
listen to the pronunciation of train
English - Turkish
eğitim vermek

Üst düzey yöneticiler astlarına eğitim vermek için çok zaman harcıyorlar. - Senior executives spend a lot of time training their subordinates.

{f} eğitmek

Köpekleri eğitmek kolay değil. - It is not easy to train dogs.

Merkezin hedefi, diğer ülkelerden gelen gençleri belli bir zaman aralığında eğitmek olmalıdır. - The goal of the center should be to train young people from other countries within a specific time period.

{i} tren

Sonraki durakta trenden ineceğim. - I'm getting off the train at the next stop.

Az daha treni kaçırıyordum. - I almost missed the train.

{f} alıştırma yapmak
{f} yetiştirmek
antreman yapmak

Bu makineyi çalıştırmak için özel bir eğitim gerekli değil. - No special training is needed to operate this machine.

idman yapmak
-e nişan almak

Tren geçerken, Tom sürücünün bir bakışını yakaladı. - As the train went by, Tom caught a glimpse of the driver.

Tren geçerken Tom sürücünün bir anlık bakışını yakaladı. - Tom caught a glimpse of the driver as the train raced past.

eğitim görmek

Sadece trene yetişmek için istasyona aceleyle gittik. - We hurried to the station only to miss the train.

Trene zamanında yetişmek için acele etti. - He hurried so as to be in time for the train.

olaylar/düşünceler zinciri
elbise kuyruğu
üstüne tutmak
(on/upon ile) -e nişan almak
-e yükseltmek
{f} eğit

Düzgün bir şekilde eğitilirse müzikal yetenek geliştirilebilir. - Musical talent can be developed if it's properly trained.

Köpekleri eğitmek kolay değil. - It is not easy to train dogs.


Develerden oluşan uzun bir kervan batıya doğru ilerliyordu. - A long train of camels was moving to the west.

{f} antrenman/idman yapmak
{i} kuyruk elbise
{i} yildiz
{f} nişan almak
dalları kazık veya
hayvanı tuzağa çekmek için sıralanmış yem
{i} katar
yerde sürünen uzun etek
{i} dizi
düzenli durum
{i} dizi, silsile, zincir: A long train of events has brought us to
{f} alıştırmak
{f} sürüklemek
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK: Lojistik destek sağlayan bir lojistik hizmet kuvveti (service force) veya hizmet unsurları grubu. Örneğin; bir filo emrine verilmiş deniz kuvvetleri yardımcı gemilerinden veya ticari gemilerden mürekkep bir teşkil veya bir kara birliğine ikmal, tahliye ve bakım hizmetleri temin eden bir araç ve işletme personeli grubu
{f} terbiye etmek
{i} kus

İlk defa bir trende kustum. - It's the first time I've thrown up in a train.

(isim) kuyruk (elbise, kus, yildiz), tren, dizi, katar, sıra, maiyet, kafile, kervan
{i} çok uzun bir eteğin yerde sürünen kısmı
{f} on (ateşli silah, fotoğraf makinesi, projektör v.b.'ni) -e çevirmek
{f} antrenman yapmak
sıra halinde barut
{i} maiyet
{f} doğrultmak (silah)
{i} sıra

Onlar yaz eğitimi sırasında çok yetenekli bir oyuncu keşfettiler. - They discovered a very talented player during summer training.

Grev sırasında trenlerin % 35'i çalışacak. - During the strike, 35% of the trains will operate.


Düşünce zincirimi kaybetmiş gibi görünüyorum. - I seem to have lost my train of thought.

kuyruk (elbise, kuş)
{i} idman

Onların işlere ve eğitime ihtiyacı vardı. - They needed jobs and training.

