A type of modified stem or root, consisting of enlarged subterranean storage tissue Potato tubers are stem tissue which have nodes, or "eyes", from which whole plants are propagated Sweet potato tubers have similar nodal structures but are actually root, not stem, tissue
A tuber is the swollen underground stem of particular types of plants. a round swollen part on the stem of some plants, such as the potato, that grows below the ground and from which new plants grow. Short, thickened, mostly underground stem that constitutes the resting stage of certain seed plants. It is often an organ of food storage, reproduction, or both. It bears minute scale leaves, each with a bud that has the potential for developing into a new plant. The common potato is a typical tuber; the much-reduced leaves and associated buds form its "eyes." The term is also used imprecisely but widely for fleshy roots or rhizomes that resemble tubers (e.g., the "tuber" of the dahlia, actually a tuberous root)
type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
A proprietary program of Townsend Analytics, Ltd which Townsend leases to customers running LAN sites Tuber allows multiple socket connections and works as a translator between TA_SRV (which undertands messages in the TALIPC protocol) and socket clients (which are communicating via text-format messages) Tuber contains no data in and of itself It is the main component of the socket connection development path and uses a single set of permissions, so all clients of a particular Tuber will have the exact same permissions
1 A greatly swollen underground shoot or stem, generally irregular in shape, that acts as a store of nutrients 2 A specialized stem; the enlarged fleshy tip of an underground stem
[ 'tü-b&r, 'tyü- ] (noun.) 1668. Latin, swelling, truffle; perhaps akin to Latin tumEre to swell; more at THUMB.