unwanted sounds produced on a microphone

listen to the pronunciation of unwanted sounds produced on a microphone
English - Turkish

Definition of unwanted sounds produced on a microphone in English Turkish dictionary

microphone noise
mikrofon gurultusu
English - English
{i} microphone noise
unwanted sounds produced on a microphone


    un·want·ed sounds pro·duced on a mi·cro·phone

    Turkish pronunciation

    ınwôntîd saundz prıdust ôn ı maykrıfōn


    /ənˈwôntəd ˈsoundz prəˈdo͞ost ˈôn ə ˈmīkrəˌfōn/ /ənˈwɔːntɪd ˈsaʊndz prəˈduːst ˈɔːn ə ˈmaɪkrəˌfoʊn/