
listen to the pronunciation of uniform
English - Turkish

Okul kuralları öğrencilerin okul üniformaları giymelerini gerektiriyor. - The school rules require students to wear school uniforms.

Takım üyelerine ekipman ve üniforma sağlanmaktadır. - Team members are provided with equipment and uniforms.

{i} forma

Lisedeyken bir forma giymek zorunda mıydınız? - Did you have to wear a uniform when you were in high school?

Tom futbol formasını giyiyor. - Tom is wearing his soccer uniform.

üniforma giydirmek
aynı yapmak
(Otomotiv) eşit dağılımlı
(Biyokimya) birbiçim
bir kararda
(İnşaat) eş oran

Bugün üniforma giymenin akıllıca olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? - Do you think it's wise to wear your uniform today?

Takım üyelerine ekipman ve üniforma sağlanmaktadır. - Team members are provided with equipment and uniforms.

(İnşaat) eşdağılım
tek şekilli
benzer aynı tarzda
(Mekanik) tek biçimli

Firma, işçilerine üniformalarını sağlıyor ama onların düzenli olarak temizlenmesini bekliyor. - The firm provides its workers with their uniforms, but they are expected to have them regularly cleaned.


Öğrencilerin hepsi aynı üniformayı giymek zorundadırlar. - All of the students have to wear the same uniform.

Adam arabasını aynı hızda sürdü. - The man drove his car at a uniform speed.