Eğitim oturumunun 16:00'da başlaması planlandı. - The training session is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

{i} alıştırma
train bombing
(Askeri) tarama bombardımanı
train ferry
katar araba vapuru
train headway
(Askeri) yükleme
train oil
balık yağı
train on
train on
train on
nişan almak
train depot
tren istasyonu
train fare
tren parası
train ferry
tren taşıyan vapur
train oil
balina yağı
train on
train station
tren istasyonu
train ticket
tren bileti
train upon
train upon
nişan almak
train upon
üstüne tutmak
Train Tunnel
Demiryolu tüneli, tren tüneli
train is coming
tren geliyor
train of
train set
tren seti
train times
tren kez
(Tıp, İlaç) Dörtlü uyarı
train bivouac
(Askeri) ağırlık ordugahı
train bivouac
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK ORDUGAHI: Bir birlik ağırlığının personel ve araçları için kurulan geçici kamp
train bombing
(Askeri) TARAMA BOMBARDIMANI; DİZİ BOMBARDIMAN: İki veya daha fazla bombanın, tek bir nişan ameliyesiyle ve bütün bombalar hedefin hassas mesafesi içine düşecek şekilde, aynı uçaktan fasılalarla, birbiri ardına atılması
train cable
sofaj ana kablosu
train commander
train down
rejim yapmak
train headway
(Askeri) YÜKLEME; AĞIRLIK BAŞLANGICI: Aynı noktada aynı birlik tarafından yüklenen iki ağırlık arasındaki zaman aralığı
train it
trenle gitmek
train now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi eğit
train of thought
düşünce dizisi
train of thought
fikir silsilesi
train of thought
düşünce zinciri
train of thought
fikir dizisi
train of unit impulses
birim durtu katari
train path
(Askeri) TREN GEÇİŞ ZAMANI: Demiryolu terminolojisinde, belirli bir yol boyunca bir trenin muhtemel hareketinin zamanlaması. Belirli bir yol üzerindeki bütün geçiş zamanları bir zaman çizelgesini oluşturmaktadır
train telephone
(Askeri) tren telefonu
train telephone
(Askeri) TREN TELEFONU: Bir trende, lokomotif ile tren personeline mahsus vagon arasında tesis edilen hat. Bu hat; makinist ile trenin en gerideki vagonda bulunan kondüktör arasında muhabere vasıtası olarak kullanılır. Ayrıca; makinist ile hareket memuru ve trenin hareketi ile ilgili diğer kısımlar arasında da bu hat vasıtasıyla irtibat kurulur. Tren personeline mahsus vagondaki telefon cihazı portatif de olabilir ve bu suretle trenin ön kısmı ile muhabere etmek üzere, bu cihaz, tren memuru tarafından yerinden alınarak tren boyunca istenilen yere götürülebilir
train the staff
personel eğitmek
train timetable
tren tarifesi
train whistle
tren düdüğü
troop train
(Askeri) ASKERİ KATAR, ASKERİ TREN: Özellikle kıtaları taşımak için kullanılan tren
troop train ration
(Askeri) KITA TREN RASYONU: Mutfak tesisleri bulunan askeri trenler (hastane trenleri hariç) ile seyahat emri verilmiş personel için dağıtılan rasyon. Askeri tren rasyonu, bir günde bir kişiye bir rasyon esası üzerinden aynı (aynen yiyecek) olarak dağıtılır. Bak. "ration"
troop train ration
(Askeri) birliğin yiyecek istihkakı
underground train
yeraltı tren sistemi
bullet train
sürat treni
burning train
(Askeri) tutuşturma serisi
combat train
(Askeri) muharebe ağırlığı
construction train
(İnşaat) yapım katarı
daily train
(Askeri) günlük ikmal treni
daily train
(Askeri) günlük oto ikmal kolu
gear train
(Mekanik) dişli düzeni
get on the train
trene binmek
goods train
yük katarı
miss the train
treni kaçırmak
pack train
(Askeri) mekkare
road train
(Argo) büyük tır
special train
özel tren
steam train
buharlı tren
supply train
(Askeri) ikmal treni
supply train
(Askeri) ikmal kolu
terbiye görmek
jimnastik ayakkabısı
(Ticaret) öğrenme

Köpeğimi eğiterek çok zaman harcıyorum. - I've been spending a lot of time training my dog.

accommodation train
birçok istasyonda duran yolcu treni
boat train
by train

Tom okula trenle gidip geliyor. - Tom commutes to school by train.

