
listen to the pronunciation of traffic
English - Turkish
{i} gidiş geliş
{i} trafik

Trafik kurallarına riayet etmelisin. - You must obey the traffic rules.

Trafik kurallarına riayet etmelisin. - You should obey the traffic rules.

{f} iş yapmak
{f} değiş tokuş etmek
{i} alışveriş
{f} karanlık işler yapmak
traffic circle gidişgelişin tek yönde olduğu daire şeklindeki kavşak
(Ticaret) yük trafiği
ticareti yapmak
(Bilgisayar) akış

Trafik akışında bir kesinti yoktu. - There was no gap in the stream of traffic.

Bu yol üzerinde sürekli bir trafik akışı vardır. - There is a constant flow of traffic on this road.


Karıncayiyenlerin dünyada en çok ticareti yapılan memeli olduğu söyleniyor. - Pangolins are said to be the world's most trafficked mammal.

{f} yolculuk etmek
yük miktarı
{i} trafik: The traffic's heavy right now. Şu an trafik yoğun
{f} in
(Askeri) TRAFİK: Araç, uçak ve şahısların bir yerden başka bir yere gidiş gelişleri

İşçinin öğle on ikide gelmesi bekleniyordu fakat birkaç saattir bir trafik sıkışıklığında sıkıştı. - The handyman was supposed to arrive at twelve noon, but got stuck in a traffic jam for a few hours.

Babam bu sabah trafik sıkışıklığı nedeniyle işe geç kaldı. - My father was late for work this morning because of a traffic jam.

drug traffic uyuşturucu madde ticareti
{i} ticaret: narcotics traffic uyuşturucu ticareti
(Hukuk) alış veriş
traffic light
trafik lambası

Kasabamızda yalnızca bir trafik lambası var. - Our town has only one traffic light.

traffic light
trafik ışıkları

Trafik ışıkları her zaman çalışır. - Traffic lights work all the time.

Trafik ışıkları trafiği düzenlemek için kullanılır. - Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic.

traffic calming
hız kesiciler
traffic circle
dönel kavşak
traffic circle
göbekli kavşak
traffic cone
trafik konisi
traffic control
trafik kontrol
traffic fines
(Ticaret) trafik cezaları
traffic flow
trafik akımı
traffic island
orta kaldırım
traffic jam
trafik keşmekeşi
traffic laws
trafik yasaları
traffic lights
(Askeri) trafik ışığı
traffic line
(Askeri) trafik yasak hattı
traffic police
trafik polisi
traffic problem
trafik sorunu
traffic rules
trafik kuralları
traffic sign
trafik işaretleri
traffic signal
trafik lambası

Trafik lambası yeşil. - The traffic signal is green.

traffic signs
trafik levhaları
traffic signs
(Otomotiv) trafik işareti
traffic volume
trafik oylumu
traffic accident
trafik kazası
traffic capacity
trafik kapasitesi
traffic circle
trafik kuşatması
traffic congestion
trafik tıkanması
traffic density
trafik yoğunluğu
traffic flow
trafik akışı
traffic in
alıp satmak
traffic in
ticareti yapmak
traffic island
emniyet adası
traffic island
traffic jam
trafik sıkışıklığı

Trafik sıkışıklığı toplantıya geç kalmama neden oldu. - The traffic jam caused me to be late for the meeting.

Bir trafik sıkışıklığı yakalanmazsak, sanırım zamanında orada olacağız. - I think we'll get there in time if we don't get caught in a traffic jam.

traffic lane
trafik şeridi
traffic light
trafik ışığı

Trafik ışığı yeşil yandı. - The traffic light turned green.

