˈyo͞o ˈdrīvəɴɢ ˈat/ /ˈhwʌt ɜr ˈjuː ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˈæt/