used to dramatize the introduction of a usually unsurprising outcome

listen to the pronunciation of used to dramatize the introduction of a usually unsurprising outcome
English - English
guess what

I've only had two job interviews and - guess what - no job offers.

used to dramatize the introduction of a usually unsurprising outcome


    used to dra·ma·tize the in·tro·duc·tion of a u·su·al·ly un·sur·pris·ing out·come

    Turkish pronunciation

    yuzd tı drämıtayz dhi întrōdʌkşın ıv ı yujıli ınsırprayzîng autkʌm


    /ˈyo͞ozd tə ˈdraməˌtīz ᴛʜē ˌəntrōˈdəksʜən əv ə ˈyo͞oᴢʜəlē ənsərˈprīzəɴɢ ˈoutˌkəm/ /ˈjuːzd tə ˈdræməˌtaɪz ðiː ˌɪntroʊˈdʌkʃən əv ə ˈjuːʒəliː ənsɜrˈpraɪzɪŋ ˈaʊtˌkʌm/