
listen to the pronunciation of utility(a)
English - Turkish

Definition of utility(a) in English Turkish dictionary

işe yararlık
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı uygulama
(İnşaat) yarar V
{i} kamu hizmet kuruluşu (elektrik şirketi, telefon şirketi v.b.)
{i} (Felsefe) çoğunluğun mutluluk ve çıkarı
kamu destek birimleri
faydalanan kuruluş
kamu hizmetleri
hizmet programı
faydacılıkta çoğunluğun mutluluk ve çıkarı
(Nükleer Bilimler) faydalan(ıl)an kuruluş
faydalanılan kuruluş
kamu hizmeti gören kuruluş
kamu hizmet şirketi hisseleri
kamu hizmet şirketi
public utilities kamu hizmet kurumlan
yardımcı yazılım
(Program) Yardımcı (Program)
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı program
utility man ufak rollere çıkan kimse
(Bilgisayar) hizmet programı yazılım
kamu hizmet kuruluşu
işe yarar
maksada uygunluk
(Ticaret) amaca uygunluk
utility core
servis çekirdeği
utility function
(Dilbilim) kullanım işlevi
utility helicopter
(Askeri) genel maksat helikopteri
utility items
(Tekstil) çalışma giysisi
utility knife
maket bıçağı
utility level
(Ticaret) fayda düzeyi
utility manager
(Bilgisayar) hizmet programı yöneticisi
utility model
(Politika, Siyaset) faydalı model
utility piping
şehir şebeke borulaması
utility program
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı uygulama
utility program
hizmet programı
utility programme
(Askeri) destek programı
utility room
sandık odası
utility room
çamaşır odası
utility source
elektrik kaynağı
utility theory
fayda teorisi
utility theory
(Ticaret) fayda kuramı
utility vehicle
kamu hizmeti yapan kuruluş

Onların mobilyaları, tarz yerine yarar için seçildi. - Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than style.

yararlı olma
utility man
yedek işçi
utility pole
çıngı direği
utility program
destek bağdarlama
utility program
yardımcı program
utility program
yardımcı bağdarlama
utility room
kalorifer dairesi
utility routine
yardımcı yordam
{i} işe yarar şey
utility arts
Yeni sanat
utility belt
alet kemeri
utility bond
Yeni bond
utility diskette
Yeni disket
utility life
Kamu hizmetinde geçen hayat
utility routine
Yeni rutin
utility vehicle
Yeni araç
hizmet programı, olanak
standart yapılan eşya ile ilgili
{i} yararlılık
utility application
Yardımcı uygulama
utility company
(Ticaret) kamu hizmeti veren şirket
utility company
(Ticaret) kamu hizmeti şirketi
utility disk
Yardımı disk
utility disk
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı disk
utility fund
(Askeri) KAMU HİZMETLERİ FONU: Kamu hizmetlerinin karşılanması için ayrılmış para
utility helicopter
(Askeri) GENEL HİZMET HELİKOPTERİ: Birlik nakil kabiliyeti olan ancak bununla birlikte komuta ve kontrol, lojistik yaralı tahliye veya taarruz helikopteri görevlerinde de, kullanılabilecek çok amaçlı bir helikopter
utility items
(Askeri) FENNİ VE SIHHİ TESİS MADDELERİ: Bak "standby items"
utility man
küçük rollere çıkan aktör
utility man
utility man
her işi gören işçi
utility pole
elektrik direği
utility program
hizmet programı Yardımcı
utility program
(Askeri) DESTEK PROGRAMI: Bazı temel rutinlerin yürütülmesini sağlayan program
utility railway
(Askeri) SİVİL DEMİRYOLU: Asker demiryolu olarak sınırlandırılmayan ve genel kamu maksatları için kullanılan demiryolu. Ayrıca bak "military utility railway"
utility repairman
(Askeri) FENNİ VE SIHHİ TESİS TAMİRCİSİ: Marangozluk, saç levha işçiliği, elektrik aletleri işçiliği ve makinistlik gibi sahalarda esas bilgi ve tecrübeleri kazanarak yetişmiş olan asker. Bu eğitim, askerin bağlı olduğu seferberlik eğitim programına göre değişir
utility room
kalorifer dairesi; çamaşır odası; sandık odası. public utilities kamu hizmet kuruluşları
utility room
(Mukavele) yıkama, depolama, bakım gibi işler için kullanılan oda
utility routine
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) donatım yordamı
utility routine
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) destek yordamı
utility system
(Askeri) FENNİ VE SIHHİ TESİSAT ŞEBEKESİ: Herhangi bir tesis dahilinde su, ısıtma, ışık, kanalizasyon, vesaire gibi her çeşit fenni ve sıhhi tesisattan meydana gelen genel şebeke
utility water
işletme suyu
utility water
(Avrupa Birliği) kullanma suyu
disinfection utility
(Bilgisayar) virüs temizlemeyici program
disinfection utility
(Bilgisayar) virüs temizleme programı
institution of public utility
(Ticaret) kamu hizmet kurumu
institutions of public utility
(Ticaret) kamu kuruluşları
possession utility
(Ticaret) mülkiyet faydası
sort utility
(Bilgisayar) sıralama hizmet programı
computer utility
bilgisayar desteği
diminishing marginal utility
azalan marjinal fayda
information utility
bilgi desteği
public utility
genel hizmet
public utility
kamu yararı
electric utility
elektrik yarar
expected utility
beklenen fayda
expired utility
tahakkuk etmiş amortisman
marginal utility
(Ekonomi) Marjinal fayda
processor utility
işlemci programı
public utility
kamu hizmeti
sport utility
spor hizmet
sport utility vehicle
jeep, suv, arazi aracı
sports utility vehicle
spor Yeni araç
total utility
