upper right-hand corner

listen to the pronunciation of upper right-hand corner
English - Swedish

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Swedish dictionary

upper right-hand corner
övre högra hörnet
English - French

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English French dictionary

upper right-hand corner
dans le coin supérieur à droite
English - Greek

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Greek dictionary

upper right-hand corner
επάνω δεξιά γωνία (epano dexia gnia)
English - German

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English German dictionary

upper right-hand corner
obere rechte Ecke
upper corner
Dreiangel (im Tor)
upper corner
upper corner
obere Ecke
English - Spanish

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Spanish dictionary

upper right-hand corner
esquina superior derecha
English - Danish

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Danish dictionary

upper right-hand corner
øverste højre hjørne
English - Russian

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Russian dictionary

upper right-hand corner
верхний правый угол
English - Portuguese

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Portuguese dictionary

upper right-hand corner
canto superior direito
English - Italian

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Italian dictionary

upper right-hand corner
in alto a destra angolo
English - Finnish

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Finnish dictionary

upper right-hand corner
oikeassa yläkulmassa corner
English - Lehçe

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Lehçe dictionary

upper right-hand corner
prawym górnym rogu strony
English - Dutch

Definition of upper right-hand corner in English Dutch dictionary

upper right-hand corner
rechterbovenhoek hoek