to talk to all of them you individually

listen to the pronunciation of to talk to all of them you individually
English - Turkish

Definition of to talk to all of them you individually in English Turkish dictionary

to talk to
to talk to all of them you individually


    to talk to all of them you in·di·vi·du·al·ly

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı tôk tı ôl ıv dhım yu îndîvîcuıli


    /tə ˈtôk tə ˈôl əv ᴛʜəm ˈyo͞o ˌəndəˈvəʤo͞oəlē/ /tə ˈtɔːk tə ˈɔːl əv ðəm ˈjuː ˌɪndɪˈvɪʤuːəliː/