Trafik ışığı çalışmıyor. - The traffic light doesn't work.

traffic lights
trafik ışıkları
traffic line
şerit çizgisi
traffic load
trafik yükü
traffic manager
trafik memuru
traffic noise
trafik gürültüsü
traffic offence
trafik suçu
traffic police
yol sakçısı
traffic roundabout
dönel kavşak
traffic rule
trafik kuralı
traffic sign
trafik işaret levhası
traffic signal
trafik sinyali

O, trafik sinyalinin üzerindeki küçük kamerayı fark etmedi. - He didn't notice the small video camera above the traffic signal.

traffic signs
trafik işaretleri
traffic stream
trafik akışı
traffic volume
trafik hacmi
traffic chaos
trafik kargaşasına
traffic in
ticareti yapmak, alıp satmak
traffic mile
trafik mil
traffic signal
trafik işareti
traffic signs
trafik yol işaretleri
traffic system
trafik sistemi
traffic unit
trafik birimi
traffic act
trafik nizamnamesi
traffic analysis
(Askeri) MUHABERE TRAFİK ANALİZİ: Muhabere sisteminin teşkilatı ve çalışması hakkında bilgi edinmek amacıyla, muhaberenin ve bununla ilgili dış özelliklerin incelenmesi. Bu bilgiler, kripto analize yardımcı olarak kullanıldığı gibi, haber içeriğinin bilinmediği durumlarda, bunlardan, istihbarat bakımından sonuç çıkarmaya ve anlamlandırmaya esas teşkil eder. Düşmanı dinleme faaliyetlerinde de, bundan müessir bir yöntem olarak faydalanılır
traffic association
(Askeri) KOORDİNATLARLA MUHABERE TRAFİĞİ: Kriptografide, belirli bir muhabere trafik akışı ile haberin coğrafi menşei ve gideceği noktalar arasındaki uygunluk
traffic block
trafik sıkışıklığı
traffic bottleneck
(Askeri) TRAFİK TIKANMA NOKTASI: Belirli bir yolda, doğal veya yapay nedenlerle, trafik akışının güçleşmesine veya yığılmalara sebep olan kısım
traffic capacity
(Askeri) TRAFİK KAPASİTESİ: Bak. ""highway capacity"
traffic carried
tasinan trafik
traffic chaos
trafik kargaşası
traffic circulation map
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEME HARİTASI: Trafik yollarını ve trafik yönetmeliğine ait tedbirleri gösteren bir harita. Bu harita, belirli tip faaliyetler için faydalanılacak yollara trafik kontrol istasyonlarını ve trafik yönlerini belirtir. Buna düzenleme haritası "circulation map" da denir. Ayrıca bak "map"
traffic circulation plan
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEME PLANI: Kara yolları üzerinde yapılan hareketlerde, trafik düzenlemesini sağlamak üzere, ulaştırma şebekesinden ne şekilde faydalanılacağını gösteren plan. Bu plan, genellikle trafik düzenleme haritalarını içerir
traffic congestion
trafik tıkanıklığı
traffic control
(Askeri) TRAFİK KONTROLÜ: Bak. "highway traffic control"
traffic control clearance
(Askeri) TRAFİK UÇUŞ İZİNİ: Bir pilota, hava trafiği kontrolü altında bulunan bir bölgede uçağıyla uçması için verilen izin
traffic control equipment
(Askeri) TRAFİK KONTROL MALZEMESİ: Trafiğin idaresinde kullanılan ve yararlanılan donanım
traffic control point
(Askeri) TRAFİK KONTROL NOKTASI: Trafiğin askeri inzibatlar veya mekanik/elektronik araçlarla kontrol edildiği yer
traffic control police
(Askeri) (ROAD TRANSPORT) TRAFİK KONTROL POLİSİ (KARAYOLU ULAŞTIRMASI): Trafiği kolaylaştırmak veya karayolu trafik yönetmeliğine riayetsizliği önlemek veya riayetsizlikleri bildirmek üzere bir komutan veya ulusal bir makam tarafından görevlendirilmiş kişiler
traffic control post
(Askeri) TRAFİK KONTROL NOKTASI: Karayolu üzerinde askeri inzibatın karayolu trafik kontrolunu uyguladığı, trafikle ilgili ve trafik yönleri hakkında bilgi verdiği nokta. Ayrıca bakınız: "area traffic control"
traffic control station
traffic count
trafik sayımı
traffic courts