naval uniform
{s} değişmeyen
birörnek, tekbiçimli, tekşekilli, aynı: All the boxes are of a uniform size, shape and weight. Bütün kutuların boyu, biçimi ve ağırlığı
{s} bir örnek
{i} resmi elbise
out of uniform üniforması eksik
hepsi bir şekilde
{s} 1. birörnek, tekbiçimli, tekşekilli, aynı: All the boxes are of a uniform size, shape and weight. Bütün kutuların boyu, biçimi ve ağırlığı
asker elbisesi
(Askeri) ÜNİFORMA; TEK BİÇİMLİ; KIYAFET: Askeri kuvvetlere mensup personel tarafından giyilen ve teferruatı tayin ve tespit edilmiş olan, elbise; özellikle Ordu kıyafet kararnamesiyle tespit edilmiş elbise, teçhizat ve diğer eşya
birbirine benzer şekle sokmak
(Nükleer Bilimler) birbiçimli,tek şekilli,tekdüze, tek biçimli
değişmez şekilli
aynı şekilde olan
(Otomotiv) homojen
tek tip elbise
tek çeşit
uniform chart of accounts
Tekdüzen hesap planı
uniform accounting plan
(Ticaret) tekdüzen hesap planı
uniform chart of accounts
(Sigorta,Ticaret) tek düzen hesap planı
uniform field
birörnek alan
uniform flow
üniform akım
uniform quantization
birbiçimli nicemleme
uniform random number
rasgele birbiçimli sayı
uniform resource locators
(Bilgisayar) url
uniform sampling
birbiçimli örnekleme
uniform stability
birbiçimli kararlılık
uniform acceleration
düzgün ivme
Uniform Resource Identifier
(Bilgisayar) Tekdüzen kaynak tanımlayıcısı
uniform circular motion
Düzgün dairesel hareket
uniform code council
üniforma kod konseyi
uniform commercial code
üniforma ticaret kanunu
uniform convergence
düzgün yakınsaklık
uniform distribution
üniform dağılım, tekbiçimli dağılım
uniform encoding
üniforma kodlama
uniform flow
düzgün akış, uniform akış
uniform hardness
uniform sertlik, tekbiçimli sertlik
uniform load
düzgün dağılmış yük
uniform notation
üniforma gösterim
uniform random variable
Birörnek rastgele değişken
uniform structure
uniform yapı, tekbiçimli yapı
uniform title
düzgün başlık
Uniform Code of Military Justice
(Askeri) Askeri Ceza ve Askeri Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanunu
uniform acceleration
(Fizik) tekbiçimli hızlanma
uniform accounting
(Ticaret) yeknesak muhasebe sistemi
uniform accounting system
(Ticaret) yeknesak muhasebe sistemi
uniform accounting system
(Ticaret) tek düzen muhasebe sistemi
uniform allowance
(Askeri) giyecek bedeli
uniform allowance
(Askeri) GİYECEK BEDELİ: Belirli bazı askeri personele, üniforma satın alınması için verilen tahsisat
uniform attitude
(Politika, Siyaset) bir örnek davranış
uniform boundedness
(Matematik) düzgün sınırlılık
uniform code of military justice
(Askeri) ASKERİ CEZA VE ASKERİ CEZA MAHKEMELERİ USULÜ KANUNU: Silahlı kuvvetlere mensup veya askeri kanunlara tabi bütün personelin davranışlarına yön veren kanunlar
uniform colour space
(Aydınlatma) tekdüze türsel uzay
uniform colour space
(Aydınlatma) üniform tür uzayı
uniform compression
tekdüze basınç
uniform concrete
üniform beton
uniform costing
(Ticaret) tekdüzen maliyetleme
uniform costing
(Ticaret) tek düzen maliyetleme
uniform costing
tekdüze maliyetleme
uniform delivered pricing
(Ticaret) tek düze teslim fiyatı
uniform distribution
(İstatistik) uniform dağılım
uniform distribution
(İstatistik,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tekbiçimli dağılım
uniform electoral procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) tek tip seçim yöntemi
uniform field
birornek alan
uniform gradation
tekboy granülometri
uniform grade
tekdüze eğim
uniform grain size
üniform tane boyutu
uniform grain size
tekçeşit tane boyutu
uniform hardness
tekbiçimli sertlik
uniform hardness
uniform sertlik
uniform law
(Kanun) yeknesak kanun
uniform load
düzgün (dağılmış) yük
uniform load
üniform yük
uniform load
düzgünyayılı yük
uniform loading
üniform yükleme
uniform loading
düzgünyayılı yükleme
uniform material movement and issue priority system
(Askeri) Malzeme İntikal ve Dağıtım Öncelik Sistemi
uniform motion
uniform hareket
uniform placing
(Askeri) düzgün yerleştirme
uniform premium
(Ticaret) sabit prim
uniform pressure distribution
üniform basınç dağılımı
uniform quality
(Ticaret) yeknesak kalite
uniform quantization
duzgun (birbicimli) nicemleme
uniform random number
rasgele birbicimli sayi
uniform reference name
(Bilgisayar) birörnek kaynak adı
uniform regulations
(Askeri) KIYAFET KARARNAMESİ: Ordu'da kıyafet esaslarını tespit eden kararname
uniform regulations
(Askeri) kıyafet kararnamesi
uniform resource locator
(URL) Alan Adı
uniform resource locator
Birörnek Kaynak Konumlayıcı
uniform resource name
(Bilgisayar) tekdüzen kaynak adı
uniform resource name
(Bilgisayar) birörnek kaynak adı
uniform sampling
duzgun (birbicimli) ornekleme
uniform section
üniform kesit
uniform settlement
düzgün oturma
uniform settlement
üniform oturma
uniform soil
üniform zemin
uniform stability
duzgun (birbicimli) kararlilik
uniform story height
eş kat yüksekliği
uniform stress distribution
üniform gerilme dağılımı
uniform structure
üniform yapı
uniform structure
tekbiçimli yapı
uniform subgrade
üniform alt temel
uniform surcharge
üniform sürşarj
uniform surface
üniform yüzey
uniform tariff
(Ticaret) tek şekilli gümrük tarifesi
uniform velocity
üniform hız
uniform velocity
düzgün hız
{i} aynılık
{i} monotonluk
{i} tekdüzelik
non uniform
düzgün olmayan
(Tıp,Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) üniformite
(İnşaat) düzgünlük
dress uniform
(Askeri) merasim kıyafeti
fatigue uniform
(Askeri) iş elbisesi
military uniform
random uniform number
rasgele birbiçimli sayı
random uniform number
rasgele birbiçimli sayılar
birbirine benzerlik
eşit oranda
düzgün olarak
complete uniform space
eksiksiz düzgün uzay
discrete uniform structure
ayrık düzgün yapı
dress uniform
merasim üniforması
military uniform
askeri üniforma
daima aynı tarzda
equate, equalize, make uniform
Eşitlemek, düzgün yapmak eşit
in uniform
more uniform
daha düzgün
non uniform
olmayan tekdüze
not alike, not similar, not uniform
değil aynı, benzer değil, değil üniforma

Suç yerinde üç tane üniformalı polis memuru vardı. - There were three uniformed police officers at the crime scene.

