what a pity

listen to the pronunciation of what a pity
English - Turkish
Ne yazık
pity şansızlık demektir
Ne yazık!

Ne yazık ki o bana daha önce söylemedi. - What a pity that she didn't tell me earlier.

Ne yazık! O iyi bir profesördü. Huzur içinde yatsın. - What a pity! He was a good professor. May he rest in peace.

(Argo) hay anasını
vah vah
what pity
ne yazık
What a pity!
English - English
Used to express regret or disappointment about an unfortunate event or piece of information

What a pity you can't attend our party tonight.

too bad, what a shame
what a pity


    what a pi·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌt ı pîti


    /ˈhwət ə ˈpətē/ /ˈhwʌt ə ˈpɪtiː/