tüketicinin bir takım ürünleri kullanımı boyunca tam memnuniyet duyması. Örneğin: bir tüketici hafta 4 çukulata yiyorsa, her 4 çukulatanın toplamından duyduğu toplam memnuniyet
uselessness, a lack of utility
faydasızlık, Yeni bir eksikliği
business graphics utility
İş Çizimleri Hizmet Programı
chart utility
çizim olanağı
conferencing utility
Konferans Hizmet Programı
data file utility
(DFU) Veri Kütüğü Hizmet Programı
diminishing marginal utility
(Ticaret) azalan marjinal fayda ilkesi
disinfection utility
virus temizleme programi
increasing marginal utility
(Ticaret) artan marjinal fayda
interactive data def. utility etkile
(IDDU) Hizmet Programı
landing craft, utility; launch correlation unit
(Askeri) genel hizmet çıkarma aracı; fırlatma korrelasyon birliği
marginal utility
(Ticaret) marjinal yarar
marginal utility school
(Ticaret) marjinal fayda okulu
military utility railway
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAKSATLI DEMİRYOLU: Askeri veya sivil personel tarafından, askeri bir yetki altında belirli bir askeri tesis hesabına işletilen, bakım ve muhafazası sağlanan veya inşa edilen standart, dar veya geniş demiryolu tesisleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "utility railway"
offshore petroleum discharge system (OPDS) utility boat
(Askeri) deniz aşırı akaryakıt boşaltma sistemi (OPDS) genel hizmet botu
ordinal utility
sırasal fayda
ordinal utility
(Ticaret) karşılaştırılabilir fayda
public utility
(Askeri) KAMU TESİSİ: Demiryolu, gaz, elektrik vesaire kamu hizmetlerini yerine getiren herhangi bir tesis. Buna kısaca "utility" de denir
public utility company
kamu kuruluşu
public utility corporation
kamu hizmeti birliği
railway military utility
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAKSATLA KULLANILAN DEMİRYOLU: Standart ve diğer tip hatları bulunan ve askeri veya sivil personel tarafından garnizon, askeri mevki, kamp gibi bir tesis için inşa edilen, işletilen ve bakım yapılan demiryolu ve demiryolu tesisleri
social utility
toplumsal yararlık
source entry utility
Kaynak Giriş Hizmet Programı
subjective utility
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) öznel yararlılık
system configuration utility
Sistem Yapılandırma Hizmet Programı
uninstall utility
(Bilgisayar) kaldırma programı
virus detection utility
virus bulma programi
virus detection utility
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) virüs bulma programı
English - English
used of beef; usable but inferior
capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team; "a utility infielder"
Something that is useful
The ability of a commodity to satisfy needs or wants; the satisfaction experienced by the consumer of that commodity
The ability to play multiple positions
A software program specifically designed to help manage and tune the computer hardware, operating system or application software, and perform a single task or a small range of tasks; as opposed to application software which tend to be software suites
A service provider, such as an electric company or water company or its securities
The state or condition of being useful; usefulness
utility belt
A belt with pockets, loops, etc. for carrying useful items
utility belts
plural form of utility belt
utility calculus
Alternative name of felicific calculus
utility function
A mathematical function that assigns a real number to every element of the outcome space in a way that captures the agent's preferences over both simple and compound lotteries
utility functions
plural form of utility function
utility knife
A cutting tool that has an interchangeable blade that retracts into the handle
utility knives
plural form of utility knife
utility man
A baseball player who plays at no special position
utility men
plural form of utility man
utility pole
A tall cylinder, often embedded with climbing spikes above normal reach, made from the trunk of a tree, usually topped by a cross beam, used by a public utility to carry wire, cable or conduit through the air, for the transportation of electricity, cable television, telephone or similar services, in an urban area or over short distances. Also referred to as a telephone pole
utility program
any of a large range of software, often included with the operating system of a mainframe or personal computer, that runs specific tasks associated with the computer or its environment
utility programs
plural form of utility program
utility room
A room that contains typically washing machine, tumble dryer, and other appliances which, in houses without such a room, would be in the kitchen or laundry
utility rooms
plural form of utility room
utility trailer
A small non-motorized vehicle which is generally pulled by a motorized vehicle and features an open-top rear cargo area (bed) and is used for the hauling of light loads
utility trailers
plural form of utility trailer
fitness for some desirable practical purpose
{n} usefulness, convenience, profit, worth
{s} made for many practical uses or useful intentions; intended for service or practical use and not as a high quality; (USA) usable but inferior (of beef)
utility model
