used to express excitement or enthusiasm

listen to the pronunciation of used to express excitement or enthusiasm
English - English
oh man

oh man, that was a great ride.

used to express excitement or enthusiasm


    used to ex·press ex·cite·ment or en·thu·si·a·sm

    Turkish pronunciation

    yuzd tı îkspres îksaytmınt ır înthuziäzım


    /ˈyo͞ozd tə əkˈspres əkˈsītmənt ər ənˈᴛʜo͞ozēˌazəm/ /ˈjuːzd tə ɪkˈsprɛs ɪkˈsaɪtmənt ɜr ɪnˈθuːziːˌæzəm/