
listen to the pronunciation of war
English - Turkish
(isim) Savaş

İç savaş sırasında, ülke anarşik bir durum içindeydi. - While the civil war went on, the country was in a state of anarchy.

Oğlumuz savaşta öldü. - Our son died during the war.


O, Amerika'nın Deniz Harp Okulunun başkanıydı. - He was head of America's Naval War College.

{i} mücâdele

Küresel ısınmayla mücadelede daha aktif bir rol oynamalıyız. - We should play a more active role in combating global warming.

Eisenhower, savaşı sona erdirmek için mücadele etti. - Eisenhower had campaigned to end the war.


Küresel ısınmayla mücadelede daha aktif bir rol oynamalıyız. - We should play a more active role in combating global warming.

Bu politikacı küresel ısınmayla mücadele için yeşil vergi önerdi. - This politician proposed a green tax to fight global warming.


Büyük bir savaşçı güç yayar. O ölümüne savaşmak zorunda değildir. - A great warrior radiates strength. He doesn't have to fight to the death.

Savaşmak istiyorsa bir savaşı var. - If she wants a war, she's got a war.


İslam ve batı arasındaki ilişki yüzyıllar süren birliktelik ve ortak çalışma fakat aynı zamanda çatışma ve din savaşları içermektedir. - The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of co-existence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars.

Biri birçok çatışmayı kazanabilir ama savaşı kaybedebilir. - One can win several battles but lose the war.

{i} savaş, harp, muharebe
{f} düşman olmak
{f} (ile) savaşmak, mücadele etmek
(Askeri) HARP: İki veya daha çok muhasım kuvvet arasında yapılan ve birbirlerine siyasi emellerini kabul ettirme maksadı güden silahlı çatışma
{f} (against/with)
muharebe etmek
{i} uğraşma
war crime savaş suçu
war cloud savaş bulutu
harp etmek
düşmanlık etmek
savaşa özgü
{i} düşmanlık
savaş sonucu oluşan
{f} (ile) savaş halinde olmak
cenk etmek
{s} savaş ile ilgili
{f} mücâdele etmek
war resister
Savaş karşıtı
war veteran

Savaş gazisinin her iki ayağı kesilmiştir. - The war veteran is a double amputee.

Tom'un babası bir Kore Savaşı gazisi. - Tom's father is a Korean War veteran.

war movie
savaş filmi
war of independence
(Tarih) istiklal savaşı
war of independence medal
(Askeri) istiklal madalyası
war ship
(Askeri) harp gemisi
war ship
(Askeri,Ticaret) savaş gemisi
war advocacy
savaş savunması
war baby
savaşta doğan bebek
war chest
savaşta toplanan para
war cry
savaş narası
war dance
savaş dansı
war hawk
savaş kışkırtıcısı
war horse
savaş  atı
war paint
savaş boyası
war whoop
savaş narası
warning of war
savaş uyarısı
war bride
savaş gelin
war brig
(Askeri) Orta çağda kullanılan iki direkli randalı kabasorta gemi

The navy's war brig just got sunk.

war chest
Savaş için ayrılan para, savaş fonu
war criminal
savaş suçlusu
war dog
savaş köpeği
war frenzy
savaş çılgınlık
war lords
savaş lordları
war machine
savaş makinesi
war monger
savaş satıcı
war of independence
Kurtuluş savaşı, bağımsızlık savaşı
war of nerves
Sınır harbi
war of the farrapos
farrapos savaş
war of the worlds
dünya savaşı
war on terror
Terörle mücadele
war on terrorism
Terörle mücadele
war preparation
savaş hazırlığı
war reporter
Savaş muhabiri
war risk
savaş riski
war risk clause
savaş riski klozu
war risk insurance
savaş riski sigortası
war whoop
kızılderili savaşçığlığı
war zone
Savaş alanı, savaş meydanı, muharebe meydanı
savaştan tahrip olmuş
savaş durumunda olan
Savaşın vurduğu, savaştan zarar görmüş

The refugees had come to Germany from war-stricken Togo.