A utility model is an intellectual property right to protect inventions. It is very similar to the patent, but usually has a shorter term (often 6 or 10 years) and less stringent patentability requirements
In some cases, the utility relocation work associated with a project must be programmed separately from the actual construction phase of work These items are shown under the "Utility" category Capital Acquisition (CAP) Term used to denote the acquisition of rolling stock by NJ TRANSIT
A small computer program that performs some very useful function For example, utilities exist to convert files from one format to another, to compress files, to detect and eliminate viruses, and to defragment hard drives Utilities fill the gaps in an operating system, providing useful features that were left out As an operating system grows, it often incorporates the features that were previously delivered only by utilities
A specialized computer program used to enhance a particular function or aspect of the computer work environment; for example, programs for doing automatic back-ups, diagnosing disk problems, detecting eliminating viruses, and screen saving are all utilities
a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal; "the price of the house included all utilities"
A company or other organization that provides a public service, such as supplying electricity, natural gas, or water
A software program designed to perform a computer system's routine housekeeping functions, like copying, deleting files, and/or providing techniques to simplify the execution of a program
A private business organization, subject to governmental regulation, that provides an essential commodity or service, such as water, electricity, transportation, or communication, to the public
a program that performs tasks related to the maintaining of your computer's health - hardware or data
Happiness; the greatest good, or happiness, of the greatest number, the foundation of utilitarianism
(computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer; "a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users"
A power company that owns or operates facilities used for the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy, which is regulated at state and federal levels
A regulated entity which exhibits the characteristics of a natural monopoly For the purposes of electric industry restructuring, "utility" refers to the regulated, vertically-integrated electric company "Transmission utility" refers to the regulated owner/operator of the transmission system only "Distribution utility" refers to the regulated owner/operator of the distribution system which serves retail customers
The quality or state of being useful; usefulness; production of good; profitableness to some valuable end; as, the utility of manure upon land; the utility of the sciences; the utility of medicines
A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for. public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones
a program that performs some specific task or collection of tasks (e g maintaining the integrity of your hard disk; cf application above)
organization that provides a public service like the water, telephone, electric or gas company
Program that performs a specific function such as communication, file management or any other task that pertains to the user's computing environment and is not likely to be included in the choices from an application such as a word processor
Tool Program that enables the user to perform certain operations, such as copying files, erasing files, and editing files The utilities are created for the convenience of programmers and users
Particularly for a diagnostic test, this is a measure of whether the patient is truly better off as a result of the test A test could have high sensitivity, specificity and good likelihood ratios and still have low utility if it is very invasive or poses other risks or inconvenience to the patient It belongs under the section of a diagnostic review
See Note under Value, 2
By statute, in the U S (and also in most if not all of the rest of the world), an invention must be "useful" to be patentable [35 USC 101] For more information, see Utility Requirements in Patent Law
Adaptation to satisfy the desires or wants; intrinsic value
{i} usefulness; use; public service; something useful; (Computers) utility program
The extent to which an evaluation produces and disseminates reports that inform relevant audiences and have beneficial impact on their work
The preference of an individual for a particular health state or treatment outcome measured using the standard gamble technique, which incorporates risk in the assessment The time trade-off and rating scale methodologies do not incorporate uncertainty into their questions and technically do not produce "utilities " Utilities for a given health state have been measured using different populations, including a sample of the general public, patients who have experienced the disease state or outcome, or clinicians, or other surrogate respondents