Evinden buraya trenle gelmen ne kadar zamanını alır? - How long does it take you to get here from your house by train?

direct train
aktarmasız tren
evening train
akşam treni
excursion train
gezinti treni
express train
ekspres tren

Normal tren ekspres trenden daha az rahattır. - The local train is less comfortable than the express train.

Paristen gelen ekspres tren saat onda varır. - The express train from Paris arrives at ten o'clock.

express train
sürat postası
fast goods train
ekspres marşandiz
fast train
ekspres tren
freight train
freight train
yük treni

Bir yük treni Stokholm'ün tam güneyinde raydan çıktı. - A freight train has derailed just south of Stockholm.

Yük treni yoğun sis nedeniyle yaklaşık yarım saat kadar gecikti. - The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog.

go by train
trenle git
goods train
local train
banliyö treni
mail train
posta treni

Soyguncular posta trenini mahvetti. - Robbers wrecked the mail train.

Posta treni yangında postasının çoğunu kaybetti. - The mail train lost most of its mail in the fire.

passenger train
yolcu treni

Orient Express, Paris, Fransa ve İstanbul arasında çalışan lüks bir yolcu treniydi. - The Orient Express was a luxury passenger train that ran between Paris, France and Istanbul, Turkey.

İki yolcu treni Şangay'da çarpıştı. - Two passenger trains crashed in Shanghai.

pulse train
dalgalar dizisi
railroad train

Bazı yeni demiryolu trenleri çok hızlı gider. - Some new railroad trains go very fast.

ride the gravy train
bir eli balda olmak
ride the gravy train
bir eli yağda
stopping train
posta treni
subway train
{f} eğit

Tom bir doktor olarak eğitildi. - Tom was trained as a doctor.

O zaman kendini daha iyi eğitmiş olsaydı, o şimdi daha sağlıklı olacaktı. - If he had trained himself harder at that time, he would be healthier now.


Askeri pilotlar sivil pilotlardan daha fazla risk almak için eğitilmiştir. - Military pilots are trained to take more risks than civilian pilots.

Bu köpek dağlarda insanları korumak için eğitilmiştir. - This dog is trained to save people in the mountains.


Profesyonel sporcular antrenmana saatler harcarlar. - Professional athletes spend hours training.

Yani ... o, günde üç saat, haftada beş gün antrenman yapıyor. - So... he has training three hours a day, five days a week.

{f} eğit

Onların işlere ve eğitime ihtiyacı vardı. - They needed jobs and training.

Ben, yarışı kazanabilirim diye sıkı eğitim yapıyorum. - I am training hard so that I may win the race.

wagon train
yük treni
wave train
eşit aralıklı dalgalar
bullet train
on kısmı bir mermiyi andıran hızlı yolcu treni
coherence, train, ratiocination
tutarlılık, tren, ratiocination
gear train
(Mühendislik) dişli düzeni; birbirine geçmiş müteaddit dişli tertibatı
lose one´s train of thought
ne dediğini/düşündüğünü unutmak
maglev train
Maglev tren
mixed train
Yolcu ve yük vagonlanndan müteşekkil tren
pack train
yük hayvanları katarı
sky train
gökyüzü tren
steam train
Buharlı tren, buharlı lokomotif
the train
the train is in
tren içinde

Köpekleri eğitme hakkında bir şey biliyor musun? - Do you know anything about training dogs?

tube train
vestibuled train
vestibuled tren
a train
(Askeri) MUHAREBE AĞIRLIĞI, A AĞIRLIĞI: Bak. "Combat train" ve "unit train"
{i} egzersiz
{i} çalışma

Tom ağırlık çalışması yapar. - Tom does weight training.

training seat çocuk için eğitici oturak
go into training antrenman yapmak
(Askeri) EĞİTİM: Nazari ve tatbiki geliştirme esaslarının tümünü içine alan terim. Ayrıca bakınız: "advanced indivudual training", "advanced unit training", "basic combat training", "basic unit training" ve "combat arms training"
{i} staj süresi
çevir/eğitim gör/eğit
{i} çalıştırma

Bu makineyi çalıştırmak için özel bir eğitim gerekli değil. - No special training is needed to operate this machine.

