{f} convert into vapor, convert into a gaseous state; become converted into vapor, become dissipated (also vaporise)
To convert a liquid into a mist by breaking it into small particles and mixing it with air The carburetor vaporizes gasoline to produce a combustible fuel/air mixture
decrease rapidly and disappear; "the money vanished in las Vegas"; "all my stock assets have vaporized"
The action of converting a liquid into a mist or vapor by breaking it into small particles and mixing it with air The design of the carburetor and fuel injectors vaporizes gasoline to produce a combustible fuel-air mixture If it is not vaporized, the liquid gasoline may not burn properly and may even hydraulic
va·por·ize vaporizes vaporizing vaporized in BRIT, also use vaporise If a liquid or solid vaporizes or if you vaporize it, it changes into vapour or gas. The benzene vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas The blast may have vaporised the meteorite. vaporise to change into a vapour, or to make something, especially a liquid, do this
The act or process of vaporizing, or the state of being converted into vapor; the artificial formation of vapor; specifically, the conversion of water into steam, as in a steam boiler
Conversion of a substance from the liquid or solid phase into the gaseous (see gas), or vapour, phase. It includes boiling, in which vapour bubbles form in a liquid, and sublimation, in which a solid is converted directly to vapour. Vaporization requires that heat (the substance's latent heat of vaporization) be supplied to the liquid or solid; the same amount of heat is released by the substance in condensation, the reverse of vaporization. If the surroundings do not supply enough heat, the temperature of the remaining substance undergoing vaporization drops. See also evaporation