Gönüllüler üniformalı olacak. - Volunteers will be uniformed.

daily uniform
(Askeri) günlük kıyafet
discrete uniform structure
(Matematik) ayırtık düzgün yapı
dress uniform
geçit töreni üniforması
dress uniform
(Askeri) MERASİM KIYAFETİ: Sosyal toplantılarda, merasimlerde ve resmi günlerde giyilmesine müsaade edilen kıyafet
fatigue uniform
(Askeri) İŞ ELBİSESİ: Bak. "work uniform", "work clothing"
military uniform
asker üniforması, üniforma
non uniform
non uniform
homojen olmayan
random uniform number
rasgele birbicimli sayilar
school uniform
school uniform
okul forması
school uniform
service uniform
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK KIYAFET: Ordu personeli tarafından mutat görevlerde giyilmesi Ordu Kıyafet Kararnamesi icabı olan ve büyük üniforma (full dress uniform) ile merasim kıyafeti (dress uniform) 'nden farklı olan üniforma
service uniform
askeri üniforma
service uniform
(sıfat) üniformalı
which team is wearing the yellow uniform
hangi takım sarı forma giyiyor
work uniform
(Askeri) İŞ KIYAFETİ; EĞİTİM KIYAFETİ: Eğitimle ilgili sahra işlerinde veya bu hususta emir verildiği zaman, ordu personeli tarafından giyilen ve balıksırtı şeklinde dokunmuş kumaş veya buna benzer malzemeden yapılan giyecekler
English - English
A distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group
A uniformed police officer (as opposed to a detective)

Eyes to the front now and there was the body, a lump of black and brown. Moon counted three uniforms and a photographer, the medical examiner and his assistant.

Unvarying; all the same
Phonetic equivalent for the letter U in the ICAO spelling alphabet, informally known as the NATO phonetic alphabet
Consistent; conforming to one standard
Having always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable; homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatics has been uniform from early ages; the temperature is uniform; a stratum of uniform clay
{n} the fress of a band of soldiers, which is alike in all
always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences; "a street of uniform tall white buildings"
evenly spaced; "at regular (or uniform) intervals"
As worn by yacht club members and other shore hazards, a distinctive form of dress intended to be visible at a distance of at least 50 meters which serves to warn persons in the vicinity of the long wings and dense masses of hot air associated with these bores
Without variation and appearing the same to the end user regardless of location
clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification
the same throughout in structure or composition; "bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product"
A uniform is a special set of clothes which some people, for example soldiers or the police, wear to work in and which some children wear at school. The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform
weighting is giving all the cells in the plane the same weight by extrapolating into the empty spaces between tracks
UHF radio frequencies (225 to 400 MHz AM mode)
To make conformable
clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification provide with uniforms; "The guards were uniformed"
You can refer to the particular style of clothing which a group of people wear to show they belong to a group or a movement as their uniform. Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller -- green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt
Having the same form as others
Costume worn by students in primary and secondary schools and certain colleges in India to promote a false sense of equality and uniformity amongst all students Enforceable by law Specifications are usually quite exacting Eg: White shirt and trousers, navy-blue tie and socks, black shoes (Taken from the rule book of St Xavier's High School, Nashik, India)
not differentiated
All the same Having the same in size, texture, color, design etc
Unchanging, constant
A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the Freemasons, etc
always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences; "a street of uniform tall white buildings
ity of process - epsilon and diffusion layer
To clothe with a uniform; as, to uniform a company of soldiers
If something is uniform, it does not vary, but is even and regular throughout. Chips should be cut into uniform size and thickness The price rises will not be uniform across the country. + uniformity uni·form·ity the caramel that was used to maintain uniformity of color in the brandy. + uniformly uni·form·ly Beyond the windows, a November midday was uniformly grey Microwaves heat water uniformly
provide with uniforms; "The guards were uniformed"
{i} distinctive and identifying dress of a particular group (army, police, sports, etc.), official outfit of a certain group
having the same value at all points within a region of space For example, a uniform electric field has the same magnitude and direction at all points within some identifiable region Not the same as constant
This term is used in its traditional sense that some characteristic displays similar properties, Two related words are homogeneous (distributed evenly) and normal (distributed about a central mean value and described by a statistical equation)
{s} similar, alike; constant, even, unvarying; supply with uniforms; cause to be uniform
clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification provide with uniforms; "The guards were uniformed" evenly spaced; "at regular (or uniform) intervals" always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences; "a street of uniform tall white buildings
this term is used in its traditional sense that some characteristic displays similar properties Two related words are homogeneous (distributed evenly) and normal (distributed about a central mean value and described by a statistical equation) v Jun 4, 1996
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Of the same form with others; agreeing with each other; conforming to one rule or mode; consonant
system has intensive properties which are independent of position
If you describe a number of things as uniform, you mean that they are all the same. Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets = identical + uniformity uni·form·ity the dull uniformity of the houses. + uniformly uni·form·ly The natives uniformly agreed on this important point. being the same in all its parts or among all its members
A single algorithm is used for all input lengths For example, Turing machines are a uniform model of computation -- one just has to design a single Turing machine for multiplication, and it can multiply numbers of any length (Contrast with the circuit model )
military phonetic for the letter 'U'
Something which is run of the mill, in no way extraordinary Wearing a uniform may imply an identity crisis Order, organisation, duty, authority May indicate team work or co-operation
Uniform Code of Military Justice
The code of military law written for the use of the United States Armed Forces
Uniform Resource Locator
A universal address for resources on the internet, which is most commonly used for websites