{i} öğretme
training camp askeri veya spor talim kampı
(Hukuk) öğrenim
talim ve terbiye
English - English
To proceed in sequence
A series of electrical pulses
To practice an ability

She trained seven hours a day to prepare for the Olympics.

To create a trainer for; to apply cheats to (a game)

I got a twix on the 128 version being fixed and trained by Mad Max at M2K BBS 208-587-7636 in Mountain Home Idaho. He fixes many games and puts them on his board. One of my sources for games and utils.

A sequence of events or ideas which are interconnected; a train of events or a train of thought
To move (a gun) laterally so that it points in a different direction

The assassin had trained his gun on the minister.

A line of connected cars or carriages pushed or pulled by one or more locomotives, especially a railroad train which travels on a set of tracks

We rode the train to Mumbai.

That which is drawn along, like the part of a gown which trails behind the wearer

The train of her bridal gown caught on a nail.

To improve one's fitness

I trained with weights all winter.

To encourage (a plant or branch) to grow in a particular direction or shape, usually by pruning and bending

The vine had been trained over the pergola.

The men and vehicles following an army, which carry artillery and other equipment for battle or siege
To teach a task

You can't train a pig to write poetry.

A group of animals, vehicles, or people that follow one another in a line, such as a wagon train; a caravan or procession

Our party formed a train at the funeral parlor before departing for the burial.

A set of interconnected mechanical parts like the drive train of a car
{v} to form, breed, draw, entice, bring up
{n} the tail of a bird or a gown, a retinue, great number, procession, line, way
> Echo train
A group of one or more cars linked together to form a roller coaster train
Regular method; process; course; order; as, things now in a train for settlement
A roll train; as, a 12- inch train
a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding; "a string of islands"; "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"
The aggregation of men, animals, and vehicles which accompany an army or one of its subdivisions, and transport its baggage, ammunition, supplies, and reserve materials of all kinds
Params: string SKILL, string[] PARAMS
This is the term used for several cars hooked together
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed; "the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain"
The angle to which a gun or turret can be rotated on the horizontal axis For instance, a bow gun or turret pointing directly forward is said to be trained to 0 degrees If it could rotate to point directly astern, then it would be trained to 180 degrees
train to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"
teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports; "He is training our Olympic team"; "She is coaching the crew"
a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file; "we were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels"; "they joined the wagon train for safety"
Hence, something tied to a lure to entice a hawk; also, a trap for an animal; a snare
(Verb) Shouted in zones when a person is quickly fleeing a large mob of monsters
A set of cog wheels and pinions in a clock movement
To be drilled in military exercises; to do duty in a military company
drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground; "The toddler was trailing his pants"; "She trained her long scarf behind her"
public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive; "express trains don't stop at Princeton Junction"
A number of followers; a body of attendants; a retinue; a suite
An engine with or without cars
travel by rail or train; "They railed from Rome to Venice"; "She trained to Hamburg"
A mode of rail transportation The UK has train links that run across the breadth of the country
undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession; "She is training to be a teacher"; "He trained as a legal aid"
The after part of a gun carriage; the trail
for any physical contest; as, to train for a boat race
To improve ones fitness
A series of coaster cars, that are coupled together, for the purpose of riding the ride
A heavy, long sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, and the like
A series of one or more cars hooked together
A group of locomotives and carriers at least of two and at maximum of ten elements, assembled in a consist or multiengine consist, that can go over railways without assistance
train to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it; "train the vine"
That which draws along; especially, persuasion, artifice, or enticement; allurement
A specific set of wheels and pinions in a watch movement
To lead or direct, and form to a wall or espalier; to form to a proper shape, by bending, lopping, or pruning; as, to train young trees
aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
{i} railroad car; caravan; series; series of events; piece of cloth that forms the long back section of a skirt or gown (such as a bride's gown) and is drawn along the floor; something that trails along; retinue; tail of a comet
The tail of a bird
train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"
This is a certificate that represents a train The train number represents the number of stops that the train can count for income when it runs
The number of beats of a watch in any certain time
To teach and form by practice; to educate; to exercise; to discipline; as, to train the militia to the manual exercise; to train soldiers to the use of arms
To prune and shape the growth of any plant
To break, tame, and accustom to draw, as oxen
To draw along; to trail; to drag
To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure
create by training and teaching; "The old master is training world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the future"
A heavy long sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, and the like
A connected line of cars or carriages on a railroad
That part of a gown which trails behind the wearer
To prepare by exercise, diet, instruction, etc
exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition; "She is training for the Olympics"
a series of consequences wrought by an event; "it led to a train of disasters"
public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive; "express trains don't stop at Princeton Junction" piece of cloth forming the long back section of a gown that is drawn along the floor; "the bride's train was carried by her two young nephews" a series of consequences wrought by an event; "it led to a train of disasters" exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition; "She is training for the Olympics" undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession; "She is training to be a teacher"; "He trained as a legal aid" create by training and teaching; "The old master is training world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the future" travel by rail or train; "They railed from Rome to Venice"; "She trained to Hamburg" train to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it; "train the vine
train bottle
an ornamental glass bottle in the shape of a locomotive
train of thought
The flow of thinking

