An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart In ArcView a legend defines which features of a theme are displayed in the view map
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Part I: The Foundation Part II: Representing the People Part III: Rules and Traditions Part IV: Getting the Business Done Part V: Other Topics of Interest Glossary Study Questions
For a whole disc or any session within a disc, shows the number of tracks, their starting locations, and the total length of the data area The TOC does NOT show the length of each track, only its starting point
Introduction Take It Apart and See How It Runs By Patricia Smith Churchland Neural Networks and Common sense By Paul M Churchland Cognition and Cultural Belief By Aaron V Cicourel In Defense of AI By Daniel C Dennett Cognitivism Abandoned By Hubert L Dreyfus The Folly of Simulation By Jerry A Fodor Farewell to GOFAI? By John Haugeland Embodied Minds and Meanings By George Lakoff Toward a Pragmatic Connectionism By James L McClelland The Serial Imperative By Allen Newell Gestalt Psychology Redux By Stephen E Palmer Against the New Associationism By Hilary Putnam From Searching to Seeing By David E Rumelhart Ontology Is the Question By John R Searle The Hardware Really Matters By Terrence J Sejnowski Technology Is Not the Problem By Herbert A Simon The Myth of the Last Metaphor By Joseph Weizenbaum Why Play the Philosophy Game? By Robert Wilensky Computers and Social Values By Terry A Winograd The Albatross of Classical Logic By Lotfi A Zadeh Glossary Bibliography Index
Lists number of CD tracks, their starting locations, total length of data on the disc, and identification of type of disc The TOC is placed in Q-subcode in the lead-in area of a CD disc
Usually comes at the end of the preliminary material in a book and lists in order the book's main topics or the headings of the individual units and their page numbers
A listing of the contents of a book with page references The table of contents appears at the front of a book text Work that has been created "Text" may refer to fiction and nonfiction, as well as paintings, drawings, and photographs theme A central idea of a text that is often implied rather than directly stated thesis A main idea or argument of an essay found in the first paragraph title page One of the first pages in a book that gives the title of the work, the author(s) of the work, and the publisher of the work tone The attitude of the writer or speaker toward his or her topic or audience topic What the text is about transition Movement from part of a text or argument to the next part
The ELN shows the arrangement of information as a "tree" of items, depicting the organization as a hierarchy It looks rather like the iconic display of data in a computer directory You give each element of information a name and description when you enter it in your group's ELN This name appears with its corresponding icon in this TOC view
A FrontPage component that creates an outline of your FrontPage web, with hyperlinks to each page The Table of Contents updates this outline each time a FrontPage web's contents change
This information area incorporates, for example, the disc table of contents, total numbers, total names, playing time, time, date, data position, etc When a new recording is made on the MD, this new information is updated after finishing the recording This process only takes about 1 second fTOC edit blinks in display during this time In case of a prerecorded MD this TDC is stipulated by the manufacturer and cannot be changed
Executive Summary I Country Program Description A Country Context B Objectives and Strategy C Accomplishments and Outcomes II Lessons Learned III Attachments Attachment A: Summary of Process Indicator Data Attachment B: AIDSCAP Mali Country Program Financial Summary Glossary of Acronyms Glossary of Acronyms AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
The chapters or sections in a manual listed in order of appearance along with their page numbers The Table of Contents appears at the beginning of a hard copy manual Online manuals also can have a Contents page, which is similar to a Table of Contents
Each module includes a general Table of Contents (ToC) covering the entire module Click "ToC" in the top right of the menubar to access the Table of Contents
[ A - E | F - J | K - O | P - T | U - Z (below) ] [ U | V | W | X/Y | Z ] "U" Usury On a loan, claiming a rate of interest greater than permitted by law Return to: Return to Table of Contents "V" Valuation The act or process of estimating value; the amount of estimated value Return to: Return to Table of Contents "W" Warranty Deed Most valuable type of deed in which the grantor makes formal assurance of title W2 Form) Income tax form that is provided by employers to employees that states the income and taxes paid in a calendar year Return to: Return to Table of Contents "X/Y" Yield The interest earned by an investor on his investment (or bank on the money it has lent) Also called Return Return to: Return to Table of Contents "Z" Zoning Ordinances The acts of an authorized local government establishing building codes, and setting forth regulations for property land usage
Introduction 1 1 AFS Data Base location 2 2 Responsible Person 3 2 1 Identification of the guilty party 3 2 2 The Responsible Person RR 4 3 X 25 and ISDN addresses, Route Binding 6 3 1 The X25 RR 6 3 2 The ISDN RR 7 3 3 The Route Through RR 8 REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 Security Considerations 10 Authors' Addresses 11
Turkish - English
Definition of volume table of contents in Turkish English dictionary