Thank you so much! How can I repay you for your kindness? Forget it; it was nothing..
What were you saying? Oh, it was nothing important – forget it..
It's raining. I said, It's raining. Do you hear me? It's raining! Oh, forget it!.
He forgot to give back my dictionary.
- Sözlüğümü geri vermeyi unuttu.
I forgot to turn off the television before bed.
- Yatmadan önce televizyonu kapatmayı unuttum.
Don't forget what I told you.
- Sana söylediklerimi unutma.
How can I forget those days?
- Bu günleri nasıl unutabilirim?
He will think he has been completely forgotten.
- Tamamen unutulduğunu düşünecek.
This fact must not be forgotten.
- Bu gerçek unutulmamalı.