
listen to the pronunciation of transfer
English - Turkish

Okulları nakletmek zorundayım. - I have to transfer schools.

{f} aktarmak

Diğer sınıftaki nakil öğrenci süper yakışıklı bir tiptir. - The transfer student in the other class is a super good looking guy.

{i} devretme
{i} havale

Müşteri banka havalesi işlem ücretlerinden sorumludur. Anlayışınız için size teşekkür ederiz. - The customer is responsible for bank transfer processing fees. We thank you for your understanding.

{i} aktarma

Otobüsten metroya aktarma yaptı. - She transferred from the bus to the subway.

Aktarma noktası var mı? - Is there a transfer point?

{i} transfer
{i} aktarım
(Ticaret) döviz transferi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) intikal
(Otomotiv) geçiş
başkasına bırakmak
kopya basmak
(Bilgisayar) aktarım aktarmak
havale yapmak
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçişim
transfer olmak
taşıt değiştirmek
{f} taşı

Ofisini Osaka'ya taşıdı. - He transferred his office to Osaka.

Ofis altıncı kata taşındı. - The office has been transferred up to the sixth floor.

aktarma yapmak
aktarma bileti
transfer etmek
devreden kimse
{f} 1. -i nakletmek; -i (bir yerden) (başka bir yere) geçirmek/tayin etmek; (başka bir yere) geçmek: The company's going to
{i} taşıma
baskı ile kopya etmek
{i} nakil; (bir yerden) (başka bir yere) geçirme/tayin etme. 3
{f} aktar

Aktarma noktası var mı? - Is there a transfer point?

MP3 dosyaları iPOD'uma nasıl aktaracağımı anlayamıyorum. - I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod.

-i nakletmek; -i (bir yerden) (başka bir yere) geçirmek/tayin etmek; (başka bir yere) geçmek: The company's going to
(Tıp) Bir yerden diğer yere geçme
{f} havale etmek
{f} transfer et

Benim transfer etmem gerekiyor mu? - Do I need to transfer?

Arabanın mülkiyetini eşime transfer ettim. - I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse.