Savaş yüzünden mahvolmuş
savaşın parçaladığı
War Consumables Distribution Objective
(Askeri) Harp Kabilisarf Maddelerinin Dağıtımı
War of Independence
bağımsızlık savaşı
war against
karşı savaşmak
war air service program
(Askeri) HARP HAVA HİZMET PROGRAMI: Önemli sivil hava yollarının ve hizmetlerinin muhafazasını temin etmek ve sivil hava ihtiyat filosuna tahsis edilen uçaklar çıktıktan sonra, sivil hava taşımacılığının elinde kalan nakliye uçaklarının yeniden dağıtımını sağlamak üzere tasarlanmış program
war air service program
(Askeri) harp hava hizmet programı
war canister
(Askeri) GAZ MASKESİ SÜZGECİ: Bir ordu gaz maskesinde, havayı temizleyen kimyasal maddenin bulunduğu kap. Zehirli hava buradan geçerken tasfiye olunur
war college
(Askeri) KARA HARP AKADEMİSİ: Bak. " Army War College"
war correspondent
savaş muhabiri
war council
(Askeri) HARP KONSEYİ: Bak. "Department of Defense"
war crime
(Askeri) HARP SUÇU: Kabul edilmiş harp kanun ve geleneklerinin, bir şahıs veya teşkil tarafından ihlali
war cry
savaş çığlığı
war dance
zafer dansı
war debt
savaş tazminatı
war establishment
savaş gücü
war game
(Askeri) Tatbikat, savaş oyunu
war game
(Askeri) HARP OYUNU: Gerçek veya gerçek olduğu varsayılan bir durumu göstermek üzere belirli kural, bilgi ve usuller kullanılarak tasarlanmış, iki veya daha fazla karşıt kuvveti kapsayan bir askeri harekatın herhangi bir yolla taklit edilmesi
war gas
(Askeri) HARP GAZI: Harpte kullanılan ve insan vücudu üzerinde zehirleyici veya tahriş edici etki meydana getiren (sıvı, katı, veya buhar halinde) bir kimyasal madde
war god
savaş tanrısı
war grave
savaşta şehit düşme
war head
(Askeri) HARP BAŞLIĞI: Bir füzenin, merminin, torpidonun, roketin veya diğer mühimmatın nükleer veya termo-nükleer sistemlerini, yüksek patlayıcı sistemini, kimyasal veya biyolojik amillerini veya hasar oluşturmak amacıyla yerleştirilmiş diğer maddeleri içeren kısmı
war head section
(Askeri) HARP BAŞLIĞI KISMI: Kaplama ve ilgili diğer unsurları da içine almak üzere tamamen monte edilmiş harp başlığı
war material procurement capability
(Askeri) SAVAŞ MALZEMESİ TEDARİK İMKANI: Savaş malzemesi tedarik planlaması amaçları için belirlenen sürede, bir harekatın başladığı günden sonra (D-day) verilen emirlerle bir endüstriyel veya diğer bir kaynaktan temin edilebilecek madde miktarı
war material requirement
(Askeri) harp malzemesi ihtiyacı
war of masses
(Askeri) KİTLE HARBİ: Makineleştirilmiş teçhizat ve müteharrik silahların kudretinden çok, insan sayı üstünlüğünün kati sonuç aldığı harp usulü
war of movement
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) manevra savaşı [gramsci]
war of position
(Askeri) MEVZİ HARBİ: Bak. "position warfare"
war office
savunma bakanlığı [brit.]
war path
kızılderililerin savaşa gitmesi
war plane
savaş uçağı
war readiness materiel
(Askeri) HARP HAZIRLIK MALZEMESİ: Barış kuvveti malzeme mevcudunu takviye için gerekli olan ve Amerikan Hava Kuvvetleri harp planlarındaki kuvvetleri, görevleri ve faaliyetleri noksansız desteklemek için ihtiyaç duyulan malzeme
war readiness spares kit; war reserve spares kit
(Askeri) harbe hazırlıklı yedek onarım takımı; harp ihtiyat yedek onarım takımı
war reserve materiel
(Askeri) harp ihtiyat malzemesi
war reserve materiel requirement
(Askeri) HARP YEDEĞİ MALZEME İHTİYACI: Şahıs malzemeleri ihtiyacının, D-gününde elde olması istenen kısmı. Bu, savaş malzemeleri ihtiyacının, D gününde elde bulunacak, barış zamanı kaynakları ve tedarik edilebilir savaş malzemesi miktarının toplamının dışında kalan ihtiyaç seviyesidir
war reserve materiel requirement, balance
(Askeri) ELE GEÇMEMİŞ SAVAŞ MALZEMELERİ İHTİYACI: Harp yedeği malzemelerinin ele geçmemiş veya temin edilmemiş kısmı. Bu, muhafaza edilen harp yedeği malzemeleri ihtiyacı dışında kalan harp yedeği malzemeleri ihtiyaç seviyesidir
war reserve materiel stock
(Askeri) harp ihtiyat malzemesi stoğu
war reserve stock
(Askeri) harp ihtiyat stoğu
war reserve stock
(Askeri) (S) HARP YEDEĞİ STOKLARI: Toplam malzeme kaynaklarının harp yedek malzemeleri ihtiyacını karşılamak üzere ayrılmış kısmı
war reserve stock for allies
(Askeri) MÜTTEFİKLER İÇİN HARP YEDEĞİ STOKLARI: Savaş zamanında seçilmiş müttefik ülkelere, daha ileride ülke için üretim veya dış destek tahmini muharebe tüketimini karşılayıncaya kadar, destek temin etmek üzere; kuvvetlerin cephane, teçhizat ve muharebede önemli olan tüketim maddeleri gibi malzemelerden asgari stoğu envanterlerinde muhafaza etmelerini sağlamak için hazırlanmış Savunma Bakanlığı Programı
war reserve; weapon radius
(Askeri) harp ihtiyadı; silah yarıçapı
war room
(Askeri) DURUM ODASI; HAREKAT ODASI: Bir karargahta yeni bilgilerin arzu edilen diğer ilgili bilgilerle birlikte kara, hava ve deniz durum haritaları üzerinde işlendiği bir oda. Bu odada esas itibarı ile bir durum aydınlatma, brifing ve konferans odasıdır
war service streamer
(Askeri) HARP HİZMET ŞERİDİ: Bak. "unit award"
war ship
(Askeri) HARP GEMİSİ: Harp maksatları için kullanılan az veya çok zırhlı gemi
savaşla ilgili
mücadele eden