a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
the quality of being of practical use
In programming, a program that performs a common service function
(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
A small, useful program Unix comes with some utilities like diff and sort
The utility of something is its usefulness. Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide He inwardly questioned the utility of his work. = usefulness
the quality of being of practical use a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation (economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
A service provider, such as an electric company and water company
The extent to which an evaluation produces and disseminates reports that inform relevant audiences and have beneficial impact on their work Topic areas: Accountability and Evaluation
the service provided by a utility company; "the cost of utilities never decreases"
A regulated entity that exhibits natural monopolistic characteristics For electric industry restructuring, utility refers to the regulated, vertically integrated electric company Transmission Utility refers to the regulated owner/operator of the transmission system only Distribution Utility refers to the regulated owner/operator of the distribution system that serves retail customers
An application, program, or script used to accomplish a specific task
used of beef; usable but inferior
A public or private organization created for the purpose of selling or supplying for general public use water, electric energy, telephone service, or other items or services
A program intended to make the use of a computer or of an application program easier
capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team; "a utility infielder"
The ability of a commodity to satisfy needs or wants
the service provided by a utility company; "the cost of utilities never decreases" a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal; "the price of the house included all utilities" the quality of being of practical use a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation (economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
A water supply, storm or sanitary sewage, gas or oil pipeline, the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, steam or hot water, towers, telegraph and telephone lines and other cabled services, waste collection or disposal or management, a public transportation system, licensed broadcasting receiving and transmitting facilities, or any other similar works or systems necessary to the public interest
utility bond
a bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services
utility function
a description of the way in which the well-being of individuals depends on different combinations of goods and services consumed [GBA]
utility function
A mathematical function that expresses the advantages and disadvantages of a particular transportation mode
utility function
A mathematical expression that assigns a value to all possible choices In portfolio theory the utility function expresses the preferences of economic entities with respect to perceived risk and expected return
utility function
A (usually private) member¤ function of a class¤ which implements some common functionality required by the class¤ public member¤ functions The use of utility functions¤ improves modularity¤ (and therefore maintainability) by eliminating repeated sequences of code To avoid loss of run-time performance, utility functions¤ are often declared inline
utility function
A mathematical expression that assigns a value to all possible choices In portfolio theory, the utility function expresses the preferences of economic entities with respect to perceived risk and expected return
utility function
A utility function is a subjective measurement that expresses the relative value of different package by using a numerical scale The numerical scale used is arbitrary It typically ranges either from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 100 The minimum number expresses the least desirable and least preferred package The highest number represents the most desirable and preferred package
utility man
worker who does all of the work
utility man
a workman expected to serve in any capacity when called on a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions
utility pole
a tall wooden pole for supporting telephone and electric wires
utility program
A program that performs a specific task related to the management of computer functions, resources, or files, as password protection, memory management, virus protection, and file compression
utility program
(computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer; "a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users
utility program
{i} computer application which performs actions on files
utility room
A utility room is a room in a house which is usually connected to the kitchen and which contains things such as a washing machine, sink, and cleaning equipment. A room used for keeping large typically household appliances, such as a washing machine and dryer, or for storing cleaning items, such as a mop, bucket, and broom. a room in a house where washing machines, freezers etc are kept