I was on to a really good definition for train of thought, but then I lost my train of thought.

train of thoughts
The flow of different thoughts one experiences when thinking
train spotter
a person whose hobby is train spotting
train spotting
The hobby of collecting the numbers and names of locomotives seen at railway stations and other vantage points
train station
A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark
train stations
plural form of train station
train surf
To either stand on a the roof of a moving train and surf it like a wave, or to hang on and ride on the exterior of a train
train surfing
Present participle of train surf. To stand on a the roof of a moving train and surf it like a wave, or to hang on and ride on the exterior of a train
train surfing
The sport of riding on the roof, sides or back of a train

a2006: Mary Deyo, Jinx Magazine, read at on 14 May 2006 - In 1989 alone gruesome train surfing accidents killed 150 Brazilian kids and injured 170 more. ... Attempts to stop train surfing have proved ineffective. .

train track
A set of curves lying in a surface, meeting one another at their respective endpoints in a specific way that resembles railroad tracks
train track
railroad track
train wreck
The aftermath of a train crash
train wreck
A disaster, especially one which is large in scale and readily seen by public observers

Your personal life has been, and is, a train wreck..

train wreck
(Music) The point at which many or all musicians in an orchestra fall into unrecoverable discord while playing a piece, usually caused by an incorrect note, missed beat, or poor conducting

There was a train wreck when the timpanist struck the kettledrum slightly too soon and everyone lost their place.

train wrecks
plural form of train wreck
Alternative form of train wreck

Harmon, the fireman lodger, passing through the kitchen on his way out to work, had paused to tell Saxon about the previous day's train-wreck in the Alviso marshes, and of how the engineer, imprisoned under the overturned engine and unhurt, being drowned by the rising tide, had begged to be shot.

