what a lot of rubbish

listen to the pronunciation of what a lot of rubbish
English - Turkish

Definition of what a lot of rubbish in English Turkish dictionary

a lot of

Birçok müşteri danışma için avukata gelirler. - A lot of clients come to the lawyer for advice.

Birçok İngilizce sözcük, Latince'den türemiştir. - A lot of English words are derived from Latin.

a lot of
sürüsüne bereket
a lot of
bini bir paraya
a lot of
bir dünya
a lot of
a lot of

Onun ne de çok kitabı var! - What a lot of books he has!

Ailesini çok endişelendirdi. - He caused his parents a lot of anxiety.

a lot of
a lot of
a lot of
bir çok

Bir çok çözümü düşünüyoruz. - We are thinking of a lot of solutions.

Bir çok öğrenci Bay Brown'a saygı duyuyor. - A lot of students look up to Mr Brown.

a lot of
çok/pek çok (şey): She bought a lot of books. Çok kitap aldı
English - English

Definition of what a lot of rubbish in English English dictionary

A lot of
gobs of

He wants to make gobs of money selling cassettes.

a lot of
very much, very many
what a lot of rubbish


    what a Lot of rub·bish

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌt ı lôt ıv rʌbîş


    /ˈhwət ə ˈlôt əv ˈrəbəsʜ/ /ˈhwʌt ə ˈlɔːt əv ˈrʌbɪʃ/