(Askeri) Eski Muharipler İdari Teşkilatı; hassasiyet değerlendirmesi (Veterans Administration; vulnerability assessment)
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of va in Turkish Turkish dictionary
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Vah, yazık" meâlinde olup hayf, hasret, esef gibi kelimelerle birlikte söylenir. (Buna Arabçada "edât-ı nüdbe denir.)Türkçede bunun yerine; vâh, vây, eyvâh edatları kullanılır. Bunlar bâzan şiddet ve te'yid için tekrar edilir
a state in the eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the Confederate States in the American Civil War
Veterans Administration, which operates a loan guarantee program for honorably discharged veterans enabling them purchase a home with little or no down payment
Volt-Amperes, product of volts times amperes, vectorial sum of Watts and VARs Voltage (V) multiplied by the current (ampere); apparent power For instance, a device rated at 10 amps and 120 V has a VA rating of 1200 or 1 2 kVA
The product of voltage and current in a circuit In a DC circuit, it is equivalent to the power (watts); in an AC circuit, it is equal to power (watts) divided by the power factor
Veterans Administration An independent agency of the federal government which helps a veteran get a long-term, low-downpayment mortgage The agency normally does this by guaranteeing a portion of a lender's loans against loss In return for this guarantee, lenders must follow prescribed procedures for loans established by the VA
Volt-Amp A power rating product specified for an uninterruptable power source Dividing this product by the voltage supplied, usually 110V, yields the current supply available
Department of Veterans Affairs mortgage – A mortgage made in conformity with the requirements of the Department of Veterans Affairs in conjunction with loans for U S Veterans
the United States federal department responsible for the interests of military veterans; created in 1989
Vatican City (in Internet addresses). the written abbreviation of Virginia. the abbreviation of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Administration, now the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Variable Interest Rates: Interest rates that are tied to a certain index and change periodically as the index changes VR: Vocational Rehabilitation VWS: Verification Worksheet
Veterans Administration - The federal government agency that facilitates long term, low down payment mortgages to military veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs: a federal agency which guarantees loans made to veterans; similar to mortgage insurance, a loan guarantee protects lenders against loss that may result from a borrower default
a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt; equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 ampere of current flows through it