(Tıp, İlaç) A test for measuring the level of neuromuscular blockade. Four consecutive stimuli are delivered along the path of a nerve, and the response of the muscle is measured in order to evaluate stimuli that are blocked versus those that are delivered. Four equal muscle contractions will result if there is no neuromuscular blockade, but, if nondepolarizing blockade is present, there will be a loss of twitch height and number, which will indicate the degree of blockade. This test is commonly used in intensive care units
train-of-four test
(Tıp, İlaç) A test for measuring the level of neuromuscular blockade. Four consecutive stimuli are delivered along the path of a nerve, and the response of the muscle is measured in order to evaluate stimuli that are blocked versus those that are delivered. Four equal muscle contractions will result if there is no neuromuscular blockade, but, if nondepolarizing blockade is present, there will be a loss of twitch height and number, which will indicate the degree of blockade. This test is commonly used in intensive care units
train 1
A train of vehicles, people, or animals is a long line of them travelling slowly in the same direction. a long train of oil tankers
train 1
If a process or event is in train or has been set in train, it is happening or starting to happen. He praised the economic reforms set in train by the government
train 1
A train of thought or a train of events is a connected sequence, in which each thought or event seems to occur naturally or logically as a result of the previous one. He lost his train of thought for a moment, then recovered it Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy
train 1
The train of a woman's formal dress or wedding dress is the long part at the back of it which flows along the floor behind her
train 1
A train is a number of carriages, cars, or trucks which are all connected together and which are pulled by an engine along a railway. Trains carry people and goods from one place to another. The train pulled into a station We can catch the early morning train He arrived in Shenyang by train yesterday
train 2
If you train for a physical activity such as a race or if someone trains you for it, you prepare for it by doing particular physical exercises. Strachan is training for the new season He has spent a year training crews for next month's round the world race. + trainer train·er She went to the gym with her trainer
train 2
If you train a tree, bush, or plant in a particular direction, you tie it and cut it so that it grows in that direction. Instead of training the shoots up the fence, lay them flat in both directions alongside it You could even put a trellis on your walls and train plants to grow up it. see also training
train 2
To train a natural quality or talent that someone has, for example their voice or musical ability, means to help them to develop it. I see my degree as something which will train my mind and improve my chances of getting a job
train 2
If someone trains you to do something, they teach you the skills that you need in order to do it. If you train to do something, you learn the skills that you need in order to do it. The US was ready to train its troops to participate Stavros was training to be a priest Psychiatrists initially train as doctors We don't train them only in bricklaying, but also in other building techniques Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm I'm a trained nurse + -trained -trained Mr. Koutab is an American-trained lawyer. + trainer trainers train·er a book for both teachers and teacher trainers
train 2
If you train something such as a gun, a camera, or a light on a person or thing, you aim it at them and keep it towards them. She trained her binoculars on the horizon
train 2
If an animal or bird is trained to do particular things, it is taught to do them, for example in order to be able to work for someone or to be a good pet. Sniffer dogs could be trained to track them down. a man who trained hundreds of dogs + trainer train·er The horse made a winning start for his new trainer
train dispatcher
An official who gives the orders on a railroad as to the running of trains and their right of way
train fare
the fare charged for traveling by train
train of thought
line of thought, continuity of thought, string of ideas
train of thought
the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together; "I couldn't follow his train of thought"; "he lost the thread of his argument
train oil
Oil obtained from the blubber of a whale or other marine animal
train oil
Oil procured from the blubber or fat of whales, by boiling
train passengers
people which travel by train
train set
a toy train with railway tracks
train set
a toy consisting of small models of railroad trains and the track for them to run on
train station
a place where trains stop for passengers to get on and off British Equivalent: railway station
train station
place where a railroad train stops to pick up and leave passengers, train stop
train station
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
train up
If someone trains you up, they teach you new skills or give you the necessary preparation so that you will reach the standard required for a particular job or activity. The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up He usually preferred to train up a crew of enthusiastic young sailors from scratch
train up
educate, instruct, guide
Dotto train
A trackless train, made to resemble a real locomotive, used for transporting passengers short distances, and normally used in tourist resorts
bullet train
Suicide by small firearm; see take the bullet train

“I should probably take the bullet train, and save her the grief.”.

bullet train
The shinkansen, a high-speed passenger train of Japan. Runs at speeds from 200-300 kilometers per hour
choo choo train
Alternative spelling of choo-choo train
choo-choo train
A railway train
crack train
Fastest express train between two stops

The crack train from New York.