ABD Dışişleri Bakanı, savaşan taraflar arasındaki ateşkes konusunda aracılık yapmaya çalışıyor. - The U.S. Secretary of State is trying to broker a ceasefire between the warring parties.

jaw-jaw always is better than to war-war
Famous quote by Winston Churchill. Better to talk instead of war
savaşlar harp

Yıldız Savaşlarının birinci bölümünü izlemedim. - I didn't watch Star Wars episode 1.

Tom savaşların hiç olmayacağı günün geleceğine inanıyor. - Tom believes the day will come when there will be no more wars.

Air Force War and Mobilization Plan; War and Mobilization Plan
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri Harp ve Sefreberlik Planı; Harp ve Seferberlik Planı
{s} kavgacı
{s} savaşkan, savaşçı, cengâver
{s} savaşla tehdit eden
{s} savaşa ait, askeri
{s} savaş ile ilgili
{s} mücâdele eden
{s} muhalif
English - English
By extension, any conflict, or anything resembling a conflict

The cellular phone companies were engaged in a freebie war, each offering various services thrown in when one purchased a plan.

A particular conflict of this kind

A second challenge will be to implement, with our allies, a plan of stability in the Balkans, so that the region's bitter ethnic problems can no longer be exploited by dictators and Americans do not have to cross the Atlantic again to fight in another war.

To engage in conflict

This vein of reflection, warring with his inner knowledge that he had been driven by fear and hatred . . . , produced an exhausting whirl in his thoughts.

Organized, large-scale, armed conflict between countries or between national, ethnic, or other sizeable groups, usually involving the engagement of military forces

Germany declared war on France, who reciprocated, on August 3 , and England declared war on Germany on August 4, when Belgium was already under invasion.

