Our real life friends may sometimes bore us, but the friends we find in books would never do that.
- Nos amis de la vie réelle peuvent parfois nous ennuyer, mais les amis que nous trouvons dans les livres ne feraient jamais ça.
The King of the East had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree that bore golden apples.
- Le roi de l'Orient avait un beau jardin et, dans ce jardin, se trouvait un arbre qui portait des pommes d'or.
He filled up the hole in the wall.
- Il a bouché le trou dans le mur.
He was so fat that he couldn't get through the hole.
- Il était si gros qu'il ne pouvait passer par le trou.
Tom quickly put his trousers on.
- Tom quickly put on his trousers.
Tom quickly put on his trousers.
- Tom quickly put his trousers on.