to vanquish

listen to the pronunciation of to vanquish
English - Turkish
hakkından gelmek

Düşmanlarımızı yenmeliyiz. - We must vanquish our foes.

Rakiplerimizi yenmeliyiz. - We must vanquish our opponents.

mağlup etmek
{f} kırmak (kibir)
alt et
{f} yenmek, mağlup etmek, yenilgiye/mağlubiyete uğratmak, hakkından gelmek
English - English
To defeat, to overcome
{v} to conquer, subdue, overcome
A disease in sheep, in which they pine away
come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
Hence, to defeat in any contest; to get the better of; to put down; to refute
{f} win; conquer, defeat
To vanquish someone means to defeat them completely in a battle or a competition. A happy ending is only possible because the hero has first vanquished the dragons = overcome. to defeat someone or something completely (venquis, past tense of veintre , from vincere; VICTOR)
To conquer, overcome, or subdue in battle, as an enemy
to vanquish


    to van·quish

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı vängkwîş


    /tə ˈvaɴɢkwəsʜ/ /tə ˈvæŋkwɪʃ/