to sump

listen to the pronunciation of to sump
English - Turkish
lağım çukuru
(Askeri) ALT KARTER: Bir içten yanmalı motoru yağlamak için yağın pompalandığı ve devir daim için tekrar geri döndüğü depo
yağ karteri
i., İng., oto. karter
yağ haznesi
drenaj kuyusu
maden kuyusu
alt karter
bir kazıya başlamadan evvel tecrübe veya yoklama kabilinden kazılan tünel
ALT KARTER: Bir içten yanmalı motoru yağlamak için yağın pompalandığı ve devir daim için tekrar geri döndüğü depo
(oto.) yağ karteri, alt karter: Bir içten yanmalı motoru yağlamak için yağın pompalandığı ve devir daim için tekrar geri döndüğü depo
maden ocağının dibinde su birikintisine mahsus kuyu
(Nükleer Bilimler) hazne
{i} kazıya başlamadan önce kazılan tünel
yağ karteri/su kuyu
{i} maden ocağı su kuyusu
{i} yağ karteli
English - English
A hollow or pit into which liquid drains, such as a cesspool, cesspit or sink
The pit at the lowest point in a circulating or drainage system (FM 55-501)
An intentional depression around a drain or scupper that promotes drainage
Of a cave passage, to end in a sump, or to fill completely with water on occasion
A completely flooded cave passage, sometimes passable by diving
The bottom of a shaft at which underground water gathers for pumping to the surface
a pit or a pool in which water collects In a cave, a sump may simply be a water-filled low place in an otherwise dry passageway, a small, temporary obstacle which provides an invigorating plunge or ear-dipper for wet-suit clad explorers Or it may indicate that the remainder of the cave beyond that point can only be explored by scuba-equipped cave divers The extent of the sump must be successfully determined before further exploration can continue
A place where water completely fills the cave passage
An intentional depression around a drain
a well or other hole in which water has collected an oil reservoir in an internal combustion engine
an intentional depression around a roof drain or scupper that serves to promote drainage
a hole to collect run-off
The pit at the lowest point in a circulating or drainage system
The cistern or reservoir made at the lowest point of a mine, from which is pumped the water which accumulates there
The lowest part of a mine shaft into which water drains
A built in basin containing a pump that continually removes groundwater from outside your basement’s walls and floor, discharging the water away from your house It prevents water from inundating your basement
An additional water reservoir, typically under a tank, to keep equipment out of sight or increase the amount of water in a system
A sump is a deep cave which is often filled with water
A depression around roof drains and scuppers to help promote roof drainage
Subsurface chamber, usually beneath a floor drain, designed to capture the solids in shop wastewater
a well or other hole in which water has collected
Pit or large plastic barrel below the basement floor to collect ground water from a perimeter drain system
a depression or trench constructed to collect drainage of water or spilled oil from storage, transfer or unloading areas
A puddle or dirty pool
The sump is the place under an engine which holds the engine oil
The crankcase or oil reservoir of an internal combustion engine
an oil reservoir in an internal combustion engine
The low area of water in an aquarium system The sump is the reservoir below the dry section of a wet-dry or trickle filter The water level in the sump varies with evaporation
A round pit of stone, lined with clay, for receiving the metal on its first fusion
A pond of water for salt works
a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it
an intentional depression around a roof drain
Completely flooded passage
{i} drainage ditch, pit into which waste liquid drains; chamber into which motor fluids drain before being recirculation or disposal
A depression around roof drains and scuppers to help facilitate roof drainage
Point in the cave where the water fills the cavern entirely Probably more feared than either a shaft or a squeeze
A small pit at the lowest point of a mine or excavation into which water can drain and out of which water can be pumped
A pit in the basement in which water collects to be pumped out with a sump pump
A reservoir that collects and holds water or some other liquid, which is subsequently disposed of using a pump
Pit or large plastic bucket/barrel inside the home designed to collect ground water from a perimeter drain system
Pit or reservoir serving as a drain or receptacle for liquids
A pit or tank that catches liquid runoff for drainage or disposal
to sump