A particular card game for two players
To make war; to invade or attack a state or nation with force of arms; to carry on hostilities; to be in a state by violence
{v} to make or carry on war, to fight
{n} open hostility, fighting, combat, forces
A gathering at which the main event is one or more fighting competitions for large groups of participants, involving the use of woodlands or other broken terrain and sometimes a mixture of Heavy Weapons and Archery combat The sides may be drawn from different Kingdoms or other geographical groups, or by some altogether whimsical means Wars usually feature some non-martial activities as well, as the fighting often disappears into wooded areas out of sight of the spectators
a state of opposition or contest; an act of opposition; an inimical contest, act, or action; enmity; hostility
la guerra
If you make war on someone or something that you are opposed to, you do things to stop them succeeding. She has been involved in the war against organised crime. if the United States is to be successful in its war on drugs. see also warring, civil war, Cold War, council of war
Forces; army
Ware; aware
an active struggle between competing entities; "a price war"; "a war of wits"; "diplomatic warfare"
A file created using the jar utility (and saved with the war extension) that contains all the files that make up a Web application See also Web application; JAR (Java Archive)
A sustained struggle of a scale and duration that threatens the existence of the government of a state or an equivalent juridical person and that is waged between groups of forces that are armed, wear a distinctive insignia, and are subject to military discipline under a responsible command See law of war and international humanitarian law
An event centered around a battle or battles in which the opposing sides are "warring" branches
a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between political units such as states or nations; may be limited or general in nature
War inturrepts the normal flow of the game, relying on its own sequence of events, altering rules for movement, and threatening to end the game if the conflict escalates into a Great War A War can never occur unless a legitimate Casus Belli exists
War is intense economic competition between countries or organizations. The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war
a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious; "the war on poverty"; "the war against crime" the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war" an active struggle between competing entities; "a price war"; "a war of wits"; "diplomatic warfare" a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply; "war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring" make or wage war
Squads we are at war with receive no quarter All of their level 20+ are considered targets whether HG or Civilian, regardless of what ship they are flying
Instruments of war
{i} state or period of combat between two sides (especially two countries); state of conflict or contention between two sides; theory of combat; effort against something
To carry on, as a contest; to wage
a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious; "the war on poverty"; "the war against crime"
Punishment meted out to southern countries when they attempt to increase their export prices (Latest example: attack on Iraq which produced 150,000 'collateral losses', commonly known as human victims )
means war, whether declared or not, or any warlike activities, including use of military force by any sovereign national to achieve economic, geographic, nationalistic, political, racial, religious or other ends
A war is a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states. He spent part of the war in the National Guard They've been at war for the last fifteen years. peace
To engage in conflict with a foe
The profession of arms; the art of war
A campaign against something. E.g., the war on drugs is a campaign against the use of narcotic drugs; the war on terror is a campaign against terrorist crime
Blue Warehou
{s} of combat, pertaining to war
A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities
Welfare: Government aid (in the form of services and money) to the poor Wealth: Accumulated money and material possessions controlled by an individual, group or organization Working Class: Social class of industrial societies broadly composed of people involved in manual occupation The bulk of these jobs are unskilled, poorly paid and provide few benefits or job security World Bank: International financial institution cooperative owned by 171 member countries providing loans and technical assistance to LDCs (Lesser Developed Countries) to help them develop economically World Systems Theory: Immanuel Wallerstein's theoretical approach which analyzes societies in terms of their position within global systems
to lose the battle but win the war: see battle. State of conflict, generally armed, between two or more entities. It is characterized by intentional violence on the part of large bodies of individuals organized and trained for that purpose. On the national level, some wars are fought internally between rival political factions (civil war); others are fought against an external enemy. Wars have been fought in the name of religion, in self-defense, to acquire territory or resources, and to further the political aims of the aggressor state's leadership. Achinese War Algerian War Algerian War of Independence American Civil War War Between the States Civil War United States War of Independence Antirent War Aroostook War Austrian Succession War of the Bank War Bavarian Succession War of the Chaco War Cold War Crimean War Devolution War of Falkland Islands War Malvinas War Franco Prussian War Franco German War French and Indian War man o' war bird Gempei War Grand Alliance War of the Greek Civil War Greek Independence War of Gulf War syndrome holy war Hundred Years' War Iran Iraq War Italo Turkish War Jenkins' Ear War of just war theory King George's War King Philip's War King William's War Korean War Lebanese Civil War Lord Dunmore's War Man o' War Mexican War Mexican American War Northern War First