To train in a different task, skill or sport
To train in a variety of tasks, skills or sports
express train
A train (either the service or the train itself) making limited stops
freight train
A train used for the transportation of freight
gear train
A system of interconnected gears
ghost train
An excursion done by many tourist railways around the world. Usually, a fictional story is created and performed with static displays or live actors on either side of a train. Actors and actresses play out a story on the long and narrow stage provided by the railcar aisles
ghost train
A fairground attraction in which participants ride through a "haunted house" in a railcar
goods train
A train used for the transportation of goods
gravy train
An occupation or any lucrative endeavor that generates considerable income whilst requiring little effort and carrying little risk

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy, we call it riding the gravy train.

gravy train
A gorging on luxuries, since someone else foots the bill
how do I get to the train station
Used to ask for directions in order to go to a train station
it ain't the whistle that pulls the train
Alternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train
it is not the whistle that pulls the train
Alternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train
it isn't the whistle that pulls the train
Alternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train
it's not the whistle that pulls the train
Boasting and loud talk should not be mistaken for the work that produces real achievements; bravado is no proof of action

The shiny aluminum body of the 1928 Peerless race car with its rumble seat and purchase price of 50 dollars must have put Kenwood in a boastful mood because Grandma Proper immediately stated, “Kenwood you must remember that it is not the whistle that pulls the train.”.

like a train
Quickly, speedily
mail train
A train used by the postal service to transport mail, and in some cases, to sort mail en route
passenger train
A train whose primary function is to carry passengers
planetary gear train
an assembly of meshed gears consisting of a central (sun) gear, a coaxial internal gear-wheel and one or more intermediate pinions supported on a revolving carrier
railway train
A locomotive plus the carriages that it pulls along a railway track
road train
A transport concept consisting of a conventional prime mover truck pulling two, three or four trailers
snow train
A train service, that only runs during a winter sports season, that carries skiers and other tourists to and from a resort
spike train
A binary waveform representation of neuronal activity, where an action potential is represented as a single '1' separated by a stream of zeros
steam train
A train pulled by steam-powered locomotive
step in front of a moving train
to sacrifice one's own life for a noble and loyal cause
the whistle does not pull the train
Alternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train
the whistle doesn't pull the train
Alternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train
through train
a train that travels a long distance without any stops
The state or condition of being trainable
Capable of being trained, teachable, educatable
Manipulated in shape or habit

trained fruit trees.

Having undergone a course of training (sometimes in combination)

fully trained troops.