trafik mahkemeleri
traffic data
trafik donesi
traffic density
(Askeri) TRAFİK YOĞUNLUĞU: 1 km. lik veya 1 millik yol kısmını iseal eden ve km veya mil başına araç olarak ifade edilen ortalama araç miktarı
traffic diagram
(Askeri) TELEFON TRAFİK ŞEMASI: Telefon santralleri ile telefonlar arasında bulunan telefon hatlarının tam olarak miktarını gösteren şema
traffic engineer
trafik mühendisi
traffic engineering
trafik mühendisliği
traffic fees
trafik harcı
traffic fees
(Ticaret) trafik harçları
traffic flow
(Askeri) TRAFİK AKIŞI: Belirli bir noktadan, belirli bir zaman içinde geçen ve bir istikamete giden araçların sayısı. Trafik akışı, bir saatte geçen sayısı olarak ifade edilmektedir. Ayrıca bak "traffic volume"
traffic follow security
(Askeri) TRAFİK AKIŞI EMNİYETİ: Peşpeşe sıralanmış gelişi güzel metinlerin, iki istasyon arasındaki tel veya telsiz bağlantısında, bir dinleme istasyonuna, bu devamlı haberleşme akışında hangi kısımlarının kriptolu mesaj metni, hangilerinin gelişigüzel doldurulmuş metin ihtiva ettiği belli edilmeden gönderilmesi
traffic headquarters
(Askeri) TRAFİK KARARGAHI: Karayolları ulaştırma tesisleri ile malzemesini, verilmiş görevlere uygun olarak, en verimli şekilde kullanmak için araçların, yayaların (kıtalar mülteciler ve diğer siviller) ve hayvanların bu yollardan fiilen faydalanmalarını planlama, programlama ve idare demek olan karayolları trafik düzenlemesini yürüten karargah. Ayrıca bak "highway traffic headquarters"
traffic holdup
trafik tıkanıklığı
traffic information
(Askeri) (RADAR) TRAFİK BİLGİSİ (RADAR): Radar görüntüsünde gözlemlenen herhangi bir radar hedefine dair uçağı bildirmek üzere yayınlanan bilgi. Bu uçağın mevkii veya amaçladığı rotası dikkat çekecek derecede yakında olabilir
traffic island
traffic jam
trafik tıkanıklığı
traffic lane
traffic law
(Kanun) trafik kanunu
traffic light/signal
trafik lambası
traffic line
(Askeri) TRAFİK YASAK HATTI: Araçların daha ileri geçmemeleri gereken hat. Bu hattın üç nevi için bak "daylight traffic line", "light line" ve "night traffic line"
traffic load
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK TRAFİK HACMİ: Belirli bir yol üzerinden, bir günlük normal bir çalışma ile geçen araçların sayısı
traffic load
(Askeri) günlük trafik hacmi
traffic load control
(Askeri) trafik yük kontrolü
traffic management
(Askeri) TRAFİK YÖNETİMİ: Yük ve yolcu nakliyesi hizmetlerinin teminine ve kullanılmasına dair bütün faaliyetlerin yönlendirilmesi, kontrolü ve gözetimi
traffic management office; transportation management office
(Askeri) trafik idare ofisi; ulaştırma yönetim ofisi
traffic manager
işletme müdürü
traffic manager
sevk amiri
traffic map
(Askeri) trafik haritası
traffic map
(Askeri) TRAFİK HARİTASI: Trafik planlama ve düzenlemede kullanılan harita. Bu haritada; yollar, yollar ait bilgiler, hareket istikametleri ve hareket halindeki trafik miktarı bulunur. Ayrıca bak "map"
traffic matrix
trafik matrisi
traffic offender
trafik suçu işleyen kimse
traffic offense
trafik suçu
traffic offered
sunulan trafik
traffic order
(Askeri) TRAFİK EMRİ: İlerleyen bir Birliğe, trafik düzen ve istikametleri hakkında verilen talimat
traffic order
(Askeri) trafik emri
traffic padding
trafik dolgulamasi
traffic paint
trafik işaret yer boyası
traffic patrol
(Askeri) TRAFİK DEVRİYESİ: Bir araca binmiş olan ve yol üzerinde ileri geri giderek trafiğe nezaret ve trafiği bir düzen halinde tutmakla görevli bulunan bir veya birkaç er
traffic pattern