Northern War Second Great Northern War Onin War Pacific War of the Peasants' War Peloponnesian War Peninsular War Persian Gulf War First Gulf War Persian Gulf War Second Philippine American War Phony War Polish Succession War of the Portuguese man of war Queen Anne's War Red River Indian War Russian Civil War Russo Finnish War Winter War Russo Japanese War Seven Weeks' War Austro Prussian War Seven Years' War Sino French War Sino Japanese War Six Day War Arab Israeli War of 1967 Social War Marsic War Italic War South African War Boer War Spanish Civil War Spanish Succession War of the Spanish American War Thirty Years' War Three Henrys War of the total war Triple Alliance War of the Paraguayan War Tripolitan War Trojan War Vietnam War War Communism war crime War Hawk War of 1812 War Powers Act World War I First World War World War II Second World War Yamasee War Afghan wars Anglo Burmese Wars Anglo Dutch Wars Dutch Wars Arab Israeli wars Balkan Wars English Civil Wars French Revolutionary Wars Gallic Wars Greco Turkish Wars Indochina wars Italian Wars Macedonian Wars Maratha Wars Napoleonic Wars Opium Wars Persian Wars Greco Persian Wars Punic Wars Carthaginian Wars Religion Wars of Roses Wars of the Russo Turkish Wars Seminole Wars Sikh Wars Star Wars Vendée Wars of the Warring States period
If a country goes to war, it starts fighting a war. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?
{f} battle, combat, fight, struggle; be in a state of war
To contend; to strive violently; to fight
Also known as Pennsic, a huge annual SCA camping event held in Pennsylvania It is called War because there is a huge field battle every year, and the winner wins the 'war' Typically there are 7,000 to 10,000 people at Pennsic War each year
a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply; "war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring"
Wimbum group
Web ARchive file
In this sense, levying war against the sovereign authority is treason
A method by which groups of people resolve differences by means of violence The bigger group usually wins
a conflict usually over a long period of time between nations or states
the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war"
To make war upon; to fight
A conflict involving the organized use of arms and physical force between countries or other large-scale armed groups. The warring parties hold territory, which they can win or lose; and each has a leading person or organization which can surrender, or collapse, thus ending the war
Works authorisation procedure
make or wage war
Condition of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties 2 The period of such conflict 3 The techniques and procedures of war; military science 4 Condition of active antagonism or contention: a war of words; a price war 5 A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious: the war on drugs
If two people, countries, or organizations have a war of words, they criticize each other because they strongly disagree about something. Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation's zoos
The Purple TestamentA Quality of Mercy
A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force
War Democrat
a member of the Democratic Party of the United States of America who supported the prosecution of the American Civil War
War on Terror
The War on Terrorism
War on Terrorism
An ongoing campaign by the United States (and some of its allies) the stated aim of which is to counter international terrorism, but especially to counter al-Qaeda and other militant Muslim groups
War on Terrorism
The common term for the military, political, legal and ideological conflict against Islamic terrorism, and specifically used in reference to operations by the United States, in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks
war bond
A type of savings bond used by nations to help fund war efforts
war bonds
plural form of war bond
war bonnet
A ceremonial headdress, decorated with a trail extension of eagle feathers, worn by some American Indians
war bride
A company or individual whose business is increased by warfare
war bride
A woman who marries a man who is on active duty military in wartime
war brides
plural form of war bride
war cemetery
A cemetery reserved for the graves of (usually military) victims of warfare, including civil war
war chalk
To draw chalk symbols in public places (such as the side of a building or a sidewalk) to show users of computers with Wi-Fi capability where a wireless network may be accessed
war chalked
Simple past tense and past participle of war chalk
war chalking
The activity of drawing symbols denoting areas of Wi-Fi capability
war chalking
Present participle of war chalk
war chalks
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of war chalk
war chest
A fund for some special purpose, such as a political campaign
war chest
A fund to finance a war
war chests
plural form of war chest
war child
A child who has grown up in wartime
war children
plural form of war child
war cries
plural form of war cry
war crime
A punishable offense, under international law, for violations of the law of war by any person or persons, military or civilian
war crimes
plural form of war crime
war criminal
a person guilty of a war crime
war cry
An exclamation intended to rally soldiers in battle
war daddies
plural form of war daddy
war daddy
A player with extraordinary ability and exceptional toughness
war game
A game that simulates or represents a military operation
war game
A simulation, by whatever means, of a military operation involving two or more opposing forces using rules, data, and procedures designed to depict an actual or assumed real-life situation
war games
plural form of war game
war grave
Similar resting place of victims during warfare on board a sunk vessel or crashed aircraft
war grave
(usually in the plural: war graves) A cemetary reserved for such victims
war grave
A burial place, grave(s) for indidivual victim(s), soldiers and/or civilians, of warfare, including civil war
war hammer
A medieval hammer-like weapon used in close combat
war hound
a person that wants to fight
war machine
The military resources of a belligerent country considered as a whole

