
listen to the pronunciation of vurur
Turkish - English

Once it hits two o'clock, I'll go to bed. - Saat ikiyi vurur vurmaz yatmaya gideceğim.

What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object? - Durdurulamayan bir güç sabit bir cismi vurursa ne olur?

plural form of hit
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hit
The number of times a Web Page is viewed by someone Hits can be monitored by visitor counters which actually keep a numerical count of the number of viewers
In database searches, the number of documents that resulted from the search; for servers, the number of document requests received by a server
The number of requests for files made to a Web server A much misunderstood term It is not the number of unique visitors A typical Web page is made up of one HTML file, plus a number of graphics One request for this page results in several hits
third-person singular of hit
Hits are simply requests for files from visitors Each HTML document and graphic file counts as a separate hit, so they aren't an accurate representation of the number of different visitors to your site, but sometimes they're all you've got
Each graphic element, sound file, QuickTime movie, etc , on your web pages will require an access This access is considered a "hit" Example: Your page is made up of about 200 words of text and 5 graphic elements (logos, buttons, pictures) One full request for your page would require 6 hits One hit for the text and 5 hits for each graphic Even the hit limit for a Personal Server configuration set at 1000 hits per day would allow for more than 166 requests per day to the page in the example above That's a lot for a personal home page The hit limits for all four of JCN's server configurations are very generous and were set to handle very active sites in their category
The number of web sites that result from an Internet search
A hit is simply any request to the web server for any type of file This can be an HTML page, an image (jpeg, gif, png, etc ), a sound clip, a cgi script, and many other file types An HTML page can account for several hits: the page itself, each image on the page, and any embedded sound or video clips Therefore, the number of hits a website receives is not a valid popularity gauge, but rather is an indication of server use and loading
The number of times your site's server has been "hit" by a request for a web page or a graphic image "Hits" can be very misleading as all the graphics on the page are counted as individual hits and therefore the hit count is higher A better indicator of page popularity is "page views" or "page impressions which refers to the number of times a web page has been requested by the server
The number of times a web page is browsed over a given time period, or the number of times a hyperlink from a Job Slot Vacancy search result is used to open a web page
The term "hits" is used by Webmasters to describe the total number of recorded accesses to their site It has indirect relevance to an advertiser, because not all "hits" are impressions (e g graphic files are sometimes counted as "hits"), and not all impressions are "hits" (e g cached pages may be seen many times by one or more visitors without recorded accesses to the original site)
When you use a search engine on the Internet to find information, anything found is considered a "hit " The broader your query terms are, the more hits will be reported The term also applies to how many times your site has been accessed by people Many sites have counters to inform visitors how popular a page is
Refers to items retrieved from a database matching criteria you set For example, if you do a Keyword Title search in the online catalog for "linguistics" and retrieve 2798 items, that can also be called 2798 'hits '
- this is an often-misunderstood term referring to the number of times a web server is "hit" by a request for information These requests include the web page and any graphic on the page For example, if you go to a web page that has 5 graphics on it, you just registered 6 hits (1 for the page and 1 for each of the 5 graphics) As you can imagine, this number can be very misleading A more meaningful number is "page impressions" or "page views"
plural of hit
As regards the Internet, the number of document requests being answered by a server The number of hits on a Web site does not equal the number of visitors A single visitor can request several different pages during a visit, thus registering multiple hits As well, even a single request for a single page can register multiple hits, as graphic elements are requested from the server separately from the page's text
A measure of the number of times a Web site has been visited Web sites frequently track hits as a measure of the popularity of the sites The term hits also refers to a list of choices called up by a key word search in a database or an Internet search
The number of hits an individual scores is the number of test cases for which it returns the correct answer (or close enough to it) This may or may not be a component of the fitness function When an individual gains the maximum number of hits this may terminate the run

Lightning struck the tower. - Yıldırım kuleyi vurdu.

The boxer struck his opponent hard. - Boksör rakibine sert vurdu.

{f} shot

The man who shot him was Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. - Onu vuran adam Sirhan Bişara Sirhandı.

The policeman was off duty when he was shot to death. - Polis vurularak öldürüldüğünde izinliydi.

{f} smitten

He was smitten with your mother. - O senin annene vurulmuş.

Dan was immediately smitten with Linda. - Dan hemen Linda'ya vuruldu.

{f} pounding

I asked Tom to stop pounding on the wall. - Tom'un duvara vurmasını bırakmasını istedim.

The manager reprimanded the man by pounding on the table. - Müdür masaya vurarak adamı azarladı.

{f} slap
{f} hit

An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami. - Richter ölçeğine göre 8.9 şiddetinde bir deprem, Japonya'yı vurdu ve ağır bir tsunamiye sebep oldu.

A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today. - 8.8 büyüklüğündeki büyük deprem bugün Japon adalarını vurdu.

{f} beating

I saw him beating the animal. - Onun hayvana vurduğunu gördüm.

The rain was beating against the windows. - Yağmur pencerelere vuruyordu.

{f} batting

He has a high batting average. - Onun yüksek bir topa vuruş averajı vardır.

{f} flick
{f} knock

The couple was quarrelling and Chris knocked Beth down. - Çift tartışıyordu ve Chris Beth'e vurup yere devirdi.

Hold on, someone is knocking at my door. - Bekle , biri kapıma vuruyor.

{f} thwack
{f} striking

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. - Nisanda aydınlık soğuk bir gündü ve saat on üçü vuruyordu.

{f} clout
{f} smote
{f} swipe
{f} beaten

Have you ever beaten your dog? - Hiç köpeğine vurdun mu?

I've never beaten Tom. - Ben hiç Tom'a vurmadım.

{f} thump
{f} hitting

Tom didn't blame Mary for hitting John. - Tom, John'a vurduğu için Mary'yi suçlamadı.

We couldn't stop him from hitting her. - Onun ona vurmasını engelleyemedik.

{f} sock
pasaportuma lütfen damga vurur musunuz
Would you please stamp my passport

Tom whacked the dog with his cane. - Tom bastonu ile köpeğe vurdu.

{f} beat

Have you ever beaten your dog? - Hiç köpeğine vurdun mu?

Tom began to beat his son. - Tom oğluna vurmaya başladı.