{i} yere geçirmek
{i} kopya çıkarma
havale edilebilir
transferablenakli mümkün
{f} ihale etmek
(Askeri) NAKİL; AKTARMA: Bir silahlı kuvvetin bir asli teşkili, sınıfı, kategorisi, veya idari bölümdeki görevden, aynı yetkiler dahilinde, bir başka asli teşkil, sınıf, kategori veya idari bölümdeki göreve ayırma, değiştirme
{f} geçirmek
{i} (bir mal) üzerindeki hakkı (başkasına) geçirme/devretme/devir; temlik
{f} basmak (kopya)
{f} iletmek
temlik etmek
(Ticaret) temlik
tayin edilen kimse
(Ticaret) iletme
(Otomotiv) iletim
transfer of sovereignty
(Mitholoji) Egemenlik aktarımı
transfer area
(Askeri) amfibi aktarma bölgesi
transfer file
(Bilgisayar) aktarılacak dosya
transfer flux
aktarım akısı
transfer it
(Bilgisayar) aktar
transfer mode
(Bilgisayar) aktarım kipi
transfer mode
(Bilgisayar) aktarım modu
transfer time
(Bilgisayar) aktarım süresi
transfer unit
aktarım birimi
transfer abroad
yurtdışına transfer et
transfer address
aktarma adresi
transfer agent
nakliye acentası
transfer bank
havale yapılan banka
transfer book
senet defteri
transfer by deed
senetle transfer et
transfer by judgement
kazai temlik
transfer by law
yasal temlik
transfer case
ara şanzıman
transfer case
muavin şanzıman
transfer command
aktarma komutu
transfer commission
havale komisyonu
transfer current
geçiş akımı
transfer deed
devir belgesi
transfer fee
devir vergini
transfer fee
transfer vergini
transfer function
aktarım işlevi
transfer gear
transfer dişlisi
transfer of foreign exchange
döviz transferi
transfer of training
eğitim transferi
transfer paper
transfer belgesi
transfer rate
aktarma oranı
transfer tax
intikal vergisi
transfer ticket
aktarma bilet
transfer to another track
başka yola transfer et
transfer admittance
geçiş admitansi
transfer cap
(Bilgisayar) Aktarım sınırı, transfer sınırı
transfer card
aktarma kartı
transfer case
ara şanzıman, muavin şanzıman
transfer certificate
transfer sertifikası
transfer characteristic
geçiş karakteristiği
transfer check
aktarma denetimi
transfer clock
aktarma saati, taşıma saati
transfer constant
transfer sabiti
transfer control
aktarma denetimi
transfer impedance
geçiş empedansi, geçiş çelisi
transfer income
transfer geliri
transfer instruction
aktarma komutu
transfer interpreter
aktarmalı yorumlayıcı
transfer into
' in içine nakletmek
transfer into system
sisteme geçmek
transfer operation
aktarma işlemi
transfer paper
çıkartma kâğıdı
transfer payments
transfer ödemeleri
transfer pricing
(Kanun) transfer fiyatlandırması
transfer received
transfer makbuzu
transfer risk
transfer riski
transfer share
hisse devretmek
transfer stamp
transfer damga pulu
transfer vector
transfer vektörü, aktarım yöneyi
transfer activity
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMETTEN AYIRMA FAALİYET MERKEZİ: Askeri personelin emekliye ve ihtiyat sınıfına ayrılması işlemini yapmak üzere tesis edilmiş, (faal hizmetten ayırma istasyonu veya faal hizmetten ayırma noktası gibi) belirli ve merkezi bir faaliyet bürosu
transfer and counter warrant
(Askeri) AKTARMA VE DENKLEŞTİRME BELGESİ: ABD. de; bütçe ile ayrılan tahsisat ile Kara Ordusu avans hesaplarının denkleştirilmesi için kullanılan belge
transfer appropriation
(Askeri) AKTARMA TAHSİSAT: Başlangıçta bir Federal Devlet dairesine tahsis edilmiş olan ve fiilen kullanılmak üzere, sonradan diğer bir Federal Devlet dairesine aktarma edilen tahsisat
transfer area
(Askeri) AMFİBİ AKTARMA BÖLGESİ: Amfibi harekatta; kıtaların ve ikmal maddelerinin çıkarma gemilerinden amfibi araçlara nakledildiği su bölgesi
transfer berth
(Askeri) AKTARMA DEMİR YERİ: Bir çıkarma kıyısı dışında, amfibi aktarma hattı (transfer line) yakınındaki bir demir yeri. Aktarma demir yerinde; kıtaları, ikmal maddelerini ve teçhizatı çıkarma araçlarından amfibi araçlara nakil için, genellikle, bir vinçle teçhiz edilmiş, bir gemi veya şat bulunur
transfer business
ciro işlemleri
transfer car
transfer aracı
transfer circuit
(Askeri) AKTARMA DEVRESİ: İki veya daha çok ayrı şebeke arasında haberleşme trafiğinin aktarılmasını temin etmek üzere, bu şebekelerin muhabere merkezlerini birbirine bağlayan devre
transfer clock
(Bilgisayar) aktarma saati
transfer clock
(Bilgisayar) taşıma saati
transfer date
devir tarihi
transfer day
havale günü
transfer deed
devir senedi (hisse)
transfer duty
görev devretmek
transfer duty
(Ticaret) transfer vergisi
transfer ellipse
(Askeri) YÖRÜNGE DEĞİŞTİRME ELİPSİ; İNTİKAL ELİPSİ: Bir eliptik yörüngeden diğerine geçen cismin takip ettiği yol. Hareket ve varış yörüngelerini geniş açıda kesen yörünge değiştirme elipsi en çok enerji sarfına ihtiyaç gösterir
transfer fee
transfer ücreti
transfer fee
(Ticaret) devir ücreti
transfer function
(Nükleer Bilimler) aktarma fonksiyonu
transfer gear housing
(İnşaat) transfer dişli kutusu
transfer ink
kopya mürekkebi
transfer ink
matbaa mürekkebi
transfer instruction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) aktarma talimatı
transfer limit
(Askeri) kaydırma sınırı
transfer limit
(Askeri) KAYDIRMA SINIRI: Bir kontrol noktasından istikamet ve mesafece verilecek azami kaydırma. Kontrol noktalarına nispetle bu sınırlar dahilinde hesaplanan düzeltmeler, herhangi bir hedefe tatbik edilmeye ve dolayısıyla, ateş kaydırması yapmak suretiyle, bu hedefi ateş altına almaya yetecek derecede doğru kabul edilir
transfer line
transfer hattı
transfer loader
(Askeri) YÜKLEME ARACI: Dikey ve yatay vaziyette ayarlanabilir bir platformu bulunan ve uçakların yüklenmesinde ve boşaltılmasında kullanılan, tekerlekli ve paletli bir araç
transfer man
(Turizm) transfer görevlisi
transfer needle
(Tekstil) aktarma iğnesi
transfer of authority
transfer of command
transfer of fire
(Askeri) ATEŞ KAYDIRMASI: Birinci hedef için yapılan düzeltmelerin, ikinci hedefe ait atış esaslarına tatbik edilmesi suretiyle, ateşin bir noktadan başka bir noktaya kaydırılması. Buna, bazen, sadece (transfer) de denir
transfer of operating rights
(Avrupa Birliği) işletme hakkı devri
transfer of operating rights
(Avrupa Birliği) (TOOR) işletme hakkı devri
transfer of the seat of a company or firm
(Avrupa Birliği) bir şirket merkezinin yer değiştirmesi
transfer of training
transfer of undertaking
(Avrupa Birliği) İşletme devri
transfer order
(Askeri) yetki değiştirme emri
transfer order