http://en.wiktionary.org/ is the URL for the English Wiktionary.

uniform antshrike
a passerine bird of the antbird family
uniform antshrikes
plural form of uniform antshrike
uniform continuity
The property of being uniformly continuous
uniform crake
a bird from the family Rallidae
uniform crakes
plural form of uniform crake
uniform metric
The metric \rho(f,g) = \sup_{x\in X} \{f(x) - g(x)\} where f and g are functions on X
uniform resource identifier
A string of characters that identifies a resource that can be accessed over the Internet
uniform resource identifiers
plural form of uniform resource identifier
uniform chart of accounts
An orderly arrangement of assets, liability, capital, revenues, and expense accounts making up the general ledger
Uniform Resource Identifier
(Bilgisayar) In computing, a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or a resource on the Internet. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the resource over a network (typically the World Wide Web) using specific protocols. Schemes specifying a concrete syntax and associated protocols define each URI
uniform circular motion
Motion of a particle moving at a constant speed on a circle. Though the magnitude of the velocity of such an object may be constant, the object is constantly accelerating because its direction is constantly changing. At any given instant its direction is perpendicular to a radius of the circle drawn to the point of location of the object on the circle. The acceleration is strictly a change in direction and is a result of a force directed toward the centre of the circle. This centripetal force causes centripetal acceleration
uniform code
uniform collection of laws
uniform commercial code
A set of regulations covering most business transactions, including requirements for negotiable instruments
uniform commercial code
A set of business-related laws dealing with the sale of goods, their transportation and delivery, financing, storage, payments, and various other commercial transactions These model laws have been adopted, with minor modifications, by most states to provide some consistency among states' commercial laws They were drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
uniform commercial code
Group of laws that are applicable to commercial transactions Only a few of the laws have relevance to real estate transactions
uniform commercial code
Standardized set of guidelines protected by law that set down how business transactions must be conducted
uniform commercial code
A compilation of statutory provisions designed to simplify, clarify and modernize the law governing commercial transaction; to permit the continued expansion of commercial practices through custom, usage and agreement of the parties, and to make uniform the law among various jurisdictions Note: A minority of states adhere to the 1962 version of the U C C while others have adopted the 1972 amendments Louisiana, which still adheres to the Civil (Napoleonic) Code, has not adopted the U C C
uniform commercial code
A codification of law, which clarifies and regulates the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers engaging in commercial transactions It has been adopted by all states except Louisiana
uniform commercial code
The body of laws, adopted in whole or in part by most states, pertaining to financial transactions such as bank deposits and collections, letters of credit and title documents
uniform commercial code
A comprehensive code of laws regulating important legal aspects of business and financial transactions The code has been accepted by every state except Louisiana
uniform commercial code
United States statute covering the rights and obligations of the various parties involved in the purchase and sale of goods The UCC includes coverage of drafts and other negotiable instruments, documents of title, transfers of funds between banks, and security interests in assets as well as draft collections (in Article 4) and letters of credit (in Article 5)
uniform commercial code
Codification of uniform laws concerning commercial transactions In SBA parlance generally refers to a uniform method of recording and enforcing a security interest or charge upon existing or to be acquired personal property
uniform commercial code
A uniform law governing commercial transactions The U C C has been adopted by all states except Louisiana
uniform commercial code
Rules that have been adopted by many states and countries in respect to commercial transactions
uniform commercial code
A body of law whose underlying purpose and policies are (a) to simplify, clarify and modernize the law governing commercial transactions; (b) to permit the continued expansion of commercial practices through custom, usage and agreement of the parties; (c) to make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions The effect of provisions of this Act may be varied by agreement, except as otherwise provided in this Act and except that the obligations of good faith, diligence, reasonableness and care prescribe by this Act may not be disclaimed by agreement but the parties may by agreement determine the standards by which the performance of such obligations is to be measured if such standards are not manifestly unreasonable (Taken from Article 1, General Provisions, Uniform Commercial Code, The Portable UCC, second edition )
