verschluss eines blutgefäßes durch einen blutpfropf

listen to the pronunciation of verschluss eines blutgefäßes durch einen blutpfropf
English - Turkish

Definition of verschluss eines blutgefäßes durch einen blutpfropf in English Turkish dictionary

(Tıp) Herhangi bir damardaki trombüs'ten kopan pıhtı parçasının başka bir bölge damarında tıkanmaya sebep olması, tromboembolizm
German - English
An embolism caused by a blood clot carried in the bloodstream from its place of origin
Both clotting and embolic migration in the same patient
obstruction of a blood vessel caused by fragments of a blood clot carried from the site of origin to obstruct another vessel
Process of forming emboli from thrombi
occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus that has broken away from a thrombus
verschluss eines blutgefäßes durch einen blutpfropf