(Askeri) YETKİ DEĞİŞTİRME EMRİ: ABD Milli Savunma Bakanı tarafından Kara, Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlıklarına verilen ve genel olarak, bazı faaliyet, yetki ve görevleri birinden diğerine intikal ettiren emir
transfer picture
transfer point
(Askeri) DEVİR NOKTASI: Demiryolu katarlarına, motorlu araç konvoylarına ve takviyelere ait idare ve kontrolun, bir komutandan başka bir komutana geçtiği nokta
transfer point
aktarma yeri
transfer port
(Otomotiv) transfer deliği
transfer price
transfer printing
(Tekstil) transfer baskı
transfer processing
(Askeri) GAYRİ FAAL HİZMETE AYIRMA İŞLEMİ: Askeri personelin faal hizmetten ayrılması, terhisi, emekliye sevki ve geçici malûliyet emekli listesine geçirilmesi için gerekli bir oryantasyon, sağlık ve diş muayenesi, kayıt işlemi incelemesi, şahsi bilgi incelemesi, ayrılış merasimi ve son maaşın ödenmesi işleminden ibaret nihai formaliteler
transfer pump
aktarma pompası
transfer pump
(İnşaat) transfer pompası
transfer rNa
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) transfer rNa'sı
transfer rate
aktarma hızı
transfer risk
(Sigorta) transfer rizikosu
transfer size
(Bilgisayar) aktarım boyutu
transfer standard
(Askeri) DOSYA DEVİR STANDARDI: Dosyaların; dosya kontrol bölgelerine veya denizaşırı arşiv merkezlerine, bir komutanlık veya faaliyet merkezinden başka bir komutanlık veya faaliyet merkezine ya da başka bir hükümet dairesine nakledildikleri süre veya olaylar
transfer station
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMETTEN AYIRMA İSTASYONU: Ordu'dan ayrılmak üzere denizaşırı bölgelerden dönenlerin, sırf ayrılma işlemlerinin yapılması maksadıyla bu merkeze atanmış askeri personelin ve böyle bir merkeze sahip bir tesiste mevcut personelin gayri faal hizmete ayırma işlemlerini (transfer processing) yapmak üzere, bir tesiste, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı tarafından görevlendirilmiş bir eğitim, misafir ve hasta personel faaliyet merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "processing center"
transfer syntax
aktarim sozdizimi
transfer tax
(Ticaret) devir vergisi
transfer tax
(Ticaret) satım vergisi
transfer ticket
aktarma bileti
transfer time
aktarim suresi
transfer tube
aktarım borusu
transfer type
(Bilgisayar) aktarım türü
transaction transfer taxes
(Ticaret) işlem devir vergileri
cultural transfer
Kültür aktarımı
assign and transfer
(Kanun) devir ve temlik etmek
contractual transfer
(Ticaret) akden devir
deed transfer
tapunun devri
deed transfer
tapu devri
fund transfer
fon aktarmak
gene transfer
(Biyoloji,Tıp) gen transferi
import transfer
(Ticaret) ithalat bedelinin transferi
import transfer
(Ticaret) ithalat transferi
inheritance and transfer tax
veraset ve intikal vergisi
lump sum transfer
(Ticaret) götürü meblağ havalesi
premium transfer
(Sigorta) prim transferi
refuse transfer station
çöp aktarma merkezi
specific transfer
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) özgül transfer
(Ticaret) nakli mümkün
temlik edilen
block transfer
blok transferi
build operate transfer
yap işlet devret
cable transfer
telgraf havalesi
carrier transfer filter
taşıyıcı transfer filtresi
charge transfer
şarj transferi
conditional transfer
koşullu aktarım
conditional transfer of control
denetimin koşullu aktarımı
control transfer
kontrol transferi
control transfer instruction
denetim aktarım komutu
core to core transfer
bellekiçi bilgi aktarımı
data transfer
veri aktarımı
data transfer register
veri aktarım yazmacı
deed of transfer
devir senedi
destructive transfer
bozunumlu aktarma
double line transfer register
çift hat aktarma yazmacı
effective data transfer rate
etkin veri aktarım hızı
electron transfer
elektron transferi
emergency power transfer switch
acil güç transfer anahtarı
file transfer
dosya transferi
file transfer
kütük aktarımı
English - English
To arrange for something to officially belong to or be controlled by somebody else
To move or pass from one place, person or thing to another
To be or become transferred
A design conveyed by contact from one surface to another; a heat transfer
To convey the impression of (something) from one surface to another
The act of conveying or removing something from one place, person or thing to another
An instance of conveying or removing from one place, person or thing to another; a transferal
to convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another
To convey from one place or person another; to transport, remove, or cause to pass, to another place or person; as, to transfer the laws of one country to another; to transfer suspicion
{n} the act of making over to another
{v} to make over, remove, transport
The process of moving from one college or university to another to complete a degree
the act of transporting something from one location to another
Domain names can be sold to another organization or sometimes the name of a company might change Most registries require a process by which permission from the old owner to hand over control to the new owner is authorized The procedure for change of ownership is known a Transfer Policies and procedures on domain name transfer can vary from registry to registry
transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
A transfer involves a change in the point of diversion, rate of use, place of use, or type of use of a water right Oregon law specifies that a water right remains with the land on which it was established, and that the water must be used as specified in the certificate It exists only for the amount of water, type of use and place of use described in the water right certificate State law requires that a transfer application be filed with the Oregon Water Resources Department to change either the rate of use, place of use, point of diversion, type of water use or any combination of these four
Technology transfer is the process or act by which a country or organization which has developed new technology enables another country or organization to use the technology. The Philippines needs capital and technology transfer
When property or land is transferred, it stops being owned by one person or institution and becomes owned by another. He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death. Transfer is also a noun. an outright transfer of property
