Demokrasi uzun vadede muzaffer olacaktır.
- Democracy will be victorious in the long run.
Muzaffer ordu, ülkeden geri çekildi.
- The victorious army withdrew from the country.
Biz tamamen galiptik.
- We were completely victorious.
Tarih galipler tarafından yazılır.
- History is written by the victors.
Kazanan, parsayı toplar.
- To the victor go the spoils.
Kaybeden gülümserse kazanan zaferin heyecanını kaybeder.
- If the loser smiled the winner will lose the thrill of victory.
O, yarışı birinci bitirdiğinde, tüm ülke için bir zaferdi.
- It was a victory for the whole country when he finished first in the race.
'Well, it's you mother who chose Victor. I never liked the name. It sounded a bit like boasting. I think it was because you were born on May something or other when we celebrate the day Germans surrendered.' 'I wasn't. I was born in September.' 'Oh, then there must have been another reason. Perhaps she thought to have you at all was her victory. Over me. I wasn't so keen on a child.'.