what's the point

listen to the pronunciation of what's the point
English - French
à quoi bon
English - Swedish
Vad är poängen
English - Dutch
wat is het punt
English - German
Was ist der Sinn
English - Arabic
ما هي الفائدة, ما هو الموضوع
{i} ما هو الموضوع
{i} ما هي الفائدة
English - Russian
в чем смысл
English - Finnish
mitä järkeä
English - Italian
Qual è il punto
English - Portuguese
Qual é o ponto
English - Lehçe
jaki jest sens
English - Greek
τί ωφελεί να (ti ofelei na)
English - Danish
hvad er det punkt
English - Spanish
para qué sirve
what's the point

    Turkish pronunciation

    hwʌts dhi poynt


    /ˈhwəts ᴛʜē ˈpoint/ /ˈhwʌts ðiː ˈpɔɪnt/


    ... ALAN RUSBRIDGER: That's my point. ...
    ... And to walk away at this point would be disappointing because ...