(Askeri) TRAFİK ŞEKLİ, MODELİ: Bir uçağın hava alanına inişi, park etmesi ve hava alanından kalkışı için öngörülen trafik akışı, bir trafik şekli veya modelinin normal unsurları yukarı doğru rüzgar istikameti, yer istikameti ve nihai yaklaşmadır
traffic pollution
trafik kirliliği
traffic post
(Askeri) TRAFİK KONTROL NOKTASI: Bak "highway traffic control post"
traffic rank
(Bilgisayar) trafik oranı
traffic regulating point
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEME NOKTASI: Bak "highway traffıc regulation point"
traffic regulation
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEMESİ: Trafik faaliyetlerinin tanzim ve tertibi
traffic regulation headquarters
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEME KARARGAHI: Bak "traffic headquarters"
traffic regulations
trafik yönetmeliği
traffic regulations
trafik kuralları
traffic rights
trafik hakları
traffic roundabout
dolambaçlı yol
traffic scheduling
(Askeri) TRAFİK ZAMAN PLANLAMASI: Yol trafik hareketleri için kullanılan zaman bölümü
traffic school
trafik okulu
traffic security
(Askeri) TRAFİK EMNİYETİ: Yollar üzerindeki trafik faaliyetinin yolunda ve emniyette cereyanını temin için alınan kontrol ve düzenleme tedbirleri
traffic sign
trafik işareti
traffic snarl
trafik tıkanıklığı
traffic study
trafik etüdü
traffic survey
trafik sayımı
traffic survey
(Askeri) trafik incelemesi
traffic survey
(Askeri) TRAFİK İNCELEMESİ, TRAFİK ETÜDÜ: Trafik kontrol usullerini geliştirmek maksadıyla trafiğin ve trafik kontrol malzemesinin esas özelliklerini inceleme işlemi
traffic survey
(Askeri) trafik etüdü
traffic surveys
trafik araştırmaları
traffic volume
(Askeri) TRAFİK HACMİ: Bir yolun belirli bir noktasından, belirli bir zaman içinde, her istikamette ve bütün dilimlerden geçen araçların toplamı, Ayrıca Bak "traffic flow"
traffic way
taşıt yolu
transit traffic
düzgeçiş trafiği
truck traffic
kamyon trafiği
transit traffic
duzgecis trafigi
(Ticaret) ticaret
busy traffic
yoğun trafik
city traffic
şehir trafiği
closed traffic
(Havacılık) trafiğe kapalı
compulsory traffic insurance
zorunlu trafik sigortası
conventional message traffic
olağan mesaj trafiği
drug traffic
(Ticaret) uyuşturucu madde ticareti
drug traffic
(Kanun) uyuşturucu ticareti
drug traffic
ilaç trafiği
freight traffic
yük trafiği
inbound traffic
gelen trafik
intense traffic
yoğun trafik
outgoing traffic
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıkış trafiği
overflow traffic
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşan trafik
thick traffic
yoğun trafik
(Politika, Siyaset) kaçakçılık
vehicle traffic
taşıt trafiği
vessel traffic system
(Askeri) gemi trafik sistemi
aerodrome traffic
alan trafiği
air route traffic control center
hava rotası trafik kontrol merkezi
air traffic control
hava trafik kontrolu
air traffic satellite
hava trafiği kontrol uydusu
air-traffic control
tenek trafik kontrolü
airfield traffic
alan trafiği
allowed traffic load
müsaade edilen trafik yükü
automobile traffic
araba trafiği
bicycle traffic
bisiklet trafiği
bus traffic
otobüs trafiği
car traffic
araç trafiği
dense diplomatic traffic
yoğun diplomatik trafik
express traffic
hızlı trafik
heavy traffic
ağır trafik
home air traffic
yurtiçi hava trafiği
inland air traffic
iç hava trafiği
input output traffic control
girdi çıktı trafik denetimi
international sea traffic
milletlerarası deniz trafiği
local traffic
yerel trafik
local traffic
bölgesel trafik
originating traffic
çıkış trafiği
originating traffic
mebde trafiği
peak traffic
en yüksek trafik
peak traffic hours
trafiğin en yoğun olduğu sögenler
road traffic act
karayolları trafik kanunu
vehicle traffic
araç trafiği

O, bazı uyuşturucu kaçakçıları için para aklıyordu. - She laundered money for some drug traffickers.

traffic jam
trafik tıkanması
ticaret yap
(isim) kaçakçı, satıcı (uyuşturucu vb.)
{i} satıcı (uyuşturucu vb.)
karanlık işlerle uğraşan kimse
(Hukuk) yasa dışı ve uygunsuz ticaret yapmak
English - English
Commercial transportation or exchange of goods, or the movement of passengers or people

It's units of study are regions or oceans, long-distance trades , the traffic of cults and beliefs between cultures and continents.

To pass goods and commodities from one person to another for an equivalent in goods or money; to buy or sell goods; to barter; to trade
Pedestrians or vehicles on roads, or the flux or passage thereof

Traffic is slow at rush hour.

Exchange or flux of information, messages or data, as in a computer or telephone network
To exchange in traffic; to effect by a bargain or for a consideration
Illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs
To trade meanly or mercenarily; to bargain
The visitors to a web page or web site Also refers to the number of visitors, hits, accesses etc over a given period
The messages or calls that flow through the circuits or equipment on a communications network The four Switched Access capacity traffic types are originating, terminating, voice data and SwitchNet 56
Commerce, either by barter or by buying and selling; interchange of goods and commodities; trade
The number and type of people who come to a site
Traffic refers to the number of visitors a site receives
The number of visitors that come to a web site over a given period of time
An access or hit indicates that a file (graphic, sound, video or text) has been requested from the server Traffic is the volume of accesses / hits that a Web site generates
the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
The number of visits and/or visitors who come to a website
Commodities of the market
The volume of visitors to a website Traffic is the currency of online success, but is not the only factor Massive, low grade traffic to a website with poor content will inevitably result in failure To an ad network Traffic Management is the ongoing effort to balance Publisher inventory with booked campaigns
A measure of the quantity of data transferred from one computer to another computer per unit of time Traffic is normally measured in megabytes (MB) For billing purposes, traffic is normally quotes in MB per month Traffic is one of the variables by which most Web hosting companies charge their customers
the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so. The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice. + trafficking traf·fick·ing He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug trafficking. trafficked trafficking traffic in to buy and sell illegal goods
Traffic in something such as drugs or stolen goods is an illegal trade in them. Traffic in illicit drugs was now worth some 500 thousand million dollars a year
1 The flow of messages in a communications system or link 2 The size of that flow, usually measured either as an average or peak data rate or as the amount of data moved over a specified time For example, "The traffic on our Net server has hit 200 megabytes per hour "
Traffic is the flow of messages through a communication system
Traffic is the amount of information being sent over the Internet Generally, traffic increases when there are more people connected to the Internet The Internet Traffic Report site measures and reports on the flow of Internet traffic around the world
social or verbal interchange (usually followed by `with')
deal illegally; "traffic drugs"
This term is used to describe how many people visit your Web page It can be measured in many different ways, such as hits and impressions, by many different software packages
{f} deal in, sell (especially illegal drugs)
Traffic refers to the movement of ships, trains, or aircraft between one place and another. Traffic also refers to the people and goods that are being transported. Air traffic had returned to normal The railways will carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic see also air traffic control
Traffic refers to all the vehicles that are moving along the roads in a particular area. There was heavy traffic on the roads the problems of city life, such as traffic congestion. see also traffic jam
with reference to the number of passengers or the amount of freight carried
A term used to describe the amount of data transferred and the number of visits made to a web site in a given period The (expected) level of traffic is what determines which infrastructure you require for your web store It is also what determines how much you have to pay to your ISP
The number of visitors to a Web page or Website Refers to the number of visitors, hits, page accesses, etc , over a given time period As a general term, it describes data traveling around the Internet
buying and selling; especially illicit trade the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
The number of visits to an Internet site, as in "Our traffic increased by 100,000 visitors last week "
A reference to the number of visitors a web site receives
The business done upon a railway, steamboat line, etc
Refers to the number of visitors a website gets
the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
(broadcast usage) 1 The coordinated sequential appearance of program and interstitial (filler) material comprising a broadcast day 2 The department in a communications organization which prepares each broadcast day's operations schedule
The calls being sent and received over a communications network Also, the packets that are sent on a data network
Traffic refers to the number of visitors a site receives Since that's a number that can be tracked in many different ways, site marketers usually choose to put their best stat forward, be it pageviews, visitors, impressions, or hits
{i} movement of vehicles or persons; trade, commerce; load of messages in a communications network (Computers)
deal illegally; "traffic drugs
The amount of data to pass though a specific location or transport
vehicles using public roads transhumance seasonal movement by pastoral farmers of their livestock between areas of different climate transition zone in a city, the area surrounding the central business district, characterized by ageing industry, derelict land, and low-cost housing; it is the edge of the inner city transmigration relocation of large numbers of people away from overpopulated core regions (see l^core and periphery) to less crowded areas transpiration in plants, the process by which water is given off as vapour from leaves tremor minor earthquake tributary river a small stream/river that joins a larger river
Activity on a network or an individual circuit
buying and selling; especially illicit trade
traffic beam
A headlight setting intended for roads with traffic on them at night

