used to express disbelief or curiosity

listen to the pronunciation of used to express disbelief or curiosity
English - English
what's up with

What’s up with all this new music they’re playing?.

used to express disbelief or curiosity


    used to ex·press dis·be·lief or cu·ri·os·i·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    yuzd tı îkspres dîsbîlif ır kyûriäsıti


    /ˈyo͞ozd tə əkˈspres ˌdəsbəˈlēf ər ˌkyo͝orēˈäsətē/ /ˈjuːzd tə ɪkˈsprɛs ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf ɜr ˌkjʊriːˈɑːsətiː/