(Askeri) ENİNE İVME, ENİNE TACİL: Göğüsten sırta doğru olduğu gibi, vücudun uzun eksenine düşey vaziyette ve bir yanından öbür yanına tesir eden bir ivmenin meydana getirdiği atalet kuvveti (eylemsizlik), Örneğin; dik oturmuş vaziyette iken kalkış ve inişlerde; yüzükoyun veya sırtüstü yatmış vaziyette iken bir pikeden çıkış veya dönüşlerde meydana gelen hafif enine ivmeler. Buna (transverse G) de denir. Bak. "negative G" ve "positive G"
(Askeri) TERS MERKATÖR PROJEKSİYONU, GAUS-KRUGER PROJEKSİYONU: Üzerine enlem ve boylamlar çizilmiş yüzeyin semt açısında 90 derece döndürülmüş olması müstesna, matematik esaslar bakımından, merkatör projeksiyona benzer bir harita projeksiyonu. merkatör projeksiyonun aksine, burada, ekvator ve merkez meridyeni dışındaki enlem ve boylamlar kavislidir
(Askeri) EVRENSEL TERS MERKATÖR GRİD: Ters merkator projeksiyonunu temel alan, 84° kuzey ve 80° güney paralellerini arasında uzanan yerküre yüzeyine uygulanan bir grid koordinat sistemi. "utm grid" olarak da anılır
English - English
Definition of transverse in English English dictionary
Situated or lying across; side to side, relative to some defined "forward" direction
Not tangent: so that a nondegenerate angle is formed between the two things intersecting
The directions in wood at right angles to the wood fibers or across the grain A transverse section is a section through a tree or timber at right angles to the pith
Lying or being across, or in a crosswise direction; athwart; often opposed to longitudinal
extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon"
A kind of wave where the medium is disturbed in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction the wave is moving (propagating) Click for a movie showing a transverse wave Back to Top Back to Wave Index
situated or lying across; [crosswide side to side, relative to some defined "forward" direction"
1) Referring to an anatomical plane that divides the body crosswise, or 2) a characterization of direction, indicating "perpendicular to the fibers or flow"
Transverse is used to describe something that is at right angles to something else. lying or placed across something (past participle of transvertere, from vertere )
Crosswise; term used to identical an engine rotated 90 degrees from the traditional longitudinal mounting, typically found in front wheel drive cars
{i} something that is transverse, something which lies in an opposite direction, something which lies in a cross direction
Component of magnetic field vector perpendicular to direction of view, e g , of the solar magnetic field and parallel to the solar surface at disk center
The plane of section that runs from the front to the back of the body, dividing it into top and bottom parts Also known as axial, transaxial, or cross section
A type of wave where the individual particles of the medium move up and down as the wave passes through A transverse wave is drawn much like the blue squiggly line on the side and the top of this page