Transfers are pieces of paper with a design on one side. The design can be transferred by heat or pressure onto material, paper, or china for decoration. gold letter transfers. file transfer protocol HyperText Transfer Protocol gene transfer therapy training transfer of
cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
A pathological process by virtue of which a unilateral morbid condition on being abolished on one side of the body makes its appearance in the corresponding region upon the other side
A soldier removed from one troop, or body of troops, and placed in another
{i} exchange, conveying something from one person to another
application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
The written instrument, signed by the "Transferor" (seller), and delivered to the "Transferee" (buyer), by which one person conveys a property to another
the transfer of pupils from primary to secondary school (years 6 and 7) or the pupils' ability to use learning acquired in one context in another context
the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise" transferring ownership application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU" transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America" move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket" change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast" cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children" move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital" transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise"
If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or they transfer from one place to another, they go from the first place to the second. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease. Transfer is also a noun. Arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor
The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or personal, from one person to another, whether by sale, by gift, or otherwise
1 The change of physical and legal custody of records from the creating administrative unit to the University Archives 2 The change of physical custody of records without the corresponding change in legal custody from the creating administrative unit to the University Records Center
On the London Stock Exchange, the form signed by the seller of a security authorising the company to remove his name from the register, and substitute that of the buyer
If something is transferred, or transfers, from one person or group of people to another, the second person or group gets it instead of the first. I realized she'd transferred all her love from me to you On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen. Transfer is also a noun. the transfer of power from the old to the new regimes
transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America"
(Domain Name) On occasion, domains are sold to another organization or sometimes the name of a company might change Most registries require a letter of permission from the old owner to hand over control to the new owner The procedures for transfer of ownership will depend on the registry
Moving the partial or full amount of a security, consisting of principal and proportionate interest, from one TreasuryDirect account to another When making a partial transfer, you must transfer a minimum of $25 00 while leaving at least $25 00 of current value in the security This action automatically changes the ownership of the security
That which is transferred
move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"
If you transfer or are transferred when you are on a journey, you change from one vehicle to another. He likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts 1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship
A student may change from one collegiate institution to another after having met the requirements for admission to the second institution
In professional sports, if a player transfers or is transferred from one club to another, they leave one club and begin playing for another. Nick Barmby who transferred from Spurs to Middlesbrough He was transferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £2.5 million. Transfer is also a noun. Gascoigne's transfer to the Italian club, Lazio
If you are transferred, or if you transfer, to a different job or place, you move to a different job or start working in a different place. I was transferred to the book department I suspect that she is going to be transferred Anton was able to transfer from Lavine's to an American company. Transfer is also a noun. They will be offered transfers to other locations
A picture, or the like, removed from one body or ground to another, as from wood to canvas, or from one piece of canvas to another
- the movement of an employee from one position to another position within the same employing unit in the same classification or with the same maximum pay rate
(1) The act or process of moving records from one location to another, especially from office space to agency storage facilities or Federal records centers, from one Federal agency to another, or from office or storage space to the National Archives for permanent preservation
A change of ownership from one person or party to another
transferring ownership
Nomenclature associated with the J-1 exchange visitor program There are procedures for transferring J-1 exchange visitors from the sponsorship of one institution to another Employment-based nonimmigrants such as H-1 and O-1 cannot transfer between institutions A move like this requires that a new petition be filed by the "receiving" institution
change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast"
When information is transferred onto a different medium, it is copied from one medium to another. Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm. systems to create film-quality computer effects and then transfer them to film. Transfer is also a noun. It can be connected to a PC for the transfer of information. data transfer
To switch enrollment from one educational institution to another
The change of an individual, without a break in service of one full workday, from an SES position in one agency to an SES position in another agency
shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes; "He removed his children to the countryside"; "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court"
The process of copying the media from one source to another For example, transferring your footage from Digital Video to Beta
send from one person or place to another; "transmit a message"
To remove from one substance or surface to another; as, to transfer drawings or engravings to a lithographic stone
lift and reset in another soil or situation; "Transplant the young rice plants"
someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU"
is a legal document by which title to property is passed (conveyed) from one party to another The transferor transfers title (ownership) to the transferee The transferee receives title to the property Similar to a deed Trust account - is a separate bank account in which the money is deposited by the recipient, in trust, on behalf of someone else On the deposit cheque, the words In Trust should be written after the name of the firm to whom it's payable
This term may refer to two different operations For one, the delivery of a stock certificate from the seller's broker to the buyer's broker and legal change of ownership, normally accomplished within a few days For another, to record the change of ownership on the books of the corporation by the transfer agent When the purchaser's name is recorded, dividends, notices of meetings, proxies, financial reports and all pertinent literature sent by the issuer to its securities holders are mailed directly to the new owner
A drawing or writing printed off from one surface on another, as in ceramics and in many decorative arts
a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances
Despite your best efforts, you may find that your chosen school isn't the perfect fit Or, you may start out at community college and decide that it's time to attend a four-year univeristy In either case, you may need to transfer to a different school Transferring can be a tricky process, especially when it comes time to figure out how many of your previously earned credits will count at your new school To make your transition as simple as possible, request application materials from prospective schools as early as possible and figure out how your credits will be accounted for BEFORE you apply Once you're in, take advantage of transfer student resources designed to help you get comfortable in your new setting
The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another
A change by an employee from one position to another position of the same class or another class having essentially the same maximum salary limit, involving the performance of similar duties and requiring virtually the same basic qualifications
The process of moving authority over a domain name from one domain registrar to another, usually to gain a price advantage or take advantage of the more lenient Terms & Conditions offered by the destination registrar Each registrar has its own rules and systems for transferring domain names, and these are not always compatible with each other
To make over the possession or control of; to pass; to convey, as a right, from one person to another; to give; as, the title to land is transferred by deed
means the movement to a different agency of an employee from one position to another position having the same salary range, or the movement of a position from one agency to another agency, which does not require reclassification
transferring ownership application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU"
move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
transfer RNA
A short-chain version of RNA that transfers individual amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis
transfer agent
An entity designated by a publicly-traded corporation to keep track of the ownership of the corporation's stocks and bonds
transfer agents
plural form of transfer agent
transfer earnings
The amount that a factor of production must be paid in order to prevent it from transferring to an alternative use
transfer function
a mathematical representation of the relation between the input and output of a linear time-invariant system
transfer functions
plural form of transfer function
transfer rate
the transmission speed of a communication channel; measured in bits or bytes per second
transfer rates
plural form of transfer rate
transfer tax
a transaction fee (often relatively small in relation to the value of property) imposed on the transfer of title to property
transfer taxes
plural form of transfer tax
transfer window
A period of time in which soccer players may be bought or sold between professional clubs
transfer rate
(Bilgisayar) Data transfer rate (DTR), is the speed at which data can be transmitted between devices. This is sometimes referred to as throughput
transfer station
An interchange station in British English, also known as a transfer station in American English, is a train station for more than one railway route in a passenger transport system. Such stations usually have more platforms than single route stations. Passengers reaching the station from one line may change to a train of another line. They may be required to pay extra fare for the interchange if they leave a fare zone. Some rapid transit systems, however, have a fare system which allows commuters to freely change routes in the station
transfer RNA
One of a class of RNA molecules that transport amino acids to ribosomes for incorporation into a polypeptide undergoing synthesis
transfer agent
A transfer agent keeps a record of the name of each registered shareowner, his/her address, the number of shares owned, and sees that the certificates presented for transfer are properly cancelled and new certificates issued in the name of the new owner
transfer agent
Organization that is employed by a mutual fund to prepare and maintain records relating to the accounts of its shareholders Federated's transfer agent is State Street Bank in Boston
transfer agent
A party appointed to maintain records of securities owners, to cancel and issue certificates, and to address issues arising from lost, destroyed or stolen certificates
transfer agent
