to take to the streets

listen to the pronunciation of to take to the streets
English - Turkish

Definition of to take to the streets in English Turkish dictionary

take to the streets
1. Bir olay, karşı çıkış, isyan yahut kutlamayı sokaklara taşımak2. Topluca ayaklanmak, isyân çıkarmak
English - English

Definition of to take to the streets in English English dictionary

take to the streets
To rampage or riot
take to the streets
To gather together in the public streets of a town or city to show communal solidarity in either celebration or opposition
take to the streets
1. (context, of a crowd of people) Gather together in the public streets of a town or city to show communal solidarity in either celebration or opposition.2. Rampage or riot
to take to the streets

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı teyk tı dhi strits


    /tə ˈtāk tə ᴛʜē ˈstrēts/ /tə ˈteɪk tə ðiː ˈstriːts/