uniform commercial code
A codification of commercial law, adopted in most states, that attempts to make uniform all laws relating to commercial transactions, including chattel mortgages and bulk transfers Security interests in chattels are created by an instrument known as a security agreement To give notice of the security interest, a financing statement must be recorded
uniform commercial code
Legal code that codifies certain laws dealing with commercial business
uniform commercial code
A statute governing commercial transactions, sales, and commercial paper that has been adopted in substantially the same form in all 50 states
uniform commercial code
A list of protocols or standards, adopted by every state except Louisiana, which govern commercial transactions such as leases
uniform commercial code
a set of legal statutes adopted by almost all U S states to provide consistent and uniform laws for conducting business
uniform commercial code
The State Code which regulates the transfer of property
uniform commercial code
Effective January 1, 1965 Establishes a unified and comprehensive scheme for regulation of security transactions in personal propert7y, superseding the existing statutes on chattel mortgages, conditional sales, trust receipts, assignment of accounts receivable and others in this field
uniform commercial code
A set of standard rules, adopted by 50 states, that governs commercial transactions The Uniform Commercial Code Bureau files and maintains record on financial obligations (including IRS liens) incurred by individuals (in business as a sole proprietor), business entities and corporations This information is important to any business or financial institution contemplating entering a lien transaction as the secured party
uniform commercial code
A set of statutes that provides a degree of consistency among commercial laws among differerent states (USA)
uniform commercial code
Collection of laws dealing with commercial business
uniform commercial code
1 A code of laws governing various commercial transactions, including the sale of goods, banking transactions, secured transactions in personal property, and other matters The UCC was designed to bring uniformity in these areas to the laws of the various states It has been adopted, with some modifications, in all states (except Louisiana) as well as in the District of Columbia and in the Virgin Islands
uniform currency
unit of money that is used in several different countries
uniform distribution
A distribution in which all possible outcomes have an equal chance of occurring Also known as a rectangular distribution
uniform distribution
A continuous probability distribution which is useful for characterizing data which ranges over an interval of values, each of which is equally likely It is sometimes called the rectangular distribution because of its shape when plotted The distribution is completely determined by the smallest possible value "a" and the largest possible value "b" For discrete data, there is a related discrete uniform distribution Parameters: lower limit a upper limit b>a Domain: a<=X<=b Mean: (a+b)/a Variance: (b-a) ^2/12
uniform distribution
The simplest of all failure distributions it can be interpreted as meaning that the random variable can only exist in the range A to B (lower to upper) and that the probability of occurrence is directly proportional to the interval length
uniform distribution
A continuous probability distribution having a rectangular shape that says the probability is distributed evenly (or uniformly) over an interval of numbers (page 191)
uniform flow
constant flow that is not interrupted
uniform motion
rhythmical movement, measured motion
uniform resource locator
uniform resource locator
{i} (Computers) URL, string of characters which defines the location of a file or program on the Internet
uniform resource locators
A compact string representation for a resource available on the Internet URLs are primarily used to retrieve information using WWW
uniform resource locators
Used to identify the location of network resources like webpages Example: http: //www my_company com/
uniform resource locators
Standardized formatted entities within HTML documents which specify a network service or document to link to
uniform resource locators
URL is a (mostly) compact string representation for a resource available on the Internet URLs are primarily used to retrieve information using WWW The syntax and semantics for URLs are defined in RFC 1738 See also: World Wide Web [RFC 1983]
uniform tax
equal tax
Tango Uniform
broken and cannot be fixed; dead

