to the best of your knowledge and belief

listen to the pronunciation of to the best of your knowledge and belief
English - German
nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen
the best of
die besten
to the best of ones knowledge and belief
nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen
English - French

Definition of to the best of your knowledge and belief in English French dictionary

the best of
le meilleur des
English - Greek

Definition of to the best of your knowledge and belief in English Greek dictionary

the best of
το καλύτερο της (to kalytero tis)
English - Danish

Definition of to the best of your knowledge and belief in English Danish dictionary

the best of
det bedste af
to the best of your knowledge and belief


    to the best of your knowl·edge and be·lief

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı dhi best ıv yôr nälıc ınd bîlif


    /tə ᴛʜē ˈbest əv ˈyôr ˈnäləʤ ənd bəˈlēf/ /tə ðiː ˈbɛst əv ˈjɔːr ˈnɑːləʤ ənd bɪˈliːf/