Definition of true type in English English dictionary
True Type fonts are the fonts that are used in the Windows operating systems If you install the Brother True Type Fonts, more types of fonts will be available for Windows applications
A type of font invented by Apple and shared with MicroSoft It specifies outlines with 2 degree bezier curves, contains inovative hinting controls, and an expandable series of tables for containing whatever additional information is deemed imported to the font Apple and Adobe/MicroSoft have expanded these tables in different ways, although attempting to achieve the same effect
A registered trademark for an outline font format with built-in screen and printer fonts, it frequently causes output problems, and is not recommended
Apple and Microsoft's outline font format designed to be used with the Mac System 7 operating system and Microsoft Windows 3 x and later versions
A font technology which enables WYSIWYG printing by providing matching screen and printer representations through support in the operating system TrueType is also metrically compatible with PostScript Type 1 fonts and provides greater hinting and character set support TrueType was jointly developed by Apple and Microsoft
An outline font format that was developed jointly by Apple® Computer and Microsoft® Corporation TrueType fonts are outline fonts that can be easily resized for screen display or for printing