The organization employed by a mutual fund to prepare and maintain records relating to the accounts of its shareholders Some funds serve as their own transfer agents
transfer agent
The organization employed by a mutual fund to prepare and maintain records relating to the accounts of its shareholders
transfer agent
Agent appointed by a corporation to maintain records of all stock and bond holders, cancel and issue certificates and resolve problems arising from lost or stolen certificates Mutual fund transfer agents perform these functions for fund share owners
transfer agent
An agent employed by a corporation to maintain shareholder records, including purchases, sales, and account balances
transfer agent
The organization employed by an issuer of securities to prepare and maintain records relating to shareholder accounts
transfer agent
Fiduciary company, often a commercial bank, entrusted to maintain records of stock and bond ownership, to issue and cancel certificates, and resolve problems arising from lost, stolen or destroyed certificates
transfer agent
An individual or institution that a company appoints to oversee the transfer of securities In the mutual fund industry, a transfer agent may also oversees the record keeping of shareholder accounts and distribute account statements
transfer agent
A transfer agent keeps a record of the name of each registered shareowner, his or her address, the number of shares owned, and sees that certificates presented for transfer are properly canceled and new certificates issued in the name of the new owner
transfer agent
A transfer agent keeps a record of the name of each registered shareowner, his or her address, and the number of shares owned, and sees that certificates presented to his office for transfer are properly canceled and new certificates issued in the name of the transferee
transfer agent
The person or entity who performs the transfer function for an issue of registered municipal securities This person or entity may be the issuer or an official of the issuer, or an outside organization employed by the issuer to act as its agent In certain cases the transfer agent performs only that part of the transfer function involving the issuance or reissuance of securities certificates in the name of the new registered owner, with the function of maintaining the list of registered owners performed by a separate entity (known as the "registrar") The entity performing the transfer function may also act in other capacities (e g , as paying agent) on the issue See: REGISTRAR; REGISTERED BOND; TRANSFER
transfer agent
Individual or institution a company appoints to look after the transfer of securities
transfer agent
A party appointed to maintain records of securities owners, to cancel and issue certificates, and to address issues arising from lost, destroyed, or stolen certificates
transfer agent
An agent who maintains records of stock and bond owners to cancel and issue certificates, and resolve problems arising from lost, destroyed, or stolen certificates (See registrar)
transfer agent
an agency (usually a bank) that is appointed by a corporation to keep records of its stock and bond owners and to resolve problems about certificates
transfer agent
(Agent de transfert) An agent employed by a corporation or mutual fund company to maintain shareholder records, including purchases, sales, and account balances
transfer agent
A trust company appointed by a company to keep a record of the names, addresses and number of shares held by its shareholders Frequently the transfer agent also distributes dividend cheques
transfer agent
One who keeps a record of the name of each registered shareowner, his or her address, and the number of shares owned This agent is responsible for recording any transfer of shares When forming a private investment club, it is wise to immediately designate a transfer agent to maintain the records of the club (this individual or company may charge, or should be paid, a fee for the service)
transfer agent
An entity appointed by a company to, among other things, maintain records of stock and bond owners, to cancel and issue stock certificates, and to resolve problems arising from lost, destroyed or stolen certificates
transfer agent
Individual or institution appointed by a company to look after the transfer of securities
transfer agent
The organization employed by a mutual fund to prepare and maintain records relating to shareholder accounts
transfer agent
The organization used by a mutual fund to prepare and maintain records for shareholder accounts
transfer agent
~ A party appointed by an issuer to maintain records of securities owners, to cancel and issue certificates and to address issues arising from lost, destroyed or stolen certificates
transfer agent
~ A party appointed by an issuer to maintain records of securities owners, to cancel and issue certificates and to address issues arising from lost, destroyed or stolen certificates
transfer case
An auxiliary transmission mounted behind the main transmission Used to divide engine power and transfer it to both front and rear differentials, either full time or part time
transfer case
A unit mounted between the transmission and driveshafts of four-wheel drive vehicles that controls the flow of power to the front and rear drive axles when you shift back and forth between two-wheel and fourwheel drive
transfer case
A power takeoff unit that sends power to both the front and rear axle assemblies on a four-wheel-drive vehicle
transfer case
A power takeoff unit that sends power to both the front and rear axle assemblies on a multiwheel drive vehicle
transfer case
A mechanical device with the capability to send power to a front driving axle as well as a rear driving axle Transfer cases drive the front output shaft with either a geartrain or a flat Hyvo-type chain Transfer cases designed for four-wheel-drive vehicles offer a low-range drive mode, where all-wheel-drive vehicles typically have a single-speed transfer case
transfer case
divides the power between two or more sets of driven axles of the same vehicle E g a fourwheel drive vehicle has a transfer case that diveds the power between the fron and rear axles
transfer deed
certificate which authorizes a change of ownership of name-bearing securities
transfer factor
