But whan ye have done that journey, ye shall promyse me, as ye ar a trew knyght, for to go and helpe me and other damesels that ar dystressed dayly with a false knyght.
You can refer to a person's experience of changing or developing from one state of mind to another as a journey. My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher
A holiday or trip for leisure or business purposes that begins on departure from your Home and ends on return either: (i) to your Home or (ii) to a hospital or nursing home in the United Kingdom following your repatriation, both during the period of cover
undertake a journey uzun bir yolculuğa hazırlanıp çıkmak
un·der·ta·ke a jo·ur·ney u·zun bir yol·cu·lu·ğa ha·zır·la·nıp çık·mak