The German war machine was more powerful than that of the allies at the start of the war.

war machine
An individual weapon for war belonging to a nation's military

The United States has a powerful war machine at each one of their army bases.

war machines
plural form of war machine
war of nerves
Warfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents

In the future, war will not merely be one of men and machines, it will be a war of wills and a war of nerves..

war of nerves
A situation in which opposed parties refrain from direct conflict but maintain a tense, contentious relationship in which each uses annoyances or intimidating psychological tactics to attempt to dishearten and unnerve the other

We assume that a dangerous brinkmanship, a war of nerves, is under way, but it will not grow into a hot war, the official told Tass.

war of words
A heated and bad-tempered exchange of inflammatory statements
war paint
Pigments ritually applied to the face and/or body of a Native American warrior prior to going into a battle
war paint
cosmetics, makeup
war paints
plural form of war paint
war parties
plural form of war party
war party
A group of people assembled to carry out a military attack
war reparations
monetary compensation intended to cover damage or injury during a war
war room
A command center; a single location which serves as the point of coordination for military activities
war room
By extension, a single location from which any activity is directed
war rooms
plural form of war room
war stories
plural form of war story
war story
Any narrative of an event, involving either military or civilian characters, in wartime
war to end all war
Alternative form of war to end all wars
war to end all wars
Epithet for World War I

The fact is there are still a lot of wars going on in the world, and there is no general acceptance as yet that the ‘war to end all wars’ is really over.