A polypeptide secreted by lymphocytes that is capable of transferring immunity from one cell or individual to another
transfer fee
the money that one football club pays another for the transfer of a player
transfer fee
A charge made by a lending institution holding or collecting on a real estate mortgage to change its records to reflect a different ownership
transfer fee
A state imposed fee on the sale of property The rate of the transfer fee is 30 cents for each 100 dollars of value
transfer fee
Also called the Assumption Fee, required on all cash to mortgage transactions (assumptions) A lender typically charges to transfer the loan into the buyer's name
transfer fee
For variable annuities, an amount an insurer charges for the administrative processing of an asset transfer between subaccounts A transfer fee usually is charged once a customer's number of transfers within a given period has exceeded the contract's maximum
transfer fee
charge for registering a transfer of ownership (i.e. of a house); fee for moving or changing something (i.e. a ticket or account, etc.)
transfer form
bank form that documents a transfer of money between accounts
transfer list
In football, a transfer list is a list of players at a club who may be sold to other clubs. a list of the football players in one team who can be sold to another team
transfer of authority
passing of responsibility to a second party
transfer of command
moving of the command of a unit to an incoming commander
transfer of the burden
moving the burden of evidence or burden of proof to the other side of a court trial
transfer of training
In psychology, the effect of having learned one activity on an individual's execution of other activities. Positive transfer occurs when a previously acquired skill enhances one's performance of a new one. Negative transfer occurs when the previously acquired skill impairs one's attempt to master the new one
transfer paper
a paper that is coated with a preparation for transferring a design to another surface
transfer payment
A government or other payment for which the recipient renders no current services Social security, unemployment compensation and welfare benefits are the largest types of transfer payments
transfer payment
A non-compensatory government payment to individuals, as for welfare or social security benefits
transfer payment
A payment made without receiving any good or service in return Transfer payments transfer command over resources from one party to another without reducing or increasing the amount of resources available as a whole Taxes, duties, and subsidies are examples of items that, in some circumstances, may be considered to be transfer payments
transfer payment
Payment of a lump sum (Transfer Value) representing the value of an employee's accumulated pension rights, from one Pension Scheme to another Pension Scheme, or to a Buy Out Policy
transfer payment
State agency or higher education employees who transferred from PERS Plan 2 to PERS Plan 3 during the initial transfer window (March 1, 2002 - August 31, 2002) and earned service credit in June 2002, will receive a transfer payment equivalent to 110 percent of their PERS Plan 2 account balance Local government employees who transfer during the initial transfer window (September 1, 2002 - May 31, 2003) and have earned service credit in June 2002 or February of 2003, will receive a transfer payment equivalent to 111 percent of their PERS Plan 2 account balance Transfer payments will be made in June 2003
transfer payment
a grant of funds from the government to an individual (chapter 14)
transfer payment
a public expenditure (as for unemployment compensation or veteran's benefits) that is not for goods and services
transfer payment
A payment made from one pension scheme to another, or to an insurance company to purchase a buy-out policy, in lieu of the benefits which have accrued to the member under the scheme In this form, it specifically refers to transfers made under the preservation requirements of the Pensions Act Other payments from one scheme to another are usually called transfer value
transfer payments
tax money that the government gives which is not in exchange for services or goods
transfer pricing
(Ticaret) Prices used in the transfer of materials between units of the same company, often at standard cost or standard plus transportation costs. Used when transfers are not considered sales and purchases that generate receivables and payables
transfer rate
amount of data transferred in one second
transfer rna
short-chain RNA molecules present in the cell (in at least 20 varieties, each variety capable of combining with a specific amino acid) that attach the correct amino acid to the protein chain that is being synthesized at the ribosome of the cell (according to directions coded in the mRNA)
transfer tax
any tax levied on the passing of title to property
transfer to a bank account
moving money into a bank account
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
simple protocol for transferring files, simple version of FTP that does not have the ability to check user identity, TFTP
asynchronous transfer mode
A broadband voice and data technology with quality (class) of service QoS transmission for sending and receiving voice, data, and multimedia information over a fiber-optic network
balance transfer
A transferal of the current amount owing on one credit card to another one (ideally one charging a lower rate of interest)
bank transfer
wire transfer
credit transfer
A method of payment in which an amount of money (credit) is transferred directly from one account to another, in the same or different bank
data transfer rate
the transmission speed of a communications channel; measured in bits or bytes per second
electron transfer reaction
a reaction in which a single electron is transferred from one molecule to another; one being oxidized and the other reduced (also known as a redox reaction); long-range electron transfer reactions are important in biological reactions involving metalloproteins such as haemoglobin
electron transfer reactions
plural form of electron transfer reaction
energy transfer
The conversion of one form of energy into another, or the movement of energy from one place to another

