to take back goods that have not been completely paid for

listen to the pronunciation of to take back goods that have not been completely paid for
English - German
Ware zurücknehmen, für die nicht vollständig bezahlt wurde
to take back goods that have not been completely paid for


    to take back goods that have not been com·plete·ly paid for

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı teyk bäk gûdz dhıt häv nät bın kımplitli peyd fôr


    /tə ˈtāk ˈbak ˈgo͝odz ᴛʜət ˈhav ˈnät bən kəmˈplētlē ˈpād ˈfôr/ /tə ˈteɪk ˈbæk ˈɡʊdz ðət ˈhæv ˈnɑːt bən kəmˈpliːtliː ˈpeɪd ˈfɔːr/