When cars are near.”.

traffic beams
plural form of traffic beam
traffic boy
A crossing guard who is a boy
traffic boys
plural form of traffic boy
traffic calming
the deliberate slowing of traffic in residential areas by the installation of obstacles to progress
traffic calmings
plural form of traffic calming
traffic circle
an intersection with a circular shape and, usually, a central island
traffic circles
plural form of traffic circle
traffic cone
A cone-shaped marker, generally made out of plastic or rubber, that is placed on roads or footpaths to temporarily redirect traffic in a safe manner
traffic cones
plural form of traffic cone
traffic island
A stretch of raised concrete in the middle of a roads used to prevent drivers from driving into oncoming traffic or private roads
traffic islands
plural form of traffic island
traffic jam
A situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow
traffic jams
plural form of traffic jam
traffic light
the coloured dots on stamp sheet margins printed with offset litho or photogravure methods, used by the printers to check colour accuracy
traffic light
a signalling device positioned at a road intersection or pedestrian crossing to indicate when it may be safe to drive, ride or walk, using a universal colour code
traffic lights
plural form of traffic light
traffic paddle
Paddle-shaped hand-held signal used by police, airport ground staff etc for directing traffic
traffic school
A place one can go to after they've had a traffic violation in order to get the points taken off their driver's license
traffic sign
A sign for the control of traffic or the information of drivers

The traffic signs on motorways are particularly clear and well lit at night.