Solar panels allow for energy transfer from light energy to heat and electrical energy.

feedback transfer function
The transfer function of the feedback path of a control system
forward transfer function
The transfer function of the forward path of a control system
heat transfer
The transmission of thermal energy via conduction, convection or radiation
horizontal gene transfer
The transfer of genetic material from one organism to another one that is not its offspring; especially common among bacteria
lateral gene transfer
horizontal gene transfer
lateral transfer
The movement of an employee from his/her current post to a different position without noticeable benefits
loop transfer function
The ratio of the Laplace transform of the primary feedback signal of a control system to that of the actuating signal
oblivious transfer
A transfer in which a sender sends some information to a receiver but does not know what is received
phase transfer catalysis
a process in which the rate of a reaction in a heterogeneous two-phase system is enhanced by the addition of a substance that transfers one of the reactants across the interface between the two phases
radiative transfer
The transfer of radiation (energy) leaving one object and being absorbed by an other
technology transfer
The use of a concept or product from one technology to solve a problem in an unrelated one
technology transfer
The sharing of technological information through education and training
The invariance of properties associated with an atom (or fragment) present in a variety of molecules
The capacity of goods to be transported (linked to their value versus bulk)
The ability of something to be transferred
wire transfer
A transfer of funds between banks by electronic means
capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another
one who or that which conveys from one person or place to another
{a} that may or can be transfered
The extent to which the research findings can be transferred to other settings
ability to transfer or trade your interest rate security to another investor, with transfer of ownership
The right or relative ease in transferring ownership or title
the quality of being transferable or exchangeable; "sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for trade between nondollar countries"
Owner of a property is able to convey title or use of property to another One of the four essential elements which create value
Any arrangement whereby the benefits credits that have accumulated for a terminating participant are transmitted from one plan to another or to a central agency
Ownership of the resources ("property rights") are transferable
The quality or state of being transferable
trade between nondollar countries
the ability to transfer from one holder to another
{i} passableness, negotiability
The extent to which a good or service can be moved from one location to another; the relative capacity for spatial interaction
the quality of being transferable or exchangeable; "sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for
A vehicle having an extended warranty can have the warranty transferred to the new owner of the vehicle if the vehicle is sold privately
A new ESEA flexibility authority that allows states and local educational agencies (LEAs) to transfer a portion of the funds that they receive under certain Federal programs to other programs that most effectively address their unique needs to certain activities under Title I Top
Transferable courses are those that are college level and are usable for a baccalaureate degree
able to be transferred
{s} passable, crossable
Capable of being transferred or conveyed from one place or person to another
If something is transferable, it can be passed or moved from one person or organization to another and used by them. Your Railcard is not transferable to anyone else
legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds"
A letter of credit that allows the beneficiary to transfer in whole or in part to another beneficiary any amount which, in aggregate, of such transfers does not exceed the amount of the credit Used by middlemen
Negotiable, as a note, bill of exchange, or other evidence of property, that may be conveyed from one person to another by indorsement or other writing; capable of being transferred with no loss of value; as, the stocks of most public companies are transferable; some tickets are not transferable
to move, carry, send, or change from one thing to another
capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another
capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another
{s} carryable, sendable, passable, crossable, conveyable
legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds"
past of transfer
{s} conveyed, passed, forwarded
someone who transfers something
One who makes a transfer or conveyance
{i} evacuator, conveyer
Lifting an entire load of logs from one mode of transportation and placing the logs on another carrier (22)
present participle of transfer
Usually refers to right of company to resell or relicense signed over rights to your drawing "Assigning" is another term commonly used for reselling Assignment usually appears in contracts under a section at the end which reads: assignment of rights/delegation of duties Duties are generally specific to the contracting parties, but assignments can be transferred We'll discuss this in terms of illustration
an activity of daily living -- the ability to move in or out of a bed, chair or wheelchair
An Activity of Daily Living that is 4th in frequency of need It is the ability to move in and out of a bed or chair
plural of transfer
third-person singular of transfer
Turkish - English
(Havacılık) handoff
psych. transference
transfer, transferal, transferring
sports player who has left one professional team and joined another
transfer eden
(Kanun,Ticaret) transferor
transfer edilemez
transfer etmek
transfer etmek
transfer fiyatlamasi
(Ticaret) transfer pricing
transfer fiyatları
(Ticaret) transfer pricing
transfer fiyatı
(Ticaret,Turizm) transfer price
transfer harcamaları
(Ticaret) transfer expenditures
transfer hızı
transfer speed
transfer kiti
transfer kit
transfer kutusu
(Otomotiv) transfer box
transfer kutusu
(Otomotiv) transfer case
transfer standardı
(Ticaret) transfer standard
transfer ünitesi
transfer unit
transfer aleti
(Arılık) transferring tool
transfer aracı
transfer car
transfer baskı
transfer printing
transfer belgesi
transfer paper
transfer defteri
(Ticaret) transfer register
transfer deliği
(Otomotiv) transfer port
transfer direk kavraması
(Otomotiv) transfer direct clutch
transfer dişli kutusu
transfer gear housing
transfer dişlisi
transfer gear
transfer eden kontrolör
(Havacılık) transferring controller
transfer eden ünite
(Havacılık) transferring unit
transfer edilebilir
transfer edilebilir
transfer edilemeyen
(Ticaret) mortmain
transfer edilmek
be transferred
transfer etmek
to transfer
transfer fonksiyonu
transfer function
transfer gelirleri
(Ticaret) transfer receipts
transfer giriş mili
(Otomotiv) transfer input shaft
transfer grubu
(Otomotiv) transfer assembly
transfer görevlisi
(Turizm) transfer man
transfer hattı
transfer line
transfer kollama
(Ticaret) transfer seeking
transfer konut kredisi
(Ticaret) transfer housing loan
transfer kutu muhafazası
(Otomotiv) transfer box housing
transfer makbuzu
(Ticaret) transfer received
transfer memuru
(Turizm) transfer officer
transfer olmak
to be transferred
transfer olmak
transfer olmak
to transfer
transfer platformu
(Askeri) transfer platform
transfer pompası
transfer pump
transfer presi
(Mekanik,Teknik) transfer press
transfer rNa'sı
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) transfer rNa
transfer rizikosu
(Sigorta) transfer risk
transfer sabiti
transfer constant
transfer seçim konumu
(Otomotiv) transfer gear position
transfer talebi
(Ticaret) transfer request
transfer talep tarihi
(Ticaret) transfer request date
transfer vektörü
transfer vector
transfer yeri
transfer point
transfer öğrencisi
(Eğitim) transfer student