(Askeri) YÜK NET AĞIRLIK TONİLATOSU: Bir geminin long ton olarak ifade edilen, taşıma kapasitesi. Bu tonilato; yakıt, su, kumanya, panyol tahtaları ve sefer için lüzumlu diğer maddeler ded veyt tonilatosundan çıkarıldıktan sonra, geri kalan kısmıdır. Buna "cargo capacity tonnage" "cargo; carrying capacity" de denir
(Askeri) NET AĞIRLIK TONİLATOSU: Bir geminin; kendi ambar eşyası, suyu, yakıtı ve yükü dahil, gerçek taşıma kapasitesi. Buna "deadweight capacity" de denir
(Askeri) BİNDİRME VE TONAJ ÇİZELGESİ: Muharebe yüklemesi yapılmış bir gemide personel yükü, kıta veya gemi birimleri ile gösteren, birleştirilmiş bir çizelge
(Askeri) GAYRİ SAFİ TONİLATO, BRÜT GEMİ TONAJI: Bir geminin, gayrisafi ton (register ton) olarak ifade edilen, bütün iç hacmi. Buna (gross tonnage) da denir. Bu tonilatoya şunlar dahil değildir: safra, su koymaya yarayan tanklar, açıkbaş kasara köprüsü, geminin kıç tarafı, ambar ağzı, belirli havalandırma ve aydınlatma yerleri kazan dumları ve kaportalar, yolcu kamaraları ve diğer bazı mahaller. Ayrıca bakınız: "tonnage"
(Askeri) YOL TONAJ KABİLİYETİ: Yollarda bulunan köprü ve buna benzer tesisler üzerinden, bunları çökertmeden geçebilecek büyük araçların ağırlık bakımından kapasitesi
(Askeri) BOŞ MAİMAHREÇ TONİLATOSU: Bir geminin, long ton olarak ifade edilen ağırlığı. Hamule, yolcular, yakıt, su ve sefer için lüzumlu diğer maddelerin ağırlıkları buna dahil değildir. Bak. "tonnage"
(Askeri) NET TONİLATO: Bir geminin, gayri safi tonilato olarak ifade edilen ve boş mai mahreç tonilatosundan, aşağıdaki belirli kısımlar çıkarıldıktan sonra, geri kalan tonilato; kaptan kamarası, tayfa ve subay mahalleri, seyrüsefer mahalli, şaft tüneli, makine dairesi, kazanlar vesaire. Buna bazen (net tonnage) de denir. Bak. "tonnage"
(Askeri) BİRLİK PERSONEL VE TONAJ ÇİZELGESİ: Muhabere yüklemesi yapmış bir geminin yükleme planına eklenen, personel miktarını ve yükün cins, hacim ve ağırlık olarak toplamını gösteren çizelge
The tonnage of a ship is its size or the amount of space that it has inside it for cargo
The unit of measure used in air conditioning to describe the heating or cooling capacity of a system One ton of heat represents the amount of heat needed to melt one ton (2000 lbs ) of ice in one hour 12,000 Btu/hr equals one ton of heat
Tonnage is the total number of tons that something weighs, or the total amount that there is of it
Tonnage is the carrying capacity of a ship By international agreements merchant vessels are measured by their total volume The figure calculated in this way is given in gross registered tons (GRT) The figure for net registered tons (NRT) is calculated by deducting the area of the crew quarters, fuel bunkers, engine rooms, etc from the GRT Often, especially in the case of tankers, the size is given in tdw (tons dead weight) This figure expresses the total carrying capacity of a ship in long tons (1 lt = 1016 kg) However, to calculate the exact cargo weight, the bunker, water and other stocks must be deducted from the tdw figure There are no fixed conversion rates between GRT, NRT and tdw The following can, however, be used a rough guide: NRT = 2 5 tdw; 1 GRT = 0 6 tdw; 1 tdw = 0 4 NRT
A ton of refrigeration is the amount of heat required to melt a ton (2000 lb ) of ice at 32o F, 288,000 Btu/24 h, 12,000 Btu/h, or 200 Btu/min
{i} total capacity of a ship (calculated in tons); weight of cargo carried in a ship (calculated in tons); tax imposed on a ship's cargo; size of a fleet of ships (measured by the combined capacity of all ships)
The amount of waste that a landfill accepts, usually expressed in tons per month The rate at which a landfill accepts waste is limited by the landfill's permit
The cubical content or burden of a vessel, or vessels, in tons; or, the amount of weight which one or several vessels may carry
The net or register tonnage of a vessel is the remainder after deducting from the gross tonnage of the vessel the tonnage of crew spaces, master's accommodations, navigation spaces, allowance for propelling power, etc It is expressed in tons of 100 cubic feet
A vessel's gross tonnage minus deductions of space occupied by accommodation for crew, by machinery, for navigation, by the engine room and fuel A vessel's net tonnage expresses the space available for passengers and cargo
The measure of the useful capacity of a vessel determined in accordance with the provisions of the international convention on tonnage measurement of vessels
Turkish pronunciation
/ˈtənəʤ/ /ˈtʌnəʤ/
[ 't&-nij ] (noun.) 15th century. in sense 1, from Middle English, from Middle French, from tonne tun; in other senses, from 1ton; more at TUNNEL.