utility room
storage room, maintenance room, room with laundering or upkeep facilities
utility room
A room housing domestic appliances such as a laundry
utility room
A room which may contain one or all of the following: washer, dryer, water, heater, furnace, cleaning materials
utility routine
a routine that can be used as needed
utility vehicle
A utility vehicle is a vehicle that is designed to travel over rough ground
law of diminishing marginal utility
In economics, the theory there is a general decrease in the utility of a product, as more units of it are consumed
marginal utility
The additional utility to a consumer from an additional unit of an economic good
sport utility vehicle
A passenger vehicle which combines the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or station wagon together with on- or off-road ability
sport utility vehicles
plural form of sport utility vehicle
transaction utility
The perceived value of getting a good deal; the difference between the amount paid and a notional reference price
marginal utility
(Ekonomi) The amount that utility increases with an increase of one unit of an economic good or service
total utility
(İstatistik) The full satisfaction of a consumer's wants or needs through the consumption of specific goods or services. As an example, the total utility of consuming four chocolate bars in a week would be the total or sum satisfaction achieved in consuming all of those four chocolate bars. Total utility, in other words, is the sum of the marginal utility gained from each chocolate bar consumed
Doskey utility
utility program which improves the command line interface of DOS
backup utility
program which performs backup procedures, program which copies files onto another storage medium to protect against a system malfunction
cardinal utility
use or utility which can be attributed a number value (Economics)
electric utility
Any person or state agency with a monopoly franchise (including any municipality), which sells electric energy to end-use customers; this term includes the Tennessee Valley Authority, but does not include other Federal power marketing agency (from EPAct)
electric utility
A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality aligned with distribution facilities for delivery of electric energy for use primarily by the public Included are investor-owned electric utilities, municipal and State utilities, Federal electric utilities, and rural electric cooperatives A few entities that are tariff based and corporately aligned with companies that own distribution facilities are also included Note: Due to the issuance of FERC Order 888 that required traditional electric utilities to functionally unbundle their generation, transmission, and distribution operations, "electric utility" currently has inconsistent interpretations from State to State
electric utility
Any individual or state agency (i e , municipality) with a monopoly franchise that sells electricity to end-use customers This term includes the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), but does not include other Federal power marketing agencies from the EPAct
electric utility
An entity that has a franchise to sell electricity to retail electric customers in a certain area, as provided in the Public Utilities Act ComEd is an electric utility
electric utility
A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality that owns or operates facilities for the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy primarily for use by retail customers and is defined as a utility under the statutes and rules by which it is regulated Types of Electric Utilities include investor-owned, cooperatively owned, and government-owned (federal agency, crown corporation, state, provincials, municipals, and public power districts) This term includes the Tennessee Valley Authority, but does not include other Federal power marketing agency (from EPAct)
electric utility
A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality that owns and/or operates facilities for the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy primarily for use by the public Electric utilities do not include facilities that qualify as cogenerators or small power producers
electric utility
Any person or state agency with a monopoly franchise (including any municipality) that sells electric energy to end-use customers
electric utility
An electric power company that operates a power transmission system and has the legal right to produce and sell electric power ina given geographic area Usually involves some form of legal monopoly over electric services in the geographic area
electric utility