traffic signal
A traffic light
traffic signal box
any of the large metal boxes containing traffic signal controls, found at roadsides and intersections, and often made available by the local council for artistic work
traffic signal boxes
plural form of traffic signal box
traffic signals
plural form of traffic signal
traffic signs
plural form of traffic sign
traffic ticket
A ticket gotten for violation of the local road rules
traffic violation
A violation of the rules of the road
traffic warden
A civilian employed by the police to regulate traffic and issue parking tickets
traffic wardens
plural form of traffic warden
Alternative spelling of traffic light
traffic code
Traffic code (also motor vehicle code) refers to the collection of local statutes, regulations, ordinances and rules that have been officially adopted in the United States to govern the orderly operation and interaction of motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and others upon the public (and sometimes private) ways
Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System
The Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (or TCAS) is a computerised avionics device which is designed to reduce the danger of mid-air collisions between aircraft. It monitors the airspace around an aircraft, independent of air traffic control, and warns pilots of the presence of other aircraft which may present a threat of mid-air collision (MAC). It is an implementation of the Airborne Collision Avoidance System mandated by International Civil Aviation Organization to be fitted to all aircraft over 5700 kg or authorised to carry more than 19 passengers
traffic cone
A conical marker used on a road or highway (as for indicating an area under repair)
traffic ticket
An official notification of a traffic offence, issued by a traffic warden or the police
traffic warden
A uniformed official who locates and reports on infringements of parking regulations
traffic accident
terrible accident involving cars and other vehicles and pedestrians
traffic artery
major intersection, road which is used by many vehicles, main roadway
traffic block
obstacle which is used so as to detain or stop the flow of traffic
traffic calming
Traffic calming consists of measures designed to make roads safer, for example making them narrower or placing obstacles in them, so that drivers are forced to slow down. traffic calming schemes. changes made to a road to stop people driving too fast
traffic channel
path through which traffic travels through
traffic circle
a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary
traffic circle
A traffic circle is a circular structure in the road at a place where several roads meet. You drive round it until you come to the road that you want. A circular one-way road at a junction of thoroughfares, facilitating an uninterrupted flow of traffic.Also called regionally rotary. a circular place where two or more roads join, which all traffic must drive around British Equivalent: roundabout
traffic circle
movement of cars through a circular rotary
traffic cone
A traffic cone is a plastic object with a pointed top that is placed on a road to prevent people from driving or parking there
traffic control
control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
traffic control
traffic police, branch of the police which is responsible for enforcing traffic laws
traffic cop
a policeman who controls the flow of automobile traffic
traffic court
a US court of law that deals with people who have done something illegal while driving
traffic court
a court that has power to prosecute for traffic offences
traffic disruption
interruption of the movement of traffic
traffic in human beings
buying and selling of human beings, commerce of humans (as in the slave trade)
traffic island
A raised area over which cars may not pass, placed at a junction of thoroughfares or between opposing traffic lanes. a raised area in the middle of a road where people can wait until it is safe to cross
traffic island
small surface in the middle of a road, intermediary stop for pedestrians crossing the street; division between opposite lanes of traffic
traffic island
an island area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
traffic jam
A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic, or because the road is blocked by something. a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or can only move very slowly
traffic jam
caravan of traffic vehicles that cannot advance
traffic jam
a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move
traffic lane
a lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane
traffic lane
a lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane"
traffic laws
laws which regulate traffic on the roads
traffic light
Traffic lights are sets of red, amber, and green lights at the places where roads meet. They control the traffic by signalling when vehicles have to stop and when they can go. Traffic lights can also be referred to as a traffic light. A road signal for directing vehicular traffic by means of colored lights, typically red for stop, green for go, and yellow for proceed with caution. Also called stoplight, traffic signal
traffic light
instrument for directing traffic via changing lights, automatic mechanism in the form of a lantern
traffic light
a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections
traffic light installation
placing a traffic light, setting up a traffic light
traffic magistrate
judge which presides over trials for traffic law violations
traffic management
(Ticaret) The process of determining timely and economic delivery methods, arranging internal or external transportation, and tracking shipment status and logistics network issues
traffic mile
Any unit of the total obtained by adding the passenger miles and ton miles in a railroad's transportation for a given period; a term and practice of restricted or erroneous usage
traffic offense
violation of the road rules, moving violation, violation of traffic laws
traffic pattern
the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; "the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded"; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted
traffic policeman
policeman whose job it is to enforce traffic laws
traffic regulations
laws that control traffic on the roads
traffic report
official notice of a traffic violation that was committed
traffic route
path through which vehicles travel
traffic school
a class that teaches you about driving laws, that you can go to instead of paying money for something you have done wrong while driving
traffic sign
signpost, road-sign, sign for directing traffic
traffic signal
instrument for directing traffic via changing lights, automatic mechanism in the form of a lantern
traffic violation
breaking a law which concerns the driving of a vehicle
traffic warden
(British) metermaid
traffic warden
A traffic warden is a person whose job is to make sure that cars are not parked illegally. someone whose job is to check that people have not parked their cars illegally
truck traffic
trucks coming and going
advanced traffic management
Technologies that monitor and manage traffic flow to improve transportation efficiency
air traffic control
A system designed to give assistance to aircraft, to prevent collisions and to manage aircraft flow
air traffic controller
A person who operates an air traffic control system, to expedite the safe flow of aircraft
Someone who traffics; a trader or merchant
The exploitative movement of people across borders
The distribution of illegal drugs
The movement of an enzyme (or other protein) through tissue
the smuggling of illegal arms
{n} one who trades, a trader, a dealer
Traffic lights
past of traffic
someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
{i} seller, one who deals or trades (especially illegal drugs)
A trafficker in particular goods, especially drugs, is a person who illegally buys or sells these goods. They have been arrested as suspected drug traffickers. someone who buys and sells illegal goods, especially drugs
One who traffics, or carries on commerce; a trader; a merchant
plural of trafficker
buying and selling illegally; refers here to selling human beings, usually women or children, into prostitution or some other form of slavery
present participle of traffic
the buying and selling of illegal goods, especially drugs
To transport, transfer, or otherwise dispose of, to another, as consideration for anything of value, or make or obtain control of with intent so to transport, transfer, or dispose of Trafficking in products with counterfeit marks is a crime under 18 U S C § 2320
{i} act of selling, act of trading, act of dealing (especially illegal drugs)
third-person singular of traffic