A person named, or designated, by another, to any office, duty, or position; one nominated, or proposed, by others for office or for election to office
(Prête-nom) The registered shareholder in a third-party account The nominee has trading authority over the account but the actual securities are held by the beneficial owner
Someone who has been nominated to act on your behalf For example, a nominee bank account, is one set up and run on your behalf by an online broker Shares in online trading accounts are generally held in a nominee name on your behalf
A person who is nominated, or proposed by others as a candidate for public office
A partnership established by a bank, securities firm or other corporation to be used as the holder of record for registered securities owned by the bank, securities firm or corporation These entities register securities in the name of a nominee to avoid the difficulties of registering and transferring securities in a corporate name; additionally, this form of registration is satisfactory for purposes of delivery on inter-dealer transactions The name of a corporation's nominee is generally registered with the American Society of Corporate Secretaries, which publishes a directory of nominees Compare: "STREET" NAME See: LEGAL ITEM
As related to securities, one designated to act for another as his representative in a limited sense; for example, stock held by a brokerage firm in street name to facilitate transactions even though the customer is the actual owner of the securities
A person who receives, in his or her name, income that actually belongs to someone else
A company formed for the specific purpose of registering securities in its own name on behalf of other persons, and administering those holdings
A person named for an office, position, or duty; in trust business, usually the person, firm, or corporation in whose name registered securities are held
n A modest gentleman shrinking from the distinction of private life and diligently seeking the honorable obscurity of public office
A person or firm to whom securities or other properties are transferred to facilitate transactions, while leaving the customer as the actual owner
Person or firm, such as a brokerage house, whose name is inscribed on a security certificate if it is different from that of the beneficial owner The purpose is to expedite transfers of title when the security is sold The beneficial owner is the true shareholder and he retains all rights of ownership
vorgeschobene person (die auf weisung eines hintermanns agiert)
vorgeschobene per·son (die auf weisung eines hintermanns agiert)