A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality that owns and/or operates facilities within the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico for the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy primarily for use by the public and files forms listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 141 Facilities that qualify as cogenerators or small power producers under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) are not considered electric utilities
electric utility
An enterprise that is engaged in the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy primarily for use by the public and that is the major power supplier within a designated service area Electric utilities include investor-owned, publicly-owned, cooperatively-owned, and government-owned (municipals, Federal agencies, State projects, and public power districts) systems An entity that solely operates qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) is not considered an electric utility
electric utility
Any person or state agency with a monopoly franchise (including any municipality), which sells electric energy to end-use customers
file compression utility
compression program, utility program used to store files in a manner which conserves disk space
file conversion utility
utility program used to change the format of files
file transfer utility
utility program which transfers files between different platforms
finder utility
utility program for managing files and memory in Macintosh computers
marginal utility
profit derived from each additional unit produced by a manufacturer (Economics)
marginal utility
In economics, the additional satisfaction or benefit (utility) that a consumer derives from buying an additional unit of a commodity or service. The law of diminishing utility implies that utility or benefit is inversely related to the number of units already owned. For example, the marginal utility of one slice of bread offered to a family that has five slices will be great, since the family will be less hungry and the difference between five and six is proportionally significant. An extra slice offered to a family that has 30 slices will have less marginal utility, since the difference between 30 and 31 is proportionally smaller and the family's appetite may be satisfied by what it already has. The concept grew out of attempts by 19th-century economists to explain the fundamental economic reality of price
marginal utility
(economics) the amount that utility increases with an increase of one unit of an economic good or service
ordinal utility
(Economics) utility that can be measured quantitatively (and not numerically)
public utility
a publicly or privately owned company that provides basic services such as electricity, gas, telephone, water or other utilities
public utility
company that provides service to the public
public utility
Any person, firm, corporation, municipal department or board fully authorized to furnish to the public electricity, gas, steam, telephone, telegraph, cable, transportation or water
public utility
a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
public utility
In Canada, a provincial crown cororation such as Ontario Hydro that is owned by the government In the US, a public utility may be government-owned, non-profit, co-operatively owned, or a combination of theabove
public utility
Public utilities are services provided by the government or state, such as the supply of electricity and gas, or the train network. Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected. a private company that is allowed by the government to provide important services such as gas, electricity, water etc. Enterprise that provides certain classes of services to the public, including common-carrier transportation (buses, airlines, railroads); telephone and telegraph services; power, heat and light; and community facilities for water and sanitation. In most countries such enterprises are state-owned and state-operated; in the U.S. they are mainly privately owned, but they operate under close regulation. Given the technology of production and distribution, they are considered natural monopolies, since the capital costs for such enterprises are large and the existence of competing or parallel systems would be inordinately expensive and wasteful. Government regulation in the U.S., particularly at the state level, aims to ensure safe operation, reasonable rates, and service on equal terms to all customers. Some states have experimented with deregulation of electricity and natural-gas operations to stimulate price reductions and improved service through competition, but the results have not been universally promising
public utility
Utility operated by a non-profit governmental or quasi-governmental entity Public utilities include municipal utilities, cooperatives, and power marketing authorities
sport utility
a high-performance four-wheel drive car built on a truck chassis
sport utility vehicle
A sport utility vehicle is a powerful vehicle with four-wheel drive that can be driven over rough ground. The abbreviation SUV is often used
sport-utility vehicle
an SUV
Turkish - English

Definition of utility(a) in Turkish English dictionary

utility mda
(Bilgisayar) utility mda