(Askeri) NİRENGİ TEŞKİLİ, ÜÇGENLEME, NİRENGİ: Bir ölçme usulü. Bu usulde, çeşitli arazi tafsilatının mevkileri bir üçgenler şebekesi kurularak bulunur. Bu üçgenlerden her birinin baz hattı, mevki ve uzunluk bakımından, sıhhatli olarak tespit edildikçe, yeni baz hatları tesis edilir ve diğer noktaların mevkileri bunlar vasıtasıyla kestirilir
English - English
Definition of triangulation of in English English dictionary
In an evaluation, triangulation is an attempt to get a fix on a phenomenon or measurement by approaching it via several (three or more) independent routes This effort provides redundant measurement
A method of surveying in which the stations are points on the ground at the vertices of a chain or network of triangles The angles of the triangles are measured instrumentally and the sides are derived by computation from selected sides or bases, the lengths of which are obtained by direct measurement on the ground or by computation from other triangles
a method of surveying; the area is divided into triangles and the length of one side and its angles with the other two are measured, then the lengths of the other sides can be calculated
In a dome context, triangulation is used to mean the process of subdividing a triangle into smaller triangles So if the base figure (usually an icosahedron) has large triangular faces, then triangulation involves subdividing each of the icosahedron's triangular faces into a grid of smaller triangles (Note: triangulation is the term I've always used, if anybody knows a more accepted term for this concept, please let me know!) See also Frequency
Using multiple methods and/or data sources to study the same phenomenon The idea here is for the weaknesses in any one method to be compensated for by the strengths of another The researcher addresses the issue from different methodological positions, rather like taking photographs of the same subject from different angles to reveal a more valid picture of what the object actually looks like
A method of surveying in the location of an object may be calculated from the known locations of two other objects Creating a triangle from the three items, the angles and sides of the triangle can be measured and the location of the unknown object is calculated algebraically
A process of cross-checking and cross-validating by talking with and referring to various sources The "triangle" refers to simultaneous use of (1) perception, (2) validation and (3) documentation It is the verification of information by using the same topic of investigation in three ways, i e in terms of composition of team, techniques applied and sources of information By combining multiple data-sources, methods, analyses or theories, evaluators hope to overcome the bias that comes from single informants, single-methods, single observer or single theory studies
the method in surveying of making measurements and using trigonometry to find where places are located on the earth's surface using points whose exact location is known
Method of determining distance based on the principles of geometry A distant object is sighted from two well-separated locations The distance between the two locations and the angle between the line joining them and the line to the distant object are all that are necessary to ascertain the object's distance
A method used by imaging sensor systems to determine distance by forming a right triangle consisting of a light source, camera, and sample Distance can be calculated if the distance between the camera and light source is known, along with the angle between the incident and reflected light beam
The series or network of triangles into which the face of a country, or any portion of it, is divided in a trigonometrical survey; the operation of measuring the elements necessary to determine the triangles into which the country to be surveyed is supposed to be divided, and thus to fix the positions and distances of the several points connected by them
a trigonometric method of determining the position of a fixed point from the angles to it from two fixed points a known distance apart; useful in navigation
Triangulation is a method of building triangles with the irregularly sampled points as the triangles apexes Triangulation describes cluster structure of the monitoring network and points' neighbourhood See 3 1 Create a Data Post Plot
A method of finding your location on a map by sighting on two or three visible land features By plotting the known bearings you can find your location at the point where the lines intersect (see the compass instruction manual for a more complete definition and illustration)