war veteran
A person who has served in the armed forces during a war
war veterans
plural form of war veteran
war whoop
in war a yell to fight
war widow
A woman whose husband has been killed in any conflict
war widow
The wife of a man in the armed forces killed in a war (and sometimes in other military action)
war zone
A region where war is ongoing
war zone
A region where structures are damaged or in disarray, appearing similar to the effects of a military conflict
war zone
By extension, any area with a significant display of damage or disarray
war zones
plural form of war zone
Relating to gaining access to network resources, such as Wi-Fi access, by locating and exploiting unprotected access addresses
To have a computer dial a large number of phone numbers in search of devices for exploitation, such as modems or fax machines
To engage in a similar activity in another address space, such as IP addresses
Present participle of war-dial
A similar practice in other address spaces, such as IP addresses
The practice of having a computer dial large numbers of telephone numbers in search of devices that can be exploited, such as fax machines or modems
To search for a Wi-Fi wireless network while driving a motor vehicle
Present participle of war-drive
The act of searching for a Wi-Fi wireless network while driving a motor vehicle
Alternative spelling of war paint
extensively damaged as the result of war
war of words
a public argument between politicians etc
war resister
A war resister is a person who resists war. The term can mean several things: resisting participation in all war, or a specific war, either before or after enlisting in, being inducted into, or being conscripted into a military force
War of the Farrapos
(Tarih) War of the Farrapos (farrapos meaning tatters, or rags, in English) or Farroupilha Revolution (in Portuguese: Guerra dos Farrapos, Revolução Farroupilha) was a Republican uprising that began in southern Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in 1835. The rebels, led by generals Bento Gonçalves da Silva and Antônio de Sousa Neto with the support of the Italian fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi, surrendered to imperial forces in 1845
war dog
(fig.) a fierce warrior
war dog
A war dog is a dog trained for war. The dog has been used in wars since ancient times. Their jobs have varied over the years, from being trained to track with their acute sense of smell, to bringing down infantry or even horses by biting into the hamstrings of their targets
war dog
A dog trained for use in war
war game
Askerî tatbikat, savaş tatbikatı
war game
A military exercise (also called war game in American English) is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat
war machine
The military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"; (synonym) military, armed forces, armed services, military machine
War Hawk
Member of the U.S. Congress who advocated war with Britain (1811). The term was applied by opponents to newly elected Southern and Western congressmen who strongly promoted U.S. expansion into the Northwest and Canada and vigorously protested British aid to Indians. The anti-British fervour of the War Hawks, who included Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, helped cause the War of 1812
War Powers Act
(Nov. 7, 1973) Law passed by the U.S. Congress over the veto of Pres. Richard Nixon. The act restrained the president's ability to commit U.S. forces overseas by requiring the executive branch to consult with and report to Congress before involving U.S. forces in foreign hostilities. Widely considered a measure for preventing "future Vietnams," it was nonetheless resisted or ignored by subsequent presidents, most of whom regarded it as an unconstitutional usurpation of their executive authority
War and Peace
a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, set during the Napoleonic Wars and considered by many people to be one of the greatest novels ever written (1863-69)
War and Peace
{i} novel by Tolstoy about Russia during the time of Napoleon (originally published in the 1860s)
War of Independence
war fought between Israel and its neighboring Arab countries after Israel's declaration as an independent nation
War of Jenkin's Ear
war fought during the years of 1739-43 between Great Britain and Spain after continued attacks by Spain on British ships in the Caribbean
War of Jenkins' Ear
War between Britain and Spain that began in 1739 and eventually merged into the War of the Austrian Succession. In 1738 Capt. Robert Jenkins appeared before a committee of the House of Commons and exhibited his own amputated ear, which he alleged was cut off by Spanish coast guards who boarded his ship in the West Indies in 1731. Public opinion had already been aroused by other Spanish outrages on British ships, and the incident was exploited by members of Parliament who opposed the government of Robert Walpole
War of the Austrian Succession
(1740-48) Group of related wars that took place after the death (1740) of Emperor Charles VI. At issue was the right of Charles's daughter Maria Theresa to inherit the Habsburg lands. The war began when Frederick II of Prussia invaded Silesia in 1740. His victory suggested that the Habsburg dominions were incapable of defending themselves, prompting other countries to enter the fray. The conflict was ended by the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
War of the Bavarian Succession
(1778-79) Conflict in which Frederick II of Prussia prevented Joseph II of Austria from acquiring Bavaria. After the death of the Bavarian elector Maximilian Joseph (1727-77), his successor, Charles Theodore (1724-99), ceded Lower Bavaria to Austria. Frederick II responded by declaring war (1778). There was little fighting because each force was concerned with cutting its opponent's communications and denying it supplies. Short on supplies, soldiers foraged for potatoes; hence, the conflict was nicknamed the "potato war." In 1779 Austria and Prussia signed a treaty giving Austria a fraction of the territory originally occupied
War of the Pacific
(1879-83) Conflict involving Chile, Bolivia, and Peru over disputed territory on the mineral-rich Pacific coast. National boundaries in the region were not definitively established prior to the conflict, and in the 1870s Chile controlled nitrate fields claimed by Peru and Bolivia. When demand for nitrates rose, war broke out over the territory. Chile defeated both countries and took control of valuable mining areas in each; Bolivia lost its entire Pacific coast. A 1904 treaty gave Bolivian commerce freedom of transit through Chilean territory, but Bolivia continued to try to escape its landlocked status (see Chaco War). Peru foundered economically for decades after the war. A final accord between Peru and Chile was only reached in 1929 through U.S. mediation
War of the Roses
series of wars fought for the throne between the house of York and the house of Lancaster (1455-1485)
War of the Spanish Succession
(1701-14) Conflict arising from the disputed succession to the throne of Spain after the death of the childless Charles II. The Habsburg Charles had named the Bourbon Philip, duke d'Anjou, as his successor; when Philip took the Spanish throne as Philip V, his grandfather Louis XIV invaded the Spanish Netherlands. The former anti-French alliance from the War of the Grand Alliance was revived in 1701 by Britain, the Dutch Republic, and the Holy Roman emperor, who had been promised parts of the Spanish empire by earlier treaties of partition (1698, 1699). The English forces, led by the duke of Marlborough, won a series of victories over France (1704-09), including the Battle of Blenheim, which forced the French out of the Low Countries and Italy. The imperial general, Eugene of Savoy, also won notable victories. In 1711 conflicts within the alliance led to its collapse, and peace negotiations began in 1712. The war concluded with the Peace of Utrecht (1713), which marked the rise of the power of Britain at the expense of both France and Spain, and the Treaties of Rastatt and Baden (1714)
War of the Three Henrys
(1587-89) Last of the Wars of Religion in France, fought between King Henry III, the ultra-Catholic Henri I de Lorraine, duke de Guise, and the Huguenot leader Henry of Navarra (later Henry IV). Early conflicts were won by the Holy League led by Guise, who forced Henry III to sign the Edict of Union in 1588, naming him lieutenant general of the kingdom. Humiliated, Henry III had Guise assassinated, but the Holy League continued to wield power, and Henry called for help from his cousin, Henry of Navarra. The royalist-Huguenot coalition forced the Holy Leaguers to retreat, but Henry III was assassinated, and, before he died, he exhorted the future Henry IV to become a Roman Catholic
war admiral
thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1937
war against terrorism
line of action intended to defeat terrorism, an attempt to prevent acts of terrorism
war baby
A child born during wartime, especially during World War I or World War II
war between the Powers
the Cold War, tense relationship that developed after WWII between the United States and the former Soviet Union
war bonnet
A ceremonial headdress used by some Plains Indians consisting of a cap or band and a trailing extension decorated with erect feathers
war casualty
someone who was killed in a war, someone who fell in battle
war cemetery
military cemetery, cemetery where the fallen soldiers of battle are buried
war chest
A war chest is a fund to finance a project such as a political campaign. Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest
war chest
Campaign money built up by incumbents well in advance of the next election in order to give them a financial head start and discourage potential challengers Often includes leftover campaign money from the last election, as well as money raised early in the term After the 1994 elections, three victorious U S Senate candidates (Kay Bailey Hutchison [R-Texas], Joseph Lieberman [D-Conn ], and Connie Mack [R-Fla ]) had over $1 million on hand for the next race -- six years away In the U S House, 10 newly-elected representatives had a $600,000-plus war chest; three -- David Drier (R-Calif ), Charles Schumer (D-N Y ), and Robert Torricelli (D-N J ) -- surpassed the million dollar mark with $2 3 million, $2 2 million, and $1 3 million, respectively
war cloud
foreboding sign that war threatens
war cloud
an ominous sign that war threatens
war correspondent
news writer who reports on war
war crime
offense committed during times of war
war crime
Any of various crimes, such as genocide or the mistreatment of prisoners of war, committed during a war and considered in violation of the conventions of warfare.war criminal n. a cruel act done during a war which is illegal under international law. Any violation of the laws of war, as laid down by international customary law and certain international treaties. At the end of World War II, the part of the London Agreement signed by the U.S., Britain, the Soviet Union, and France established three categories of war crime: conventional war crimes (including murder, ill treatment, or deportation of the civilian population of occupied territories), crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity (political, racial, or religious persecution against any civilian population). The charter also provided for an international military tribunal to try major Axis war criminals. It further stated that a defendant's position as head of state would not free him from accountability, nor would having acted on orders or out of military necessity. German and Japanese war criminals were tried before Allied tribunals in Nürnberg and Tokyo in 1945-46 and 1946-48, respectively, and in the 1990s tribunals were created for the prosecution of war crimes committed in Rwanda and the territory of the former Yugoslavia. See also Geneva Convention; genocide; Hague Convention; Nürnberg trial
war crime
a crime committed in wartime; violation of rules of war
war dance
A tribal dance performed before a battle or as a celebration after a victory. a dance performed by tribes in preparation for battle or to celebrate a victory
war dance
special dance performed by a tribe prior to or after a battle
war dead
soldiers and civilians who have died during a war
war department
a former executive department of the United States government; created in 1789 and combined with the Navy Department in 1947
war diary
journal used to record events that take place during a war
war effort
attempt to succeed during battles in a war
war effort
things done by all the people in a country to help when that country is at war
war game
War games are military exercises that are carried out for the purpose of training, and that are designed to imitate a real war as closely as possible
war game
A war game is a game in which model soldiers are used to recreate battles that happened in the past. War games can also be played on computers
war game
simulated battle carried out in order to test strategies or concepts; military training exercise designed to simulate a genuine battle situation
war memorial
monument dedicated to the memory of soldiers that died in war
war of 1812
a war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France
war of attrition
pestering and endless hostile activities that are done so as to tire out the enemy
war of attrition
wars of attrition a struggle in which you harm your opponent in a lot of small ways, so that they become gradually weaker
war of the grand alliance
an aggressive war waged by Louis XIV against Spain and the Empire and England and Holland and other states (1689-1697)
war of the spanish succession
a general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV installed his grandson on the throne of Spain; England and Holland hoped to limit Louis' power
war paint
War paint is the paint which some groups of people used to decorate their faces and bodies before they fought a battle
war paint
full ceremonial regalia adornment consisting of paint applied to the face and body of certain Amerindians before a battle
war party
a political party that supports a war a band of warriors who raid or fight an enemy (used especially of Native Americans)
war plane
airplane used in war
war power
an extraordinary power exercised (usually by the executive branch) in the prosecution of a war and involving an extension of the powers that the government normally has in peacetime
war refugees
fugitives of war, fugitives of a battle
war risks
dangers that are likely to exist during a state of war
war room
A room in which strategic decisions, especially for a military or political campaign, are made
war song
song that is sung during a war
war story
{i} personal story of something that happened during a battle (expression can be used literally of a war experience or figuratively of a difficult, dangerous, or challenging time)
war torn
said about a region that suffered major damage due to constant battling and fighting in the area
war widow
a woman whose husband has died in war
war zone
an area where a war is being fought
war zone
{i} combat zone of military operations; area at high sea where ships are prone to being attacked by a belligerent nation during a war
war zone
a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especiallya designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war)
{s} destroyed by war, ruined and destroyed by force and violence of war
martial, bellicose or militaristic
hostile and belligerent
engaged in war; belligerent
{a} disposed to or fit for war, military
suggesting war or military life
{s} fond of war; characteristic of war; aggressive; combative
Warlike people seem aggressive and eager to start a war. The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people
Fit for war; disposed for war; as, a warlike state; a warlike disposition
inclined to make war
Belonging or relating to war; military; martial
{s} fighting, battling
Warring is used to describe groups of people who are involved in a conflict or quarrel with each other. The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons. warring husbands and wives. at war or fighting each other warring factions/parties (=groups of people fighting each other)
engaged in war; "belligerent (or warring) nations"; "a fighting war"
plural of war
third-person singular of war

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈwôr/ /ˈwɔːr/


    [ wor ] (noun.) 12th century. From Middle English werre, from Late Old English werre, wyrre "armed conflict" from Old Northern French werre (compare Old French guerre, gwerre), of Germanic origin, from Frankish *werra "confusion, strife" from Proto-Germanic *werzṓ, *werzá- (“mixture, mix-up, confusion”) from Proto-Indo-European *wers- (“to mix up, confuse, beat, thresh”). Akin to Old High German werra "confusion, strife, quarrel" (German verwirren "to confuse"), Old Saxon werran "to confuse, perplex" (Dutch war "confusion, disarray"), Old English wyrsa, wiersa "worse", Old Norse verri "worse" (originally "confounded, mixed up"). Compare Latin versus (“against, turned”), past participle of vertere (“turn, change, overthrow, destroy”). More at worse, wurst.


    ... pretty quickly after we win the war. We get to the thing where as soon as you give owners ...
    ... That's all great. I think we don't have that answer for the civil war thing yet. We don't. ...