to take action to prevent stop such practices

listen to the pronunciation of to take action to prevent stop such practices
English - French

Definition of to take action to prevent stop such practices in English French dictionary

to take to
à prendre pour
English - Danish

Definition of to take action to prevent stop such practices in English Danish dictionary

to take to
at træffe for at
English - Portuguese

Definition of to take action to prevent stop such practices in English Portuguese dictionary

to take to
tomar para
English - Chinese

Definition of to take action to prevent stop such practices in English Chinese dictionary

to take action
to take action
to take action
to take action to prevent stop such practices


    to take ac·tion to pre·vent stop such practices

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı teyk äkşın tı privent stäp sʌç präktısız


    /tə ˈtāk ˈaksʜən tə prēˈvent ˈstäp ˈsəʧ ˈpraktəsəz/ /tə ˈteɪk ˈækʃən tə priːˈvɛnt ˈstɑːp ˈsʌʧ ˈpræktəsəz/