Simple past tense and past participle of train
the recording of multiple samples of a user's voice to aid pattern recognition
the process by which two modems determine which protocol and speed to use; handshaking
the activity of imparting and acquiring skills
action of the verb to train
Present participle of train
valve train
The valves and associated mechanisms that control the flow of fuel, air and exhaust gases in an engine
wave train
A regular sequence of wave pulses
To take part in weight training
where does this train go
Used to ask where the train is going
whistle-stop train tour
Any travel that's quick and with only brief pauses
whistle-stop train tour
A tour in a political campaign that makes many brief stops in small communities
lose one's train of thought
(Ev ile ilgili) Forget what one was talking or thinking about
bullet train
{i} extremely high speed passenger train (mainly in Japan)
{i} state of being trainable, ability to be taught
{s} can be trained; can be instructed, can be taught; can be domesticated, can be tamed
Capable of being trained or educated; as, boys trainable to virtue
shaped or conditioned or disciplined by training; often used as a combining form; "a trained mind"; "trained pigeons"; "well-trained servants"
undergoing a course of study; "a trained nurse"; "a trained voice"; "trained manpower"; "psychologically trained workers
having acquired necessary skills by e
shaped or conditioned or disciplined by training; often used as a combining form; "a trained mind"; "trained pigeons"; "well-trained servants" having acquired necessary skills by e
Another term for estimating a model's parameters based on the data set at hand
intervention involving the provision of information, materials or opportunities for practice and experiment, on specific aspects of teaching or learning
Training is physical exercise that you do regularly in order to keep fit or to prepare for an activity such as a race. The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training. her busy training schedule. If you are in training, you are preparing yourself for a physical activity such as a race, by taking a lot of exercise and eating special food. He will soon be back in training for next year's National see also circuit training, potty training
The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc
Point Theme – Point feature theme in which each point is used as a training point in the calculation of weights In an exploration model, each training point is a known mineral occurrence or deposit Refer to Weights of Evidence Method, Training Point theme
Instruction which emphasizes job-specific, near-transfer learning objectives; traditionally skills-based instruction, as opposed to education
means teaching specific skills in a structured way
the act of providing knowledge to users by means of classroom, individual and web-based instruction as well as written documentation
Education concerning the vulnerabilities of the health information in an entity's possession and ways to ensure the protection of that information Part of administrative procedures to guard data integrity, confidentiality and availability on the matrix
Alteration of a plant's morphology through pruning of limbs or limb portions
the recording of multiple samples of a users voice to aid pattern recognition
activity leading to skilled behavior
the result of good social upbringing
{s} of drills, of exercises
The amount of training the Franchisor supplies to the Franchisee, which can vary from several days to months Some Franchisors also have follow up programs that Franchisees may attend The training is normally done at the home office and/or the Franchisee's place of business This training should prepare the new owner in all facets of the business
The development of skills or knowledge through instruction or practice For example, VET programs such as apprenticeships or traineeships include both formal education and on-the-job experience
One of the four products contained in P E I Job Futures This product provides the names of training institutions in P E I which provide the education and/or training programs related to each of the occupations It also includes the program facts, program duration, location of the training, and contact information for the institution
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"
has the meaning given to the term in section 4101 of Title 5, United States Code, and includes planned activities which support and improve individual and organizational performance and effectiveness, such as on-the-job training, career development programs, professional development activities or developmental assignments [5 CFR 410 101(c)] [Part 5, Chapter 1, Training and Development]
Training is the process of learning the skills that you need for a particular job or activity. He called for much higher spending on education and training a one-day training course
Instruction which emphasizes job-specific, near-transfer learning objectives; traditionally skills-based instruction, as opposed to education (Wilson)
Deciding which methods to use, plus who to train, when, and where
Classroom instruction, job-site safety meetings, on-the-job training, and written materials provided to employees to make them aware of workplace hazards and how to prevent accidents and illnesses
- In proposal terms, training has more of a "work" base than teaching Training may be job- or career- oriented and may be in a workplace or "taught" by career professionals Training usually does not involve exams an does not need an academic setting
Process of preparing a person (or machine) to perform a series of tasks by listing methods to be used in each circumstance, generally through exact mimicry of a teacher's performance In scientism's view of technology and training, the mechanics of each task are implicit in the method, and approaches are either ignored or considered to be a hindrance to the learning process In principle this provides quick and easy results, in comparison with the slower process of education, but in practice is can be reliable only if a method could be provided for every possible circumstance: the infinite complexity of the interactions of the total field makes this an impossibility
Trains users in the general application of computer hardware and software Determines the general user training needs, designs course curricula, develops and delivers teaching tools and methodologies that meets both general and specific user needs
The planned systematic development of the knowledge, understanding, skill, attitude and behaviour pattern required by an individual in order to perform adequately a given task or job
Learning opportunities (for example, courses and workshops) that focus on workplace learning and performance
Fully certified with a broad range of network manufacturers, MC Info offers on-site training for groups of 1 to one hundred Training area's include SNMP, ATM, HP Openview, Network Associates, Sniffer, routing, switching and security
{i} drilling, exercising, preparing; fitness, ability
A procedure whereby a network is adjusted to do a particular job Commonly viewed as an "offline" job, as opposed to an adjustment made during each time interval as is done in adaptive training
Specific courses for adults and Older Girls where they are trained to carry out the Girl Scout Program according to Girl Scout Policy and Procedure Training is required for most positions
Instruction given to you to develop skills that will help you in your employment, present or future
learning focused upon the competency needed for employees to perform their current job now and in the foreseeable future
third person singular form of train
of train