vücuda sokulanmadde

listen to the pronunciation of vücuda sokulanmadde
Turkish - English
(Tıp) intake
The place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit; opposed to outlet
An act or instance of taking in: an intake of oxygen or food
– the stage of the child protection case process when community professionals and the general public report suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect to CPS and/or the police; CPS staff and the police must determine the appropriateness of the report and the urgency of the response needed
The initial conversation with the Clinic Coordinator to discuss treatment goals, schedule appointments with the appropriate clinician(s) and clarify financial arrangements
The quantity taken in; as, the intake of air
Process for which prospective members are educated about a chapter's history, organization, and community service It is the initial procedure for some historically African-American fraternities and sororities
The process by which a substance crosses the outer boundary of an organism without passing an absorption barrier, e g , through ingestion or inhalation
Your intake of a particular kind of food, drink, or air is the amount that you eat, drink, or breathe in. Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day
The place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit; -- opposed to outlet
An act or instance of taking in: an intake of oxygen
an opening through which fluid is admitted to a tube or container
The process of receiving applications, inquiries, and referrals; applies also to reports of complaints of abuse or neglect
An opening strainer or grating through which water enters, and is then conveyed, usually by gravity, to a reservoir
Intake" is a term that is defined variously from state to state In general, it refers to a decision-making process for determining how a case will be handled The intake process typically involves screening the police complaint for legal sufficiency and making an initial determination regarding how it should be handled: formally or informally If a case is handled formally, a petition, complaint, or other legal instrument will be filed with the juvenile court and a hearing will be scheduled If the case is handled informally, the probation department may supervise the juvenile for a period of time or the case may be diverted to some alternative tribunal, such as a teen court or community panel Prosecutors and/or intake officers make intake decisions and draft petitions
- The term NPHC groups use when bringing in new members into the organization Each NPHC organization determines when they will conduct intake
The passage through which fresh air is drawn or forced into a mine or to a section of a mine
Initial interview to gather information from the family prior to beginning Early Supports and Services
{i} taking in; opening through which fluid is taken in (i.e. mouth of a pipe); process of taking food or other substances into the body via the mouth, consumption; something which is taken in or received; amount that is taken in; narrowing, contraction
The people who are accepted into an organization or place at a particular time are referred to as a particular intake. one of this year's intake of students
A measure of exposure expressed as mass of a substance in contact with the exchange boundary per unit body weight per unit time (e g , mg chemical/kg/day) Also termed the normalized exposure rate; administered dose, and applied dose
vücuda sokulanmadde