I can never fly my fighter again. It is Tango Uniform.

full dress uniform
A set of clothes worn by a member of the military for a formal occasion
school uniform
A number of uniform items which must be worn by pupils/students in a school

School uniforms for boys may include a school tie, jacket, cap and a pair of formal trousers.

Describing someone in an occupation that requires a uniform, such as a member of the police force or military
{n} a conformity to one pattern, sameness
{a} in an uniform manner, evenly
Non-Uniform Memory Access
parallel processing architecture in which each processor has its own memory but can also access the memory of other processors, NUMA (Computers)
dress uniform
a uniform that officers in the army, navy etc wear for formal occasions or ceremonies
dress uniform
{i} uniform worn only on formal occasions
dress uniform
a military uniform worn on formal occasions
full-dress uniform
the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions
military uniform
prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers
service uniform
In the United States army it is of olive-drab woolen or khaki-colored cotton, with all metal attachments of dull-finish bronze, with the exceptional of insignia of rank, which are of gold or silver finish
service uniform
The uniform prescribed in regulations for active or routine service, in distinction from dress, full dress, etc
striped uniform
uniform with a pinstriped pattern
{s} wearing a uniform; made uniform
If you use uniformed to describe someone who does a particular job, you mean that they are wearing a uniform. uniformed policemen. wearing a uniform
dressed in a uniform; "uniformed policemen lined the President's route
dressed in a uniform; "uniformed policemen lined the President's route"
{i} homogeneity, state of being uniform, consistency
If there is uniformity in something such as a system, organization, or group of countries, the same rules, ideas, or methods are applied in all parts of it. Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity. see also uniform. the quality of being or looking the same as all other members of a group
The State Constitution demands that all property values within the municipality be based on market value
Consistency; sameness; as, the uniformity of a man's opinions
the quality of lacking diversity or variation (even to the point of boredom)
The absence of alternativism
The quality or state of being uniform; freedom from variation or difference; resemblance to itself at all times; sameness of action, effect, etc
Similitude between the parts of a whole; as, the uniformity of sides in a regular figure; beauty is said to consist in uniformity with variety
under like conditions; even tenor; as, the uniformity of design in a poem; the uniformity of nature
the act of producing uniform ink film thickness from area to area within the same design, or from print-to-print
The consistency of a single type of tape' either within a roll or from roll to roll or from lot to lot
The state of being uniform, alike and lacking diversity
the quality of lacking diversity or variation (even to the point of boredom) a condition in which everything is regular and unvarying
Equal treatment in tax assessments
Continued or unvaried sameness or likeness
Conformity to a pattern or rule; resemblance, consonance, or agreement; as, the uniformity of different churches in ceremonies or rites
a condition in which everything is regular and unvarying
It is important that any given process affects all areas of the wafer equally The measure of this is called the uniformity of the process A common (though undesirable) occurrence is that center to edge non-uniformities occur For example, the center of the wafer might get etched more rapidly than the edge, or the edge of a wafer might polish down more quickly than the center back to top
in a uniform manner, without variation
In a uniform manner, consistently
in a uniform manner; "a uniformly bright surface"
In a uniform manner; without variation or diversity; by a regular, constant, or common ratio of change; with even tenor; as, a temper uniformly mild
in a uniform manner; "a uniformly bright surface
{i} invariability, state of being uniform, consistency
plural of uniform