
listen to the pronunciation of wann
German - Turkish
{van} ne zaman
ne zaman

Onun ne zaman geleceğini bilmiyorum. - Ich weiß nicht, wann er kommt.

İngilizce öğrenmeye ne zaman başladın? - Wann hast du angefangen, Englisch zu lernen?

ne vakit
wann auch immer
her ne zaman
dann und wann
ara sıra
dann und wann
'danuntvan arasıra
dann und wann
{'danuntvan} arasıra
English - Turkish

Definition of wann in English Turkish dictionary

ne zaman

Ne zaman geri döneceksin? - When will you return?

Hata baştan sağda mı yoksa sonradan mı meydana geldi? - Ne zaman? - Did the error occur right from the start or later on? - When?

dığı zaman

O beş yaşında iken o şiiri ezberleyebildi. - He was able to memorize that poem when he was five years old.

Bir zamanlar bir öğrenci iken onunla tanıştım. - I once met him when I was a student.


Ne zaman orada olmam gerektiğinden emin değilim. - I'm not sure when I should be there.

Ev ödevi yapmam gerektiğinde erkek kardeşim her zaman bana yardım eder. - When I have homework to do, my brother always helps me with it.

-diği (gün)
(olması gerektiği) halde
-dığı zaman
-diği zaman

Sevdiği genç onunla konuşmak için geldiğinde, o telaşlandı. - She got all flustered when the boy she likes came over to talk to her.

Bütün söylediği zamanı geldiğinde öğreneceğimizdi. - All she said was that we would know when the time came.

when he comes geleceği zaman

Ben bir çocukken burada çok vakit harcadım. - I spent a lot of time here when I was a kid.

Tom ve Mary çocukken birlikte çok vakit geçirdiler. - Tom and Mary spent a lot of time together when they were kids.

göz önüne alarak
{i} ne zamandan kalma
When shall I come? Ne zaman geleyim? Come when you please
-diğinde; -diği zaman; -ince; -diği (gün, saat v.b.): You have to get up when
ta ki

Ne zaman geri döneceksin? - When will you return?

Zamanımız olduğunda onu yapacağız. - We'll do it when we have time.


Bir an önce onu kullanmak istediğimi bildiğin halde niçin tavuğu böyle alması zor bir yere koydun? - Why did you put the chicken in such a difficult place to get when you knew that I wanted to use it right away?

German - English

The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. - Die sieben Fragen, die sich ein Ingenieur stellen muss, sind: wer, was, wann, wo, warum, wie und wie viel.

When can one say that a person has alcohol issues? - Wann kann man sagen, dass ein Mensch Alkoholprobleme hat?

when to
Wann bist du gegangen?
When did you leave?
Wann bist du zu Hause telefonisch erreichbar?
When can you be reached at home by telephone
Wann feiert Ihr Hochzeit?
When is the wedding?
Wann hast du Termin? (Geburtstermin)
When is it due? (date of childbirth)
Wann ist Besuchszeit?
When are visiting hours?
Wann ist Sperrstunde?
What time is the curfew?
Wann ist die richtige Zeit, um … auszupflanzen?
When is the right time to plant out …?
Wann ist sie zu Hause anzutreffen?
When can she be found at home?
Wann kannst du da sein?
How soon can you be here?
Wann kommst du wieder?
When will you be back?
Wann kommt der Zug in London an?
When does the train reach London?
Wann können Sie die neue Stelle antreten?
When will you be available to start the new job?
Wann können Sie liefern?
When can you deliver?
Wann soll ich dir deinen USB-Stick zurückbringen?
When do you want me to bring back your USB stick?
Wann und wo sind Sie geboren?
When and where were you born?
Wann warst du zuletzt/das letzte Mal im Ausland?
When were you last in another country?
Wann wird es soweit sein?
When will that point arrive / be (reached)?
Wann wirst du wieder gesund sein?
How long will it take you to recover?
Wann wurde sie zuletzt lebend gesehen?
When was she last seen alive?
Wann, schätzt du, wirst du mit dem Studium fertig sein?
When do you envisage finishing your studies?
wann auch immer
wann genau
where exactly
wann genau
how exactly
wann genau
when exactly
wann genau
who exactly
wann genau
what exactly
wann immer
wann? +Dat.}
'Wann hast du denn Arbeitsschluss?' 'Ich habe erst um fünf aus.'
'What time do you knock off work?' 'I don't knock off until five.'
Bis wann muss es fertig sein?
By when must it be finished/ready?
Du sagst einfach wann und wo, und wir werden da sein.
Just name the day/date and place and we'll be there
Für wann möchten Sie einen Termin haben?
When would you like an appointment?
Ich weiß nicht genau, wann diese Sendung ausgestrahlt wird.
I'm not sure when this programme/program will be aired
Ich weiß nicht, wann der Vortrag beginnt, aber ich werde das in Erfahrung bringe
I don't know when the lecture starts, but I'll find out
Ich werde mich später melden, um Ihnen mitzuteilen, wann Sie kommen sollen.
I will contact you later to advise you when to come
Seit wann haben Sie diese Schmerzen?
How long have you had this pain?
Seit wann hast du sie nicht mehr gesehen?
When was the last time you saw her?
Seit wann leiden Sie an dieser Krankheit?
How long have you been suffering from this disease?
Seit wann/Wie lange spielst du schon Flöte?
How long have you played (the) flute?
Von wann bis wann hat sie das Kind betreut?
During what period did she care for the child?
Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?
If not now, then when?
Wir wissen noch nicht, wann wir es zeitlich einrichten können.
We don't know yet when we can make time for that
Woran merke ich, wann das Fleisch schlecht/hinüber ist?
How do I notice when the meat is off?
bis wann?
until when
bis wann?
till when
dann und wann
now and then
dann und wann
at odd times
einerlei wann
genau wissen, wann
to be sure when …
gern wissen wollen (ob, wie, wann etc.)
to wonder (if, how, when etc.)
seit wann
since when
seit wann
how long since
von wann an
from when
wenn ich nur wüsste, ob/wann/was …
if only I knew whether/when/what …
wo?, wann? +Dat.}
wo?, wann? +Dat.}
wohin?, bis wann? +Akk.}
wohin?, bis wann? +Akk.}