(Askeri) DÜZELTİLMEMİŞ AÇIK SULU SAHA: Yüzücü teçhizatın depolanması için özel surette tahsis edilmiş ve bu maksatla kullanılmaya elverişli su sahası. Ayrıca bakınız: "storage"
English - English
Definition of unimproved in English English dictionary
Not tilled, cultivated, or built upon; yielding no revenue; as, unimproved land or soil
(of land) not cleared of trees and brush; in the wild or natural state; "a farm with 50 acres of unimproved and 68 acres of improved land"; "unimproved woodlands
not made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially not made ready for use or marketing; "taxes on unimproved land are low"; "unimproved dirt roads"
Not improved; not made better or wiser